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Tag Archives: harris

Democrat conventions have a history of drama and local connections

democrat conventions

The Democrat Party has a history of power struggles, raucous attendees, and drama at its presidential conventions. This year provides its own unique set of circumstances. Let’s look at a few of ...

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U.S. backs off opening Jerusalem consulate which would weaken new embassy

The Biden/Harris plan to diminish the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem with a competing consulate has hit a snag. Israel’s deputy foreign minister said on Sunday that the Biden administration may end its ...

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Whopping majority of Americans oppose Biden spending bill

New polling shows the Biden/Harris/Pelosi spending bill is one of the most unpopular Democrat schemes in modern history. The  Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018 and 2020—is releasing ...

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Trump takes huge lead in 2024 matchups

Former President Donald Trump would be the frontrunner for the Republican nomination if he chooses to enter the 2024 race, according to a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to “The Hill.” ...

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Biden administration mocked for bragging about saving 16 cents on July 4th food

Americans can thank the Biden administration this year for saving 16 cents on the cost of food for their Fourth of July celebrations. “Planning a cookout this year? Ketchup on the news,” ...

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In Harvard poll, even Democrats agree that cancel culture threatens freedom

poll cancel

Americans believe cancel culture poses “a threat to our freedom” according to a new poll by Harvard CAPS-Harris. Two in three of all respondents, (sixty-four percent), answered yes when asked “Do you ...

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Biden, Harris announce they’ll reverse pro-life executive orders

The fears of pro-life voters are being realized as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris prepare to reverse policies that have saved countless babies from abortion. Should they officially be declared the winners ...

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Who can really heal the nation?

Joe Biden spoke of it during his victory-claiming, Saturday night speech. Time Magazine has now made it their new front cover. It is, we are being told, “time to heal.” But will it be that easy? ...

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Tucker Carlson calls Harris ‘most secular candidate ever to run’

harris carlson

Fox News host Tucker Carlson is not buying the claims of faith by vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris. “First of all, Joe Biden and I are both people of faith,” Harris said ...

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Clergy of Color group slams Harris for praising Black Lives Matter organization

clergy of color

Not all African Americans support the Black Lives Matter agenda. Conservative Clergy of Color, a coalition of African-American pastors who say they were called to bring a new perspective to the nation’s ...

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Biden chooses Kamala Harris who once called his policies ‘racist’

Joe Biden announced Thursday that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) will be his running mate for the 2020 Democrat ticket for president. The Democrat convention is expected to make it official even as ...

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Socialism isn’t free: millennials learn hard lesson

Free isn’t always free. That’s what a new study finds millennials are leaning when it comes to government programs and socialism. The survey by the Harvard Institute of Politics shows 18-to-29-year-old voters ...

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Democrats using faith as weapon in nomination hearings

Is the new rule of Democrats in nomination hearings that people of faith need not apply? Questions thrown at people of faith by Democrats concerns religious leaders who are now warning lawmakers ...

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