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Tag Archives: terrorism

Israel responds after Hamas fires rockets at Jerusalem

The Israeli army reports that the chief of staff has called in troop reinforcements in the country’s south, as tensions continue to rise, despite international calls for a ceasefire. Israeli Defense Minister ...

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House votes to limit travel bans on terrorist-prone nations

travel bans

Prioritized by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrats passed a bill limiting a president’s authority to issue travel bans on individuals entering the U.S. The action was in response to President Donald Trump ...

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U.S. to lift sanctions on Iran as regime continues enriching uranium

sanctions iran

President Joe Biden has reversed course and will lift sanctions on Iran put in place by the Trump administration. The sanctions have been credited with defunding the regime, the world’s largest sponsor ...

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Border agency deletes news it captured suspected terrorists at border

border terrorists

The Biden administration is being admonished for deleting an official document regarding the arrest of two suspected terrorists from Yemen who crossed the U.S. border with Mexico. The Department of Homeland Security ...

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Why an attempted coup in Jordan is ‘bad news’ for neighbor Israel

The arrest in Jordan of nearly 20 people, including former Crown Prince Hamza bin Hussein, in a coup attempt has led to fears over the stability of the strategic Arab state. Jordan, ...

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U.S. and Israel hold joint navy exercise in Mediterranean

israel navy

The United States and Israel conducted a joint security patrol on Monday in the Eastern Mediterranean, the U.S. Navy said in a statement. The exercise comes after a devastating oil spill last ...

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Prayer needed as ISIS kills Christians in Indonesia

ISIS, having been defeated in the Middle East, has slowly been moving into regions thousands of miles away from Syria and Iraq. The news has Christians calling for a world-wide prayer effort. ...

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Horrific toll as 50 Christians beheaded in Mozambique

Islamic militants turned a village soccer field in northern Mozambique into an execution ground when they beheaded more than 50 people during three days of savage violence between Friday, November 6, and ...

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‘Islamic terrorist’ responsible for Vienna attack: authorities

vienna terrorist

Authorities have announced an “Islamic terrorist” was responsible for the deadly attack on Jews in Vienna, Austria late Monday. Gunmen attacked six locations in central Vienna on Monday evening shortly after 8 ...

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Historic bombshell: Behind the Trump brokered Israel–UAE peace accord

uae peace

The Israel-UAE peace accord is a game changer for peace in the Middle East. This is full diplomatic relations with an important Arab nation. The most significant advancement for peace in the ...

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Genocide in Nigeria: Calling it what it Is, calling for it to end

In terms of lives lost, families separated, people imprisoned, and churches shut down, the 21st century has, so far, been the worst period of persecution against Christians in recorded history. Among the hottest ...

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Trump gives powerful response to death of George Floyd, racism and rioting

During the launch of two American astronauts aboard the SpaceX Dragon rocket on Saturday, President Trump addressed the death of George Floyd and the rioting in Minneapolis and St. Paul, Minnesota. Below ...

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Facebook sparks controversy by naming Muslim Brotherhood activist to ‘oversight’ board

LONDON – The name of Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated Yemeni Nobel Prize winner Tawakkol Karman stood out as an odd addition to the oversight board of Facebook. The new oversight body includes four chairs: Former ...

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Topeka Capital-Journal cites discredited group to attack Alliance Defending Freedom

capital-journal alliance

When two churches filed suit in Federal Court against Kansas Governor Laura Kelly’s Executive Order limiting the size of church gatherings, The Topeka Capital-Journal newspaper denounced as a hate group the Alliance ...

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Ministry aims to rebuild villages destroyed by ISIS

Ever since former President Barack Obama called ISIS the “JV team,” the terrorist organization has decimated countless cities and villages across the Middle East. Now, a Christin ministry aims to rebuild the ...

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US announces major al-Qaeda leader killed in Yemen by US forces


U.S. forces have killed a major al-Qaeda leader with ties to the deaths of American service members. Qassim al-Rimi, was leader of the extremist Islamist group al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP). ...

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Dozens injured Thursday in Palestinian attacks on Isarelis

Security forces have arrested the Palestinian man responsible for injuring 12 soldiers when he rammed his car into them early Thursday morning outside First Station. The attacks on Israelis some just a ...

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New Yorkers banned from future Global Entry passport participation

New Yorkers applying for the Global Entry program and other trusted traveler programs have a new reality. They’re no longer considered “trusted.” That’s because the Department of Homeland Security is suspending enrollment ...

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Travel ban extended to six new nations over poor security

After weighing growing security concerns, the Trump administration has extended a travel ban for six additional nations. President Donald Trump signed the authorization for the countries who have failed to comply with ...

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Thirteen Nigerians murdered in latest attack on Christians

Thirteen Nigerian Christians are dead after a group of Fulani Muslim terrorists targeted their Christian village. The attack took place last week and news of the atrocity is just now making it ...

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UK, France and Germany change tune, now backing Trump on Iranian sanctions


The United Kingdom, Germany and France have announced today they’re fed-up with Iranian violations of the 2015 nuclear deal and put the blame solely on the Iranian regime. That’s contrary to American ...

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Iran admits shooting down jetliner

After growing world outrage, Iran announced that it shot down the Ukrainian jetliner that crashed on Wednesday, killing all 176 aboard. The crash occurred just minutes after taking off from the Iranian capital’s ...

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While Democrats protest death of Soleimani, Pompeo shows videos of Iraqis celebrating

On Saturday thousands protested across the United States against the killing of Iranian Revolutionary Guard leader General Qassim Soleimani. Democrat Presidential Primary candidates denounced President Trump and the killing while Hollywood actors tweeted ...

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UN schools for Palestinian children accused of teaching terrorism

The United Nations voted on Friday to renew the mandate of the U.N. body that provides schools to Palestinian children.  Only the US and Israel voted against the resolution.  Both have exposed ...

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Qatar has emerged as a safe haven for jihadists

If you watch any television, you’ve probably seen the commercials. Qatar Airlines touts itself as a modern, western airline with global reach offering passengers unparalleled comfort. But the airline is owned by ...

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