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Tag Archives: Bible

Sharing faith may lose doctor his medical license

sharing faith

A Christian doctor in England could lose his medical license for sharing faith comments in his meetings with patients. Dr. Richard Scott, a general practitioner at the Bethesda Medical Center in Margate, ...

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Internet preachers like Marcus Rogers are drawing millions online


As those under the age of 35 increasingly avoid brick-and-mortar churches, they are logging in to listen to online preachers who unashamedly share Jesus and Biblical truths through social media. One of ...

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Is an artificial intelligence Antichrist possible?

There was a time when most of humanity could envision some occupations that would be replaced by machines, technology or artificial intelligence. Working as a fashion model probably wasn’t one of them. ...

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Israel Folau’s new fund gets nearly $300,000 after GoFundMe ban

A fresh fundraising effort for Israel Folau has already amassed more than $278,000 in donations, just hours after it was launched by the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) after he was banned by ...

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GoFundMe shuts down campaign for Christian rugby player’s legal fees

GoFundMe has shut down the campaign to raise funds for legal fees for a Christian Rugby player.  The campaign had raised $750,000 after Folau’s multi-million dollar playing contract was terminated after he shared ...

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Chinese Christians memorizing scripture: ‘Can’t take away what’s hidden’


Wayne Cordeiro, pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Hawaii, is praying that American Christians become more like Chinese Christians, including memorizing the Bible. METRO VOICE: China Continues Religious Persecution of ...

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Vatican agrees with science: you cannot change your sex


Pope Francis has again gone on record rejecting the idea that people can choose or change their genders.  The Vatican is following accepted biological and medical science that human sex is determined ...

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First female-narrated Bible brings comfort to women’s prisons

women's prisons

A first-of-its-kind audio Bible app is available to download on devices across the country, including for women inmates in state prisons. Courage for Life has worked to develop the first female-narrated New ...

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‘Do not let’ replaces ‘Do not lead’ in Lord’s Prayer

Pope Francis has officially approved a change to the Lord’s Prayer that many theologians say was due. The change concerns Matthew 6:13 and replaces “lead us not into temptation” with “do not ...

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Bible translation effort to begin in country where evangelism is illegal

bible translation

The Wycliffe bible translation organization is ready to begin scripture translation for 10 languages in an undisclosed nation where the government fiercely opposes Christianity, and evangelism is illegal. The international ministry, known ...

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Christians across U.S. praying for the President today

Franklin Graham is calling on Christians nationwide to pray for President Trump today.  During a cable news appearance, the son of the late Billy Graham said it’s not a political endorsement, but simply ...

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Bible survives tornado that caused house to fly


That scene in the Wizard of Oz where a house can fly, thrown into the wind by a tornado? It happens. An entire home lifted off the ground by a massive tornado ...

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Rocker Ozzy Osbourne visits Ark Encounter for TV show

Staff at the Ark Encounter in Kentucky had a chance to share a Biblical view of creation with Black Sabbath frontman Ozzy Osbourne and his son, Jack. The pair visited The Ark ...

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Why have we become numb to demonic entertainment?

Why is it that a kid wearing a MAGA hat smiling at a Native American drumming in his face can become a national scandal, but a mainstream performance can have a performer ...

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Cubs reliever Steve Cishek carries this laminated Bible when he plays

Chicago Cubs relief pitcher Steve Cishek has revealed his secret to staying calm at those high-pressure moments on the baseball field — he keeps a Biblical reminder in his back pocket. Cishek, ...

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‘Higher calling’: Chick-fil-A CEO’s gracious response to activists

Chick-fil-A is taking the high road when it comes to those critical of the beloved quick-service eatery and its CEO, Dan Cathy, who many years ago expressed his personal support of the ...

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5,000 year old grave reveals murdered family were cared for in burial

In a mysterious case of mass murder that happened  around the time of the destruction of the Tower of Babel in Genesis, 15 bodies found buried in a grave in Poland in 2011 show ...

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Winning people over in a polarized culture

Today’s polarized political climate mirrors another growing gap in America: the dramatic rise of people who claim no religion at all, also known as “nones.” This demographic is most common among young ...

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College student in court to defend right to share Gospel


The Alliance Defending Freedom will go before the US 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Tuesday to defend a former college student who was silenced while trying to share the gospel with fellow students at ...

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Need help forgiving others? Let these quotes from Scripture guide you

Forgiving is one of those fundamental lessons we try and teach our kids from an early age: when siblings bicker or hurt each other, or if friends break a toy. Yet when ...

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Why every spending decision is an investing decision

We all would like great health and physical fitness, but only people with self-discipline achieve such goals. Other areas of life are the same way. Investing time, commitment, and sacrifice into your ...

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Rugby player accused of ‘high-level’ misconduct for Bible verse

Israel Folau, the Australian national rugby player who was suspended for posting a Bible verse calling people to “repent,” has been found guilty of a “high-level breach” of professional conduct. Folau’s Rugby Australia contract ...

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Oral storytelling still important in spreading the Gospel

Conversation, social interaction, storytelling and repetition are all important factors in memory enhancement.  In fact, research has shown that storytelling and engaging conversations are some of the best ways of activating the ...

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Colorado school shooter hated Christians, Trump

The 18-year-old suspected school shooter in Colorado shared social media posts critical of President Donald Trump and Christians with hate for the Bible thrown in. According to the New York Post, Devon Erickson’s Facebook page ...

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Iranian intelligence minister admits citizens finding Christ

For over a decade, news of Iranians coming to Christ has leaked out of Iran.  For the first time, Iran’s intelligence minister has admitted publicly that Christianity is indeed spreading throughout Iran. ...

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