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Tag Archives: united nations

IMF: US recovery 50% stronger than expected

The U.S. economy is recovering faster than anyone thought. That assessment is not from the Trump administration but from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF has issued a “significant upgrade” to ...

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Churches in Burkina Faso abandoned as Christians flee jihadists

Churches across the North of Burkina Faso are being left deserted as Christians flee escalating violence from armed Jihadist groups, according to Open Doors UK & Ireland. The charity reports more than one ...

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Speculation grows as to the next Arab nation to sign Israel peace deal

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told American news outlets last week that he has been speaking with leaders from Arab countries in addition to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) following the American-mediated peace deal ...

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Samaritan’s Purse airlifts supplies and staff to Beirut

samaritan's beirut

Samaritan’s Purse is the latest disaster relief organization to send help to Beirut, Lebanon after half the city was damaged by an explosion. A DC-8 aircraft owned and operated by Samaritan has ...

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U.N. blacklist of companies operating in Judea and Samaria condemned

The Alliance for Israel Advocacy this week condemned the United Nations vote that created a blacklist of companies that engage in economic support of Jewish communities in what was Biblical Judea and ...

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Swarm of locusts devouring eastern Africa in Biblical proportion

The United Nations this week warned that a growing swarm of locusts puts hundreds of millions at risk of starvation across eastern and central Africa.  The swarm  passed through the Middle East ...

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UN schools for Palestinian children accused of teaching terrorism

The United Nations voted on Friday to renew the mandate of the U.N. body that provides schools to Palestinian children.  Only the US and Israel voted against the resolution.  Both have exposed ...

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Democrats today set to vote giving Judea and Samaria to Arabs

Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives are pushing through a vote Friday on their two-state resolution that would give the Biblical heartland of Israel to the Palestinian Authority. This  “two-state solution” ...

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Nikki Haley: God has brought ‘lessons’ and ‘change’ through Trump’s presidency; Rick Perry agrees

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said that God is using Donald Trump’s presidency to create “change” and to help teach the country “lessons.” CBN News chief political analyst David ...

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Nikki Haley: Tillerson tried to recruit me to ‘resist’ Trump

Nikki Haley, the former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, has revealed that Rex Tillerson and another senior adviser were working to destroy the president’s agenda and attempted to recruit her in ...

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Leading scientists send letter to UN stating there is no climate emergency

A group of scientists and professionals in climate and related fields sent a letter to the United Nations on Sept. 23 declaring that “there is no climate emergency.” “The general-circulation models of climate on which international ...

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President makes history talking about religious freedom at UN

President Donald Trump has made history becoming the first US President to ever host a meeting at the United Nations on religious freedom. “As President, protecting religious freedom is one of my ...

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At UN, Israeli mother pleas for return of son’s remains held by Hamas

Leah Goldin, the mother of Israeli soldier Hadar Goldin whose remains are being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip, addressed the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva on Monday. In her ...

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President Trump to focus on religious freedom at UN

President Donald Trump is set to make the protection of religious freedom a key focus at next week’s United Nations meetings in New York. “The President will highlight American values and underscore that America is a positive ...

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United Nations acknowledges persecuted Christians

persecuted christians

For the first time since its inception, the United Nations is remembering persecuted Christians around the world. The commemoration is called the UN International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence ...

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UN wrongly targets Israel on women’s rights while ignoring real abusers

In a shocking, or perhaps not-so shocking vote the U.N. Economic and Social Council approved a resolution that targets only Israel for alleged violations of women’s rights, while ignoring countries like Iran, ...

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Switzerland suspends funding to Palestinian ‘refugee’ agency

An ethics report that found gross mismanagement in the UN agency for Palestinian “refugees” has led to Switzerland to suspend all funding. The report discovered mismanagement and abuse of authority at the ...

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Honduras, El Salvador to join Guatemala, Mexico agreements with U.S


Shortly after overseeing the signing of a historic “safe third country” asylum agreement with Guatemala at the Oval Office on July 26, President Donald Trump told reporters that he expects to soon sign similar deals with Honduras and ...

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Guatemala signs asylum deal with the U.S.

President Donald Trump, who has pushed hard to slow the flow of illegal migrants who are bypassing established asylum laws established by the UN, said Friday that the “safe third country asylum” ...

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EU to sanction Venezuela for torturing citizens

The European Union is poised to draw up a fresh round of sanctions against the Venezuelan socialist regime, in response to evidence that its government is torturing political opponents. In a statement, EU foreign ...

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US keeps short leash on Iran’s foreign minister

The US government is confining Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to a six-block radius while he attends a United Nations forum this week. The spokesman for the Iranian regime has shown ...

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Former Miss Iraq may lose citizenship after defending Israel


Standing up for Israel at the UN may lose former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan her citizenship. Idan, who has faced opposition and death threats in the past, spoke in defense of Israel ...

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Deportations will begin of a million whom courts have ordered to leave

President Trump has announced he will use the laws on the books, those passed by both Democrats and Republicans, to begin deporting those in the country illegally and who have already been ...

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VIDEO: Israeli UN ambassador stuns Security Council with Bible

In an amazing display that stunned members of the United Nations Security Council, Israel’s UN ambassador Danny Danon used the Bible to defend the Jewish people’s claim to the land. The history ...

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Palestinians rewriting history with highway signs

The Palestinian Authority is rewriting history by renaming ancient streams and hiding the historical evidence of the ancient kingdom of Israel. Israelis and tourists noticed something was not right after new highway ...

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