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Tag Archives: gay marriage

Majority of Protestant pastors oppose gay marriage

protestant gay

Despite increasing cultural support for gay marriage, a large majority of Protestant pastors still support the biblical belief that it is reserved for a man and woman, a new Lifeway Research study ...

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Alistair Begg clarifies controversial advice about transgender wedding

begg wedding

Pastor and broadcaster Alistair Begg is doing damage control after his recent advice about attending a transgender wedding drew widespread backlash. In a recent sermons, he said his comments were not meant ...

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Faith leaders urge Senate to reject same-sex marriage bill that passed House

More than 80 Christian and politically conservative groups delivered a letter to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell asking him to oppose a same-sex marriage bill. The “Respect for Marriage Act” measure gives ...

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Japan upholds ban on same-sex marriage

A Japanese court has upheld a ban on same-sex marriage by dismissing a lawsuit that argued it was unconstitutional. Three same-sex couples in their 30s and 50s sued in the Osaka District ...

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Reformed Church in America is latest denomination to divide over sexuality issues

More than 40 congregations have left the Reformed Church in America, one of the oldest Protestant bodies in the United States, over sexuality issues. The departure of the Bible-based congregations to a ...

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Catholic bishops meet to discuss denying Biden communion

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will meet his week to discuss whether President Biden will be allowed to receive communion while promoting abortion until birth and forcing colleges to allow biological ...

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Baptist leaders respond to pope’s call for same-sex civil unions

Southern Baptist leaders have responded with scripture to Pope Francis’s call for same-sex civil unions. “Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family,” the pope said in a documentary. ...

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Liberal evangelical leader urges Biden to moderate positions

A Liberal evangelical opposed to Donald Trump is asking Joe Biden to do more to appeal to conservative evangelicals concerned about abortion and religion freedom. The plea comes as Biden has moved ...

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Traditional marriage Methodist churches may leave denomination

methodist churches

As the fallout continues over the issue of homosexuality in the United Methodist Church, a number of churches are considering starting a new denomination based on a traditional interpretation of scripture. A ...

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Episcopal Church disciplines Bishop for supporting Biblical marriage

The United States Episcopal Church is disciplining one of its bishops because he upholds the biblical position on sex and marriage. Bishop William Love, of Albany, has been accused of violating canon ...

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Support of same-sex marriage surges among mainline pastors

Almost one-half of pastors of mainline Protestant churches say they support same-sex marriage, according to a new survey from LifeWay Research. However, support remains low among evangelical pastors. The poll of 1,000 ...

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Bill in Missouri Legislature would redefine marriage as a civil union

A Missouri state representative is drawing fire from both sides of the political spectrum over his bill that would change the legal definition of marriage to that of a civil union. Supporters ...

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Democrat legislators in Virginia walk out on black pastor’s prayer

virginia democrats

Praying about abortion and traditional marriage didn’t sit well with Democrat members of the Virginia House of Delegates this week. Democrats, who won control of the legislature last November, walked off the ...

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Hallmark Channel decisions on ads have now angered all sides in culture wars

hallmark ad

Another large company has given conflicting messages in the culture wars. Chick-fil-A was accused of changing its giving practices in response to criticism, and now the Hallmark Channel has reversed course and ...

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Episcopal Diocese of Missouri elects gay married man as bishop

episcopal gay

The Episcopal Diocese of Missouri last weekend elected a gay married man as its next leader. The vote was held during the annual convocation at Christ Church in St. Louis. Appearing by ...

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Buttigieg pushes back against O’Rourke’s plan to punish churches


Democrat presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, the openly gay mayor of South Bend, Ind., doesn’t think much of fellow candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke’s plan to punish churches that oppose gay marriage by ...

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Beto O’Rourke’s plan to destroy churches

Has Francis “Beto” O’Rourke leaked his plan to force churches to accept gay marriage? With seven words—“It is going to be an issue”—the U.S. government signaled to orthodox Christians that if they ...

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Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke vows to go after churches with traditional view of marriage

Churches that teach traditional biblical values may be breathing a sigh of relief that Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is trailing badly in the Democratic presidential primaries. He made headlines last week by ...

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Liberal Methodist leaders gather to fight denomination’s marriage ban

methodist, hamilton

Hundreds of United Methodist leaders from the liberal wing of the denomination were joined by activists in Leawood, Kansas this week for the “UMC Next” conference. The event was organized to plan ...

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Is this Indiana mayor who espouses faith the new Obama?

ANALYSIS. More than a decade ago, a man by the name of Barack Obama burst onto the political scene with charisma and communication skills that propelled him to the presidency. Part of ...

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Chick-fil-A gets last laugh after boycott attempts

Every so often, there’s another flicker of outrage against Chick-fil-A. This month, the San Antonio City Council blocked the restaurant from opening an outpost at the city’s airport. It’s a reminder that ...

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Christianity in Europe is strongest where it was banned; survey shows differences between countries

Research over the past couple of years reveals that Christianity in Europe is the strongest where it was banned. “The Iron Curtain that once divided Europe may be long gone, but the ...

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