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Tag Archives: science

Biden announces his own expensive ‘green new deal’ on the climate

Former Vice President Joe Biden has announced a very expensive proposal to alter the world’s climate and will ask the American people to pay for it. The plan would reportedly cost more ...

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Mummy DNA supports Egyptian Dynasty descended from Noah’s son Ham


An amazing DNA discovery supports the Bible story that says Egypt’s first dynasty is descended from Noah’s son Ham.  The groundbreaking research is based on DNA taken from Egyptian mummies. CNN reports that ...

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Israel makes 5,000 year-old beer from ancient yeast

We all know the story of how Jesus turned water into wine. Now, a team of Israeli scientists have made beer using 5,000-year-old yeast. Beer is mentioned several times in the Bible ...

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Israeli scientists create first 3D print of a heart

The first 3D print of a complete heart was disclosed by Israeli scientists on Monday. The Tel Aviv University researchers called it a “major medical breakthrough,” advancing options for transplants even though ...

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White couple claims they’ve ‘changed’ their race

white couple

The escalating global debate over genetic identity has taken on a new twist. Now there’s a couple who were born white, but they say they’re changing to become black. The Daily Mail ...

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Glaciers growing again; now scientist says that’s bad news

You’ve probably heard the alarmed scientists and politicians before: Global warming is causing glaciers to melt, serving as the proverbial canary in the mine shaft of a planet on the brink of ...

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Second jury finds Roundup causes cancer

A U.S. jury ruled on March 19 that agrochemical company Monsanto’s weed killer product, Roundup,  was a major contributing factor in causing cancer. It is the second such ruling. Shares in Bayer, the ...

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Scientists who doubt evolution sign major petition

An online petition voicing scientific opposition to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution has reached more than 1,000 signatures, pointing to an increased consensus among the scientific community. The statement, “A Scientific Dissent From ...

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Scientists confirm how Sodom was destroyed


Many historians and scientists have, for years, doubted the Biblical story of Sodom. Destroyed by fire and heat from the sky, the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed for their sinfulness. ...

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School computer science gets boost from Gov. Parson


Missouri Gov. Mike Parson has signed a bill to allow high schoolers to apply a computer science credit toward math, science or practical art credits needed for graduation. Parson signed the bill ...

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What’s the truth about proposed new gender policy?

The Trump administration may soon spearhead efforts to define sex and gender according to biology. In a Department of Health and Human Services memo leaked to the New York Times, officials argue ...

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Who feels more purpose in life? Conservatives or liberals?

Add “feeling a purpose in life” to the list of differences betweens conservatives and liberals. People who associate with one of those groups are more likely to believe their lives are meaningful, ...

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Coffee drinkers live longer?

While Starbucks shutters storefronts across the nation, coffee itself may be getting a boost from recent studies. New research shows it may boost chances for a longer life, even for those who ...

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3 surprising reasons science isn’t done with God

The belief that science has an answer for everything seems universal. Often alongside it is the notion that God is therefore redundant and that believing in him is reminiscent of believing in ...

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“Jesus rode a dinosaur” and other silly science teens may learn at church


Growing up, Mike McHargue loved science. He would drive his youth pastor and Sunday School teachers “insane,” he said, with difficult questions in his quest to reconcile his faith with science. Eventually, his ...

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Is this Jesus? First 3D image of Shroud of Turin released


An Italian professor has created a 3D image of of the man on the Shroud of Turin, claiming that it is the “precise image of what Jesus looked like on this earth.” ...

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