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Tag Archives: speech

State of the Union will address pro-life and border security

“Choosing Greatness” is the theme of President Donald Trump’s second State of the Union address according to a senior administration official who briefed reporters at the White House. The speech, scheduled for ...

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Congressman Cleaver hopes President’s speech inspires unity

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, who represents Missouri’s 5th Congressional District, has some advice for the President’s State of Union speech…be inspiring. President Donald Trump will give his State of the Union address February ...

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Transcript of the President’s Saturday address

Most Americans were unaware that President Trump spoke to the nation Saturday afternoon. Metro Voice was provided a copy of the address by the White House. In our effort to bring you ...

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Franklin Graham suspended from Facebook

Evangelist Franklin Graham has revealed that he was suspended from Facebook for taking a stand for his biblical beliefs. The temporary ban lasted 24 hours, and while the censorship itself is shocking ...

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Christian students being silenced on campus

Christian students are being silenced on college campuses. New numbers reveal the phenomenon is causing a growing number to keep their religious, and even political, views to themselves. An annual survey by ...

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‘Ya’ll don’t do that again,’ principal told praying students

A Texas middle school has backtracked and will now allow its students to pray openly during lunch again after forcing them to hide any praying from the view of other students. Hannah ...

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Liberals exhibit racist condescension when addressing minorities

White liberals present themselves as less competent when addressing minorities, while conservatives use the same vocabulary no matter what the race of their audience, according to a newly released study. Yale and ...

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Loving your neighbor well: Can we be friends with neighbors who think differently than we do?

That particularly bitter New York winter whipped harsh promises against the front door of my neighbor’s house — promises that remained elusive and unimaginable. Behind that door, my neighbors, Ken and Floy ...

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Here’s Trump’s speech creating the buzz at the UN

The President addressed the UN Tuesday and it is being called one of the most important of his administration. In our effort to bring you information unfiltered by the national media, here ...

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Texas cheerleaders win case against censorship


Some Texas cheerleaders have another victory to cheer. The Texas Supreme Court has declined to hear an appeal of a lower court decision that protects the right of cheerleaders to display Bible verses ...

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Coach Tony Dungy helping players and kids find their voice

Legendary NFL coach Tony says one of the reasons he believes God has him working as a sports analyst is “to be the voice” for Christian players who want to speak about ...

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Pro-life pregnancy centers win big at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON – Pro-life Californians scored a big win in the Supreme Court Tuesday. In a 5-4 ruling, justices decided a California law that forces pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise information about abortion ...

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Could the Bible get caught up in Microsoft’s new conduct policy?

The news has been filled with the likes of Facebook, Google, Twitter and others misusing their customer’s private data, censoring speech and outright banning users with whom the company ‘gatekeepers’ disagree. As ...

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