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Tag Archives: healthcare

Canadian healthcare denies home health care, pays for assisted suicide

Many Democrat politicians and other critics of the private American healthcare system point to Canadian healthcare as a model the U.S. should emulate. But one Canadian family is fighting the Canadian healthcare ...

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Civil war evident in Democrat debates

The first of two nights of Democrat debates in Detroit highlighted what some analysts describe as a civil war for the direction of the Democratic Party. Liberal candidates pushing for radical change ...

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Judge upholds Trump alternative to ObamaCare

The Trump administration is celebrating another legal victory after a federal judge upheld the administration’s expansion of cheaper short-term health insurance plans as an alternative to ObamaCare. Two years after its inception, ...

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Americans should worry that Britain ordered disabled woman to abort child

While the debate over abortion in our country rages around the issue of life vs. choice, many Americans may have missed the news that a British judge recently ruled a women under ...

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Trump signs executive order: ‘The Opposite of Obamacare’

Patients will find a lot more transparency in health care pricing after President Donald Trump signed an executive order he called “the opposite of Obamacare.” As of Monday, it directs the Department ...

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Medicaid expansion is a failure: Lots of spending, little benefit

Researchers from MIT and Harvard recently released a report concluding that Obamacare had a “clearly positive effect on access to and consumption of health care.” Nearly 16 million people gained coverage through Medicaid expansion while just ...

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What to Know When Selecting a Medicare Plan

For the millions of Americans aged 65 and older, Medicare is a critical source of health care. And during the Medicare Annual Election Period between Oct. 15 and Dec. 7, those eligible ...

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What’s the Difference Between Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants and Doctors?

Doctors are in increasingly short supply these days, so it’s not uncommon for patients to spend more time with physician assistants (PAs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) than their actual MD. This trend ...

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