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Tag Archives: anti-semitism

UN schools for Palestinian children accused of teaching terrorism

The United Nations voted on Friday to renew the mandate of the U.N. body that provides schools to Palestinian children.  Only the US and Israel voted against the resolution.  Both have exposed ...

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Jewish group meets with German Passion Play over stereotypes

passion play

Once a decade, thousands of Christians make the pilgrimage to Germany for the Oberammergau Passion Play, which first was performed in 1634. As the May 2020 production approaches, a Jewish organization met ...

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Universities promoting Islam to students may lose taxpayer funds

After having been caught spreading lies and misinformation through a government-funded education program, Duke University and the University of North Carolina have run out of time to keep that program’s multi-million dollar ...

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Last remaining Jews in Sudan move to Israel with emotional greeting

The last remaining Jews of South Sudan finally arrived in Israel this week after being separated from their relatives for more than 10 years. Suzi Makoriel and her three children made the ...

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Radical Congresswomen boycott bi-partisan trip to Israel

There’s not much that both Democrats and Republicans can agree on these days. Unless you’re talking about bi-partisan support for Israel. They can agree on that. Support for Israel regularly brings people ...

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LA Times condemns leftist California ethnic curriculum as ‘group think’


Jewish leaders say a new ethnic studies curriculum proposed by the California Department of Education “effectively erases the American Jewish experience” and “would institutionalize the teaching of antisemitic stereotypes” in public schools. ...

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With comments, Trump jumps into Democrat Party civil war

President Trump has stood firm on comments in which he suggested some liberal legislators in the Democrat Party should go back to their “broken and crime infested” home countries, saying that their ...

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Bipartisan group organizes tour of Holocaust Memorial in DC

A bipartisan group has organized a private, after-hours tour of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., for members of Congress on July 16. An invitation was released on Thursday by ...

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Germans to wear kippahs to support Jewish community

Germans are being asked to wear a Jewish skull cap, or kippah, on Saturday in solidarity with the Jewish community as anti-Semitism rises. A German official had warned Jews last week to ...

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Family in synagogue shooting had escaped rocket attacks on Israel

For one family who witnessed the weekend attack on their San Diego synagogue, it was not their first encounter with terrorism. A lone terrorist entered the Chabad of Poway Synagogue in San ...

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Secretary of State Pompeo: God may have raised up Trump like He raised up Queen Esther

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told CBN News in a sit-down interview that it is very possible that President Trump is a modern-day Esther poised to defend Israel and save the Jewish people. CBN‘s ...

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Top Rabbi in Argentina brutally attacked in home

As hate crimes against Jews increase around the world, many are seeing wondering if the incidents mirror those of the early 1930s. Monday, Argentina’s chief rabbi was brutally beaten in his home ...

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New Congresswoman continues anti-Jewish tweets

The hatred of Jews from one freshman U.S. Congresswoman is seething from her Tweets and forcing the Democrat Party to publicly denounce her just months after celebrating her election. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) ...

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‘Terrorists in Suits’ aim to isolate Israel from world

JERUSALEM, Israel – An organization has released its “Terrorists in Suits” report that investigates individuals tied to anti-Israel activities who have ties to terrorism. Israel’s Strategic Affairs Ministry says dozens of leaders ...

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Thousands turn out in Poland for murdered mayor

After the Christian mayor of a famous city in Poland died last week, the Jewish community around the world is mourning his loss.  Paweł Adamowicz died after an attacker stabbed him at ...

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DNC drops Women’s March over anti-Semitism

women's march anti-semitism

The Democratic National Committee has dropped its partnership in the Women’s March over anti-Semitism concerns, according to a Democratic source. This development comes amid accusations of anti-Semitism within the movement’s leadership, causing ...

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Malaysia refusing Israeli participation in paralympics

Malaysia is refusing to allow Israel’s Paralympics swimming team to enter the country to compete in the World Para Swimming Championships in July. The event will be held in the city of ...

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ACLU sues Texas over pro-Israel commerce law

Texas is being sued by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) over a state law requiring contractors to certify that they do not participate in a boycott of Israel. In 2017, Gov. ...

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One in three European Jews want to leave

BRUSSELS—More than one in three European Jews have considered emigrating over the past five years because they no longer feel safe amid a surge in anti-Semitism, a European Union study showed on ...

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Airbnb enters West Bank dispute, removes Jewish listings

The popular hospitality service Airbnb has picked sides when the company announced it would not allow listings in Judea and Samaria, both of which are nestled in a disputed swath of land ...

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Man arrested in Synagogue trashing was a Obama campaign worker

The media and civil rights organizations were quick to finger Republicans and Trump supporters for the anti-Semitic messages found in a synagogue in Brooklyn, New York. Turns out, the man arrested is ...

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When people hate Jews, they hate who Jesus is

On the Jewish Sabbath last week, an anti-Semitic terrorist filled with hate murdered eleven worshippers within Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue. It is being called the deadliest attack on Jewish people in ...

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Israeli leaders offer prayers after synagogue attack

Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the attack on Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue Saturday. “I was heartbroken and appalled by the murderous attack on a Pittsburgh synagogue today,” Netanyahu said in ...

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Meet the Christian group that wants to turn you against Israel

Evangelical Christians are some of Israel’s biggest supporters in the United States. However, there is a movement to turn them against Israel and it’s coming from other Christians. For the first time ...

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Megachurch ditches 10 Commandments?

“Kids, don’t follow the 10 Commandments.” It’s not a church teaching you would ever hear – until now. Andy Stanley, a megachurch pastor in Georgia, is under fire once again for downplaying ...

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