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Tag Archives: pandemic

World uniting against Communist China over pandemic

china world

The world is uniting against China after diplomatic frustration and anger over the Communist regime’s secrecy, propaganda, misinformation and aggressive diplomacy reaches a boiling point. In recent weeks, Chinese diplomats have engaged ...

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Missouri cuts budget after shut-down reduces taxes

missouri budget

The Missouri House on Wednesday approved an operating budget with about $146 million in cuts. The total budget is $34.9 billion. Business closings during the coronavirus outbreak have reduced tax revenues, and ...

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Trump administration: No stimulus for Planned Parenthood

The Trump administration followed through this week on its promise to Americans that coronavirus stimulus funds will not be distributed to Planned Parenthood. Congress allotted $2.4 trillion in aid for the global ...

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Kansas City policy requires churches keep ‘lists’ of those entering

A Kansas City phased reopening guideline requiring churches to keep “lists” of attendees, has alarmed many who see it as an infringement on religious liberty and privacy. In the policy issued by ...

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Satellite ministry SAT-7 sees Middle East audience surge from COVID-19 lockdown

Sat-7 covid-19

Millions of people across the Middle East and North Africa are finding help right in their own homes through “living television.” In the region where Christianity began but is now a minority ...

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‘State of the Plate’ poll: most churches see giving decline

A new “State of the Plate” poll involving more than 1,000 churches across all 50 states shows that more than six out of 10 churches have seen a decline in offerings since ...

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Chick-fil-A sales and donations surge in response to coronavirus

chick-fil-a covid-19

A Chick-fil-A restaurant is finding that serving others during the coronavirus outbreak is not just the right thing to do – it also is good for business. “With nice days like today, ...

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Noted Israeli scientist: COVID-19 to wind down after 70 days

70 days

COVID-19 will run its course in about 70 days, regardless of government measures, according to a prominent Israeli scientist. Isaac Ben-Israel is a physicist, mathematician, retired major general and head of two ...

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Lockdown in India: 1 billion people on edge of starvation

The world’s biggest coronavirus lockdown has been extended, leaving more than a billion people in India on the edge of survival amid fears of mass starvation, Gospel for Asia reported this week. ...

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Pandemic causing young people to embrace the Gospel

Although churches are livestreaming services by necessity because of the pandemic, this digital gospel ultimately could lead to a great awakening. That’s the view of Greg Laurie, pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship ...

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Plenty of good news is happening even amid the ongoing pandemic

good news pandemic

Reading the news headlines these days is not for the faint of heart. As we know, news outlets thrive and profit from bad news – especially the pandemic. News ratings during the ...

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President announces new testing strategy to allow rebound of economy

As more states move towards opening up and easing restrictions on individual rights, President Donald Trump on Monday unveiled new testing plans to speed up and expand testing for the coronavirus nationwide. ...

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Billy Graham chaplains minister during pandemic and tornadoes

billy graham tornadoes

Samaritan’s Purse, the disaster relief arm of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, is being stretched by pandemic response and the tornadoes that raged across Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana overnight last week. Teams ...

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Facebook deletes pages protesting stay-at-home orders

Protests are erupting across the nation, questioning the erosion of Constitutional rights during state mandates for stay-at-home orders. Now, those groups are being targeted themselves with Facebook deleting their pages. Facebook is ...

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Cuomo supports Trump views on failure of WHO

cuomo trump

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said that President Donald Trump was right to question the World Health Organization (WHO) for its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Speaking at his daily briefing on the coronavirus, the novel coronavirus that causes ...

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Here’s the reopening schedule with all 50 states as COVID-19 flattens

The debate whether the nation’s governors and mayors overstepped Constitutional boundaries will be debated for years. In fact, lawsuits charging unconstitutional restrictions of freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, have already ...

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Finding peace in the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has caused disruptions in our lives at a level not experienced for generations. As a counselor, I have recently heard people describe feeling paralyzed, paranoid, hopeless, fearful about the ...

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President Trump redirects part of WHO funding to Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse will receive part of the money originally earmarked for the World Health Organization. President Donald Trump halted funding to the WHO earlier this month after arguing that the U.N. body ...

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EchoHealth providing KN95 masks to general public

Metro Voice has added a new sponsor. EchoHealth is a Kansas City-based company making KN95 masks available to the public during the coronavirus pandemic. The masks, which are registered with the FDA, ...

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First US state sues Communist Chinese government over coronavirus

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt on Tuesday sued the Chinese government over the way it has handled the coronavirus pandemic. It is the first state to file such a suit, according to ...

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Family Research Council documents erosion of religious freedom as pandemic continues

religious freedom pandemic

Several Christian organizations are expressing concern about how government health policies are encroaching on religious freedom guaranteed in the Constitution. In a newly released issue brief, “Restrictions on Religious Freedom During the ...

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Nearly half of pastors hope to be back in churches by May

pastors churches may

Nearly half (47 percent) of pastors hope to be back in their churches by May, according to a new Barna survey. However, an increasing number are shifting their expectations to later this ...

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The ‘Squad’ wants $14,000 debit card for illegal immigrants

Unpopular Democrat Congresswoman Rep. Ilhan Omar has been joined by three other  Democrats, commonly referred to as “The Squad,” in calling for American taxpayers to pay out stimulus funds to illegal immigrants.  ...

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President Trump to suspend immigration to slow spread of COVID-19

President Donald Trump has announced he’ll sign an executive order temporarily suspending immigration into the United States in an effort to slow COVID-19. The administration is working out details on the suspension ...

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Switzerland lights up Matterhorn mountain with U.S. flag in show of support

Europeans are showing their support for the American people, including in Switzerland. The country has illuminated iconic Matterhorn mountain with the United States flag during the coronavirus pandemic. Zermatt Matterhorn posted a ...

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