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Tag Archives: pro-life

Planned Parenthood loses court case over new Missouri law

In a major setback for Planned Parenthood in Missouri, a judge has ruled that state restrictions were not “undue” burdens on women seeking abortions. Current Missouri law requires that abortionists have hospital admitting ...

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Democrats block bill that protects babies after abortion

As polls show young Democrat voters increasingly identifying as pro-life, Senate Democrats Monday night blocked legislation that would protect babies who survive botched abortion attempts. The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which ...

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Christian movie directors say ‘R’ rating on pro-life film is censorship

abortion rating unplanned

Christian filmmakers behind the pro-life movie “Unplanned” have refused to alter the film’s message despite being informed by the Motion Picture Association of America that the film will be rated R — ...

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Trump ends ‘slush fund’ for Planned Parenthood

The Trump administration has delivered a blow to the abortion industry, finalizing a rule that redirects Title X family planning funds away from groups like Planned Parenthood, which is America’s biggest abortion provider. ...

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KS Rep. Roger Marshall: NY abortion law is a danger to mothers – I know, as a doctor who’s delivered 5,000 babies

In his State of the Union address, President Trump called on Congress to prohibit late-term abortions. What has happened to our nation when the president of the United States has to ask legislators ...

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Push to expand abortion backfires, pro-life support grows

In 2019, Democratic politicians have doubled down on their push to expand abortion including late-term abortions up to the moment of birth. In January, New York governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation that ...

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Catholic student files massive lawsuit against Washington Post

Nick Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High School student, is suing The Washington Post and possibly dozens of other media outlets, for $250 million in damages. “Lin Wood and Todd McMurtry filed their ...

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Kansas Republican lawmakers denounce New York abortion law

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” — Senator Mary Pilcher-Cook, R-Shawnee, on the Senate floor quoting Martin Luther King, Jr. Republican lawmakers in Kansas last week denounced legislation passed recently ...

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President Trump takes pro-life cause personally, confronts Senator Coons

In a gathering which observers say showed Donald Trump’s deeply emotional response to the pro-life cause, the president met with an abortion survivor and a child who was born after just 20 ...

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Times Square screens to be blasted with ultrasounds

ultrasound times square

In a bold move, New York’s Times Square monitors screens will be blasted by live ultrasounds thanks to Focus on the Family. Focus on the Family announced the May 4 event for ...

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Ashton Kutcher posts Down syndrome advocate’s powerful pro-life testimony amid reignited abortion debate

Video of Special Olympian Frank Stephens’ 2017 testimony in front of Congress is going viral again after actor Ashton Kutcher posted it to his Facebook page last week with the message “Everyone’s life is valuable.” Kutcher’s ...

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Pro-life leaders respond with joy to President’s speech

President Donald Trump gave a clear and forceful message on pro-life issues during the State of the Union Address tonight with approval of the speech unanimous among pro-life leaders across the world. ...

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State of the Union will address pro-life and border security

“Choosing Greatness” is the theme of President Donald Trump’s second State of the Union address according to a senior administration official who briefed reporters at the White House. The speech, scheduled for ...

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Pro-life marchers fear future of abortion movement in Kansas

Wet weather didn’t stop hundreds of pro-life advocates from gathering Tuesday, January 22nd, at the Kansas Statehouse to mark the 46th anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision that made ...

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How former president George H.W. Bush became pro-life is a beautiful story

Late last year, former President George H.W. Bush was laid to rest after his passing at the age of 94. While his time in office is packed with many great achievements that ...

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MidWest March for Life is Saturday

The ninth annual MidWest March for Life will take place this Saturday in Jefferson City at the Capitol. Activities begin at 7:45 a.m. with the Capitol Prayer Walk. Those who wish to ...

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NY bookstore stands against new abortion law, closes store to mourn ‘thousands of babies that will die’

A New York bookstore is taking a stand against a law that was signed in the Empire State on Tuesday legalizing late-term abortions. On Wednesday, Jon Speed, owner of the Jon Speed: ...

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March for Life in Washington showcases progress

march for life

The nation’s capitol filled will pro-life individuals from across the nation Friday as the National March for Life got under way. While not getting the wall-to-wall coverage of the “women’s march”, the ...

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Vast majority of millennials support abortion limits

A new poll finds that, in spite of a pro-abortion message pushed in pop culture, most millennials support restrictions for abortion. “Millennials have lived with the harsh realities of abortion all their ...

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Missouri’s Hartzler introduces bill to defund Planned Parenthood

senate congressional hartzler u.s. religious

Missouri Congresswoman Vicky Hartzler  introduced a bill in the House this week to defund Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. The bill would “place a one-year moratorium on all federal funding ...

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Missouri Right to Life lists legislative successes, looks at 2019

As the 2019 legislative session kicks off, we reflect on what is now history and look ahead to begin making a future for those whose lives are in danger from abortion and ...

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Hollywood actress willing to risk it all for pro-life film, claims getting blacklisted ‘worth it’

Actress Ashley Bratcher has risked her career to star in a film that tells the story of a former Planned Parenthood employee who refused to refer any more babies for abortion after ...

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Youtube changes search results after too many pro-life videos appear

A progressive writer was frustrated last week after she discovered a simple search for “abortion” on YouTube yielded a series of pro-life video results. April Glaser, a journalist for Slate, revealed via ...

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Kansas must fund Planned Parenthood after ruling

Kansas must continue funding Planned Parenthood with state and Medicaid funding after a Supreme Court ruling. The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday, Dec. 10 announced it has refused to hear an appeal ...

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Organizations serving women share ‘wish list’ for Christmas

Looking to have a local impact with your giving this Christmas? Consider the great organizations that work in the pro-life area. Over the next two weeks, Metro Voice will publish the needs ...

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