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Up to 9 more nations line up for peace with Israel

It has been revealed up to nine more nations are seeking peace deals similar to those between Israel and the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. President Donald Trump made the announcement to reporters gathered for the historic ...

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Responding to Woodward, Dr. Anthony Fauci says Trump wasn’t ‘distorting anything’

Media outlets and Democrats are accusing President Donald Trump of lying as he worked to avoid panic during the early months of the coronavirus. But the “bombshell” book  by Bob Woodward is ...

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Bott Radio Network boosts power at Fort Smith, Ark., station

bott radio

Kansas Citians traveling to the Ozarks have a new option to listen to their favorite Bible teachers. Overland Park-based Bott Radio Network has increased the power of 88.9 FM in Fort Smith, ...

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Top MSNBC producer resigns, exposes network as ‘cancer’ stoking ‘division’

An MSNBC producer is blowing the whistle on the network’s agenda to divide the nation. Ariana Pekary penned a damning resignation letter Monday comparing broadcast news to a “cancer” that is stoking national ...

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Washington Post settles $250 million defamation suit with student Nick Sandmann

Newsrooms across the nation, enjoying relative immunity from the consequences of publishing falsified stories, have again been rocked this week. Nick Sandmann, the high school student who was subjected to negative press ...

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After endorsing Obama/Biden twice, police unions now support Trump

police unions

Families of police officers applauded this week as the National Association of Police Organizations (NAPO) endorsed President Donald Trump for reelection. It had supported the Obama/Biden ticket in 2008 and 2012. The ...

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Christian human rights group joins others denouncing New York Times

Two human rights groups have condemned a recent New York Times (NYT) report for what they described as an “open display of religious bigotry” against the spiritual group Falun Gong, which is ...

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AP news service politicizes capitalization of ‘White’ and ‘Black’

In a move that may have even English teachers scratching their heads, the Associated Press said Monday it will not capitalize the word “white” in stories when referring to race and culture. ...

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Former NFL coach Tony Dungy responds to critics of America and CNN


Tony Dungy encourages Americans to work to improve the United States while also celebrating the blessings they enjoy. He’s also leading the way as Christians push back against a hostile media. “Over ...

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Trump-backed candidates sweep House, Senate primaries

Candidates who tied themselves closely to President Trump swept Republican primaries across the nation on Tuesday as voter enthusiasm among Republicans reaches historic levels. Two of the races have huge implications for ...

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Forget the polls as political science professor says Trump headed for a landslide

Four years ago national polls showed Hillary Clinton 12 points ahead of then candidate Donald Trump. On election day, Trump won in an electoral college landslide. Fast forward to 2020 and polls ...

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Oregon official admits faking racist letter

racist letter

In yet another example of a faked hate crime, an Oregon politician has admitted he fabricated the entire thing.  Oregon Democrat Jonathan Lopez confessed to penning a racist letter to himself after ...

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Media shamed: ‘Not one question about children who were killed’ says White House press secretary

media children

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany shamed the assembled news media at the daily White House press briefing. McEnany said the media asked numerous questions about the Confederate flag but none about ...

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Kansas City-St. Joseph Catholic Diocese ends ‘The Catholic Key’ newspaper

catholic key

The Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph no longer has its own newspaper. “The Catholic Key” has stopped publication. “The Catholic Key” had been published since 1968, and the 27 counties in ...

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US may ban communist Chinese app TikTok over security concerns

TikTok, the social media app gaining popularity in the U.S. and around the world, may soon be banned. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said late on Monday that the United States is ...

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Media hated Trump Mount Rushmore Speech while public applauded

mount rushmore, china, news

President Trump’s Independence Day speech was met with cheers from the right and derision from the left.  Media critics are wondering if news outlets actually watched the speech before commenting on it. ...

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Pew Poll: 80% of Americans say media favors one political side

news media poll

A recent Pew poll found that almost sixty percent of Americans believe news organizations “don’t understand people like them” and eighty percent believe the media are biased. “Overall, 59 percent of Americans ...

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Media outlets ignore death threats to black GOP Senator Scott


News networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have all turned a blind eye to a New York Times report detailing recent death threats and racial slurs being left on the office voicemail of ...

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Undercover: FB employees admit deleting content of conservative users

Investigative videographer James O’Keefe’s and Project Veritas on Tuesday released a short video as part of what the #ExposeFacebook movement, which reveals Facebook insiders opening up about how they delete pro-Trump material ...

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Is President Trump a white supremacist and racist?

This past Saturday, after President Trump’s Tulsa rally did not draw the expected capacity crowd,  (it broke cable broadcast records) Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, of New York’s 14th congressional district in NYC, tweeted, ...

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Lessons learned during lockdown can be valuable as churches move forward

As many churches reopen, it’s important to remember lessons learned during the lockdown, said Phil Cooke, a Christian media consultant in Los Angeles. “Before we leave the worst part of the pandemic ...

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Dr. Ben Carson on “ridiculous” statue removal: “we’re going to have to grow up as a society”

carson statues

Housing and Urban Secretary Dr. Ben Carson wouldn’t play games on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” Sunday. The respected cabinet member had some advice about the move to rename things and remove ...

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Hundreds turn out at memorial for retired black police officer killed by looter


Hundreds of people gathered on June 9 to pay their respects to the family of David Dorn, a retired St. Louis police captain who was gunned down by a looter while trying ...

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Missouri officials: No new COVID-19 cases caused by Lake of the Ozarks pool parties

After what many considered a media-driven expectation of a spike in new Covid-19 cases after much-publicized pool parties at the Lake of the Ozarks on Memorial Day weekend, those reports now appear ...

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Black pastor on Israeli television defends Trump tweets, says American media unfair

israeli tweets

Pastor Darrell Scott, CEO of the National Diversity Coalition for Trump, told an Israeli television network that people have selective hearing when it comes to President Donald Trump’s tweets about the George ...

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