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Travel ban extended to six new nations over poor security

After weighing growing security concerns, the Trump administration has extended a travel ban for six additional nations. President Donald Trump signed the authorization for the countries who have failed to comply with ...

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Move over global warming, NASA forecast indicates little ‘ice age’

Most American news stories now try to draw a correlation between the latest natural disaster and global warming. This even when the facts are increasingly pointing to other causes such as the ...

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New Communist rules in effect Feb. 1 further strangle Chinese religious minorities


Christians and other religious groups will face “harsh” new rules Feb. 1 in China.  The regulations were announced in late 2019 and religious freedom advocates say they’ll further endanger followers of many ...

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In amazing show of support, Arab nations send ambassadors to peace plan unveiling

Peace between Israel and Palestinians living in the Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria, known as the West Bank, has been elusive for 75 years. On Tuesday President Donald Trump released a ...

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Chinese virus death toll doubles over weekend

death toll

The death toll from the deadly coronavirus doubled over the weekend. That’s the news Monday from Chinese authorities as they extended the Lunar New Year holiday in an effort to slow the ...

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Virus spreads, U.S. to begin evacuation


As the number of Chinese citizens quarantined rises to 56 million, the United States government has announced it is rapidly working on an evacuation of American citizens from Wuhan. That city is the ...

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Israeli-Palestinian peace details could come Tuesday


The United States may reveal a peace plan that could end the Israeli-Arab conflict. President Donald Trump stated on Thursday that the plan, supported by Israel and designed in part with Gulf ...

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Chinese city under quarantine as virus spreads around the world

Just hours after Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador announced a person that arrived in that country had the  coronavirus flu, China is ramping up efforts to stop its spread with a ...

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World leaders in Jerusalem today to remember Holocaust

The world’s attention will be in Jerusalem Wednesday and Thursday as world leaders and heads of state from around the globe gather are to mark and participate in ceremonies commemorating the 75th ...

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Lebanese protesters gain strength, call for gov’t to resign

Lebanese citizens continue to protest in the street against a government that they say cannot run the nation. Lebanese police fired water cannons, rubber bullets and tear gas in response on Sunday ...

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Technology now powering persecution of Christians around the world

technology christians

Imagine facial recognition technology to get into a house of worship and surveillance cameras inside watching every move of the Christians there. Or a “social score” system that awards points for good ...

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Guatemala to get $1 billion investment to improve economy, security

The best way to decrease illegal immigration, say many, is to produce economic incentives and better security for migrants to stay in their own country. The Trump administration announced late Wedesday it ...

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Thirteen Nigerians murdered in latest attack on Christians

Thirteen Nigerian Christians are dead after a group of Fulani Muslim terrorists targeted their Christian village. The attack took place last week and news of the atrocity is just now making it ...

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UK, France and Germany change tune, now backing Trump on Iranian sanctions


The United Kingdom, Germany and France have announced today they’re fed-up with Iranian violations of the 2015 nuclear deal and put the blame solely on the Iranian regime. That’s contrary to American ...

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World Evangelical Alliance equates US with Iran, gets pushback from Christians

Is the US the same as the rogue regime of Iran which kills thousands of its citizens each year? That’s seems to be the message from the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). The ...

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Rockets again fired at Iraq military base

As Iranian protests against the Ayatollah and their president spread, the Islamic regime may be trying to divert attention with more rockets fired in Iraq. On Sunday rocket rained down on the ...

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Furious Iranians protest their government over jetliner downing

As Iranians continue to pour into the streets to protest their government downing of a Ukrainian jetliner, the United States has expressed its support for them. President Donald Trump and American diplomats ...

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Iran admits shooting down jetliner

After growing world outrage, Iran announced that it shot down the Ukrainian jetliner that crashed on Wednesday, killing all 176 aboard. The crash occurred just minutes after taking off from the Iranian capital’s ...

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Overnight strike takes out missiles and Iranian terrorists in Syria

Military from an undisclosed country targeted Iranian-backed Hashed al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces) militia in Syria overnight. The mission killed at least eight fighters according to news reports and a local human rights ...

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New ‘loyalty’ crackdown on Chinese Christians

china loyalty

The new year rang in yet more new worries for Chinese Christians after the Chinese regime announced it will soon require all religious personnel of any faith to support total submission to ...

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Jewish grandfather sexually assaulted by German teens

Attacks on the Jewish community of Germany continue as Berlin police investigate the second anti-Semitic attack in days. On Tuesday, five youths aged 12 to 15 sexually assaulted a 68-year-old grandfather on his ...

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Australian scientist: Poor brush management, not global warming, cause of fires

Australian authorities have determined that 200 fires have been deliberately set and warned the nation’s residents to prepare for another wave of evacuations. The news comes as temperatures in the country’s southeast ...

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Reporter remembers brutality of Soleimani

While many Democrats and Hollywood stars continue to apologize for the targeted killing of Tehran’s former top terror chief Qasem Soleimani, one reporter is remembering just how brutal he was. Dan Andros ...

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How coffee allowed ministry in Colombia to share Jesus with mountain tribe


Helman Ocampo first came in contact with the Arhuaco tribe in Colombia in 1993. “God placed a passion and love in my heart for this ethnic group,” he said. “But at that ...

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Saudi Arabia issues ban on most child marriages

In another move implementing Western values, Saudi Arabia Monday issued a de facto ban on child marriages throughout the kingdom. The order comes after an amendment to the kingdom’s Child Protection Law was ...

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