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Tag Archives: biden

Biden envoy to the Taliban quits after two months

The U.S. special envoy to the Taliban has quit, saying the Biden administration’s efforts to prevent Afghanistan from becoming terror haven is failing. U.S. ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad tendered his resignation on Monday ...

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Colin Powell dead of Covid, was fully vaccinated

Former Secretary of State and retired Gen. Colin Powell has died at age 84, his family announced Monday morning. Powell, who served under Republican presidents, “passed away this morning due to complications ...

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Commission on expanding the Supreme Court against the idea, upsetting progressives

President Joe Biden’s attempts to pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices may have hit a roadblock. A commission created by Biden issued draft documents late Thursday revealing significant skepticism towards progressives ...

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From New York to Pakistan, brothers fight blasphemy law

Christians in Pakistan are often relegated to undesirable jobs such as manual sewage cleaning, but Nadeem Samson’s small business selling herbal medicines was doing so well in 2016 that he out-earned his ...

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More than 4.3 million quit jobs in August alone

As the Biden vaccine mandate is challenged by workers from Southwest Airlines pilots to medical staff, 4.3 million U.S. workers quit their jobs just in August. Economists fear the numbers could even ...

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Northern Europe suspends Moderna vaccine for under 30


All of northern Europe is now saying it’s too dangerous to administer the Moderna covid vaccine to anyone under 30 years of age. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded to Nordic ...

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Biden administration to buy $1 billion in additional covid tests

The Biden administration spending $1 billion to purchase an additional 180 million rapid COVID-19 tests on top of the $2 billion announced in September. The news comes as an Australian company has ...

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Parents concerned about education are not terrorists

When it comes to educating our children, parents should be at the absolute center of that conversation. After all, nobody should be more invested in ensuring kids get a quality education than ...

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Christian school organization, female athletes ask to join lawsuit about transgender regulations

Christian Schools International and three female athletes are trying to intervene in a lawsuit challenging President Biden’s reinterpretation of sex discrimination. The new policy will allow biological males to compete against girls ...

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Missouri won’t comply with Democrat’s bank snooping plan

missouri bank

If the Democrat-controlled Congress enacts invasive new bank financial reporting rules, Missouri Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick will not comply. The proposal being pushed by the Biden administration requires financial institutions to report information ...

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Are the government and media ignoring the religious aspect of Afghanistan?

The headline on the National Catholic Register story is simple and timely: “Trapped by the Taliban, Praying for Escape from Afghanistan.” But it is not a headline you’ll find in most media. The ...

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Japan talks of possible war as China threatens it and Taiwan

Japan is supporting Taiwan and preparing for possible war with China as the Chinese communist regime continues threatening Taiwan, and now Japan, with illegal military incursions. The warning came from Japanese Foreign ...

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U.S. Supreme Court will consider pro-life and other key issues as new term begins

democrats court pack court cases foster law justices

The U.S. Supreme Court will open its new term on Monday with several cases of importance to Christians on the docket. Among the 34 it so far has agreed to hear are ...

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Whopping majority of Americans oppose Biden spending bill

New polling shows the Biden/Harris/Pelosi spending bill is one of the most unpopular Democrat schemes in modern history. The  Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018 and 2020—is releasing ...

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Dollar Tree not exactly a dollar in response to inflation crisis

dollar tree

Dollar Tree is the latest retailer to change its business practices in response to what’s becoming known as the “Biden Inflation Crisis”. The popular store, which until now only sold $1 items, ...

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Christian school threatened with closure over mask mandate

A private Christian school has imposed a mask mandate after it was threatened with closure by the city of Loveland, Colorado. Now the school is filing a lawsuit against the local health ...

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Iran continues to violate agreements, could be 10 weeks from nuclear weapon

The Islamic Republic of Iran already is violating an agreement it made with the International Atomic Energy Agency just a few weeks ago. The deal reached between the two sides would allow ...

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“Things happen through God,” Donald Trump says in interview

Former President Donald Trump has indicated that he will run for the office again in 2024. Last weekend, he told CBN News that God could play a part. “I guess a bad ...

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Taliban bans women from Kabul University

Women are now banned from studying or working at Kabul University after the Taliban’s newly appointed chancellor takes office. Mohammad Ashram Ghairat, a BA degree holder, stepped into the role of chancellor of ...

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“People need to be outraged”: trafficking now rising across United States

Human trafficking continues to be a silent epidemic across the nation, said Kevin Malone, president and co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking, whose organization runs the nation’s sole accredited ...

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Trump takes huge lead in 2024 matchups

Former President Donald Trump would be the frontrunner for the Republican nomination if he chooses to enter the 2024 race, according to a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to “The Hill.” ...

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Biden administration overrides vaccine advisory panel

vaccine panel

President Joe Biden’s political appointment heading the CDC has overridden its vaccine advisory panel on who should receive the booster shot.  Early Friday, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said people as young ...

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American, British bureaucracy is killing Afghan Christians

british afghan

In his speech to the U.K. parliament on Sept. 6, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson updated the House of Commons on efforts to evacuate British nationals, British forces and Afghan colleagues from ...

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Stealth aid agency in Israel rescues 41 women from Taliban

taliban israel

After the U.S. surrender of Afghanistan to the Taliban left millions at risk, Israel has come to the rescue of 41 women. The UK’s Telegraph is reporting that among those moved covertly out ...

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Vaccination mandate is “massive threat” to religious freedom says commentator

vaccination mandate

President Biden’s vaccination mandate threatens religious freedom in the United States, conservative commentator Dave Rubin states. “It’s a massive threat, and it’s an absolute assault on the Constitution of the United States ...

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