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Tag Archives: world war I

How much do you know about Memorial Day?

about memorial day

How much do you know about Memorial Day? As we ponder the selfless sacrifice of the men and women of our armed forces, we hope that you will join us in reflecting ...

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Freud and C.S. Lewis square off in new film

freud lewis

Harvard psychiatrist Armand Nicholi taught a popular course on “The Question of God,” examining Sigmund Freud’s atheism and C.S. Lewis‘ faith. Now a related Sony theatrical film imagines that the two met ...

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The fascinating history of air travel in Kansas City and the Midwest

air travel

When we think of air travel today, we think of the airports around the country, and we think of the number of flights that go through Chicago or Atlanta. We think about ...

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Museum of the Bible returns manuscript that was stolen from monastery during WWI

museum manuscript

The Museum of the Bible has returned a stolen manuscript to the Greek Orthodox Church. Bulgarian troops in 1917 looted the handwritten document, which is more than a thousand years old. Museum ...

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Movie biopic of C.S. Lewis is brilliant and thoughtful

c.s. lewis

The Most Reluctant Convert is based on a successful stage play/monologue written by Max McLean. This filmed version features McLean as an elderly C.S. Lewis who walks viewers back through key dramatized moments ...

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Warren Harding and his historic speech on race: how did America respond?


No matter which major party won America’s presidential election in 1920, the country was destined for another chief executive from Ohio. Both major party candidates, Republican Warren Harding and Democrat James Cox, ...

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Mary’s Wedding – hope, healing, and the joy of love set against war

mary's wedding

The images of people clinging to the outside of planes taking off from Kabul airport and other desperate measures taken by Afghans to leave their homeland remind us of the harsh realities ...

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Empires at War: National WWI Museum adds powerful new exhibit

empires at war

The newest exhibition from the National WWI Museum and Memorial opens Friday, Aug. 27.  Empires at War: Austria and Russia explores aspects of the war often less surveyed: the Eastern Front and ...

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Biden wins praise, condemnation for Turkey genocide declaration

President Joe Biden has won praise from Armenian groups who have long sought the U.S. to declare actions by the Ottoman Empire-the predecessor to Turkey in the early 20th century–as genocide. But ...

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National World War I Museum receives grant to raise awareness of religion and war

war museum

The Lilly Endowment has given a grant of $2.5 million to the National World War I Museum and Memorial in Kansas City to establish an endowed curator position on faith and religion; ...

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Events at the Liberty Memorial and National world War I Museum worth seeing this month


It has been some time since I had the unforgettable experience of enjoying the National World War I Memorial and Museum in Kansas City. Known locally as Liberty Memorial, the towering edifice is ...

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