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Tag Archives: pro-life

Sussie, one pound at birth, goes home for Christmas


“I’ll be home for Christmas” will always have a special meaning for Sussie Bea Patrick. And no doubt chocolate bars will always be her favorite candy for this preemie. Born in June, ...

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Wichita abortion clinic challenges Kansas telemedicine law

Back in late April, Kansans for Life stood tall in a battle over a bill to expand “telemedicine” so as to reinforce the state law that requires that a doctor be physically ...

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‘My Pillow’ inventor donates $1 million to pro-life film


I addition to his pillow, his donation may also help him sleep at night. The inventor of the “My Pillow,” Mike Lindell, is investing $1 million into the pro-life film “Unplanned.” “I’m ...

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Kansas City area State Senate and House Election Suggestions

MISSOURI STATE SENATE   DISTRICT 8 – Lee’s Summit/Blue Springs/Independence/Eastern Jackson County Mike Cierpiot is our choice over his challenger, Hillary Shields. She is a professional paralegal and is also a community ...

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Facebook censor ads featuring preemie babies


The social media giant Facebook removed and rejected a pro-life group’s election advertisements featuring the stories of two preemie babies who survived births. The Susan B. Anthony List, a national pro-life advocacy ...

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Is politics driving Gosnell movie’s removal from theaters?


The filmmakers behind “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” have questioned why hundreds of theaters have dropped the pro-life movie despite a very strong opening performance. They also shared various ...

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‘Gosnell’ is a good movie, not a sermon says director


The film “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” opened in theaters on Oct. 12 in the top 10 nationwide in only 20 percent of the theaters that bigger movies showed. ...

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Some parents won’t be told when hospital kills children

For years the pro-life community has warned that euthanasia was a slippery slope that would eventually lead to the forced euthanasia–including of children. Now, doctors from a Toronto children’s hospital have published ...

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‘Gosnell’ is a movie you must not miss


Anita and I went with friends to see the new movie “Gosnell” last night. It was sold out at the AMC in Leawood so we googled another showtime and drove to south ...

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Advice and aid wants to save the next life


Advice & Aid Pregnancy Centers, located in Overland Park, helps women and their families make an educated decision about an unplanned pregnancy. They do this by providing truthful, evidence-based, medical information about parenting, adoption and abortion. ...

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‘Gosnell’ is a gripping movie the media wants to ignore


A trio of forthcoming movies hailed by pro-life activists — led by the much anticipated “Gosnell” opening Oct. 12 — could influence Americans’ thinking on abortion, critics say. Starring Dean Cain as ...

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INFG: Why life? Why pro-grace?


We at If Not for Grace Ministries applaud and support October as the Respect for Life Month, designated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This effort began in 1972 to ...

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Missouri Right to Life–Western Region


The mission of Missouri Right to Life – Western Region is to achieve societal and legal recognition of and respect for the sanctity of human life through all its stages, from the ...

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Annual Life Chain will draw thousands on Oct. 7

chain, life chain

The 31st Annual Life Chain across the nation will take place Sunday afternoon, Oct. 7. It will include cities across Missouri and Kansas, including many in the Kansas City and Topeka Metro ...

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Trump stops FDA purchases of baby parts for research

The Trump administration has heard the concerns of pro-life organizations and pro-life Americans upset by the news that the FDA had purchased the body parts of aborted babies for research. In August, ...

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How will McCaskill vote on Supreme Court nomination?

The Washington Times Newspaper is reporting today that the fate of long-time incumbent Sen. Claire McCaskill and her bid for re-election may hinge on her Supreme Court vote. The paper says that ...

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Argentina Senate rejects abortion bill in historic vote

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — In a reversal of fortunes for the pro-abortion movement that has pushed for abortion around the world, Argentina’s Senate on Thursday rejected a bill to legalize elective abortion. ...

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“Me Again!” pro-life bus ads banned in Indiana


A pro-life group in Indiana is fighting back after a government-run public transit company rejected its bus ad aimed at educating the public about the humanity of unborn children. The incident unfolded ...

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Federal Judge slaps down Planned Parenthood lawsuit

WASHINGTON — A federal judge appointed to the bench by President Donald Trump has dismissed a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood challenging the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for altering its Title ...

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Missouri Democrats battle over admitting pro-life voters

After a publicly painful battle, the Missouri Democrat Party narrowly approved a new platform — one including a last-minute amendment welcoming “a diversity of views” on abortion. “We respect the conscience of ...

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Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh applauded by pro-family advocates

In a nationally televised address, Brett Kavanaugh was introduced to the nation as the nominee to replace retiring Supreme Court Associate Justice Anthony Kennedy. Kavanaugh was described as “a judge’s judge” by ...

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Supreme Court nominee to be announced Monday


The most lasting legacy of any president is the choice of a nominee for the Supreme Court. President Donald Trump is finalizing his own decision–which will undoubtedly be the most important of ...

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Republican Senator opposes any pro-life Supreme Court nominee


U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, a key swing vote for the next U.S. Supreme Court nominee, said she will not support a judge who opposes Roe v. Wade and abortion. Collins, a pro-abortion Republican from ...

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Thousands from across nation will gather for the National Right to Life Convention in Overland Park

For the first time in its history, the National Right to Life Convention comes to Kansas this week. The convention begins Thursday, June 28, at the Sheraton Hotel in Overland Park. The ...

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Pro-life pregnancy centers win big at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON – Pro-life Californians scored a big win in the Supreme Court Tuesday. In a 5-4 ruling, justices decided a California law that forces pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise information about abortion ...

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