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Tag Archives: pro-life

Newborn girl survives being buried alive for two days


A newborn baby girl has been discovered after being buried alive in a clay pot. The baby miraculously survived for two days before she was discovered, according to authorities in India. The ...

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Planned Parenthood opens Illinois abortion clinic to attract women from St. Louis

Missouri has a pro-life governor and legislature, while Illinois has one of the most liberal climates for abortion in the nation. As abortion options dwindle in the Show-Me state, Planned Parenthood has ...

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Parkville Women’s Clinic provides hope


Miriam came to the clinic worried that she might be pregnant. Miriam is from India and in her culture, she would be shunned for being pregnant out of wedlock. Her test was ...

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U.S. Supreme Court to hear first abortion case since appointments of Gorsuch and Kavanaugh

Abortion was the topic of heated discussion during confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominees Neal Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh. The court announced on Friday that it will hear an abortion case for ...

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Locations announced for Oct. 6 annual Life Chain event

chain, life chain

The 32nd Annual Life Chain across the nation will take place Sunday afternoon, Oct. 6. It will include 70 cities and towns across Kansas plus 84 in Missouri. Some of the largest ...

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Planned Parenthood, others lose $34 million with Trump policy

Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers are out $34 million in taxpayer funds as a result of the Trump administration’s rule generally prohibiting abortion referrals. Over 51 percent of Planned Parenthood’s clinic income ...

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Trey Gowdy to headline Vitae pro-life event

Popular former U.S. Congressman Trey Gowdy will be the keynote speaker at the Vitae Foundation’s annual Kansas City pro-life event on Tuesday, September 24. The Vitae Foundation is a national non-profit organization ...

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Citizens in Northern Ireland spontaneously gather to protest liberalizing abortion law

northern ireland

Tens of thousands of Irish citizens have spontaneously protested at the center of Irish government over a recently proposed change to the nation’s abortion laws. The “silent protest” was in response to British ...

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Trump administration supports Vermont nurse over conscience and abortion


On Wednesday, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced it’s issuing a notice of violation after a medical center in Vermont forced a nurse to violate her conscience by assisting ...

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Part of Missouri pro-life law blocked by judge


Portions of a Missouri law banning abortions after 8 weeks has been temporarily blocked by a federal judge. Other aspects of the law will go into effect this week. Judge Howard Sachs said ...

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‘Black & Pro-Life in America’ author: Abortion worse than homicides

Black homicides are at epidemic levels in the United States but there’s another even bigger killer. According to the Violence Policy Center, a national nonprofit educational organization that conducts research on violence ...

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Canadian healthcare denies home health care, pays for assisted suicide

Many Democrat politicians and other critics of the private American healthcare system point to Canadian healthcare as a model the U.S. should emulate. But one Canadian family is fighting the Canadian healthcare ...

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Planned Parenthood withdraws from Title X after Trump policy wins in court

The Planned Parenthood abortion business announced late Monday it will officially withdraw from the Title X program — costing it $60 million in taxpayer funds. Media outlets are wrongly reporting that the ...

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Pro-life college group wins equal funding lawsuit


A college pro-life group that was discriminated against by their California university has won a major lawsuit. A district court judge has ruled that mandatory student fees at California State University-San Marcos must ...

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Teen Vogue using Snapchat to show kids how to get abortions

Teen Vogue, known for providing kids with explicit articles on sex, is now using the social media platform Snapchat to advise them on how to get an abortion. The new social media ...

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‘Miracle’ 13-ounce premature baby born in Iowa


Premature babies are not expected to thrive like this. Weighing less than one pound, an Iowa baby born at just 23 weeks is being hailed as “miracle baby.” Fewer than one in ...

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“Choose LIFE” Kansas license plates available through end of year

choose life plates

After a 16-year battle, Kansans can finally pre-order the new “Choose LIFE” Kansas license plates. In 2002, the Kansas legislature approved the Choose Life license plate. However, the governor at the time, ...

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Planned Parenthood fires leader, wants more aggressive stance


Planned Parenthood CEO Leanna Wen has been fired just 10 months into her new job. The corporation, which is the nation’s largest abortion provider, wants a more aggressive activist as its leader ...

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Judge shuts down Kansas’ telemedicine abortions

A Kansas judge has reversed an earlier court ruling and now says that a clinic cannot provide telemedicine abortions.  The process takes place when a doctor guides a patient via video conference ...

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Tim Tebow calls on Christians to stand up for their values in America

Tim Tebow says that Christians need to stand up for Judeo-Christian values in America. At a recent conference, the popular sports figure and now movie producer said, “What’s amazing when you get ...

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National Right to Life endorses Trump 2020 campaign

The United States’ largest pro-life organization officially announced their endorsement of President Donald Trump for the 2020 presidential election. The National Right to Life Committee released a statement on Independence Day stating their ...

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Americans should worry that Britain ordered disabled woman to abort child

While the debate over abortion in our country rages around the issue of life vs. choice, many Americans may have missed the news that a British judge recently ruled a women under ...

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Abortions will continue through August at Missouri Planned Parenthood

Missouri’s last abortion clinic will be allowed to operate until August after a decision today by the Administrative Hearing Commission.  The Planned Parenthood clinic has injured at least 74 women in botched ...

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Young woman changes mind, saves twins


“Oh—twins.” That’s what Alexis heard as the ultrasound technician non-chalantly uttered the words while she received her ultrasound. In that instant life changed for Alexis (her name has been changed for privacy). ...

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Bridges across nation will sport pro-life signs June 28


Over 50 communities across the nation will make a pro-life statement for National Pro-Life Bridges Day make a Friday, June 28. Missouri cities participating include Jefferson City, St. Charles and Springfield. In ...

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