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PLO office in Washington closed by US

President Donald Trump and his administration are being praised for closing the Palestinian mission, or PLO, in the nation’s capital. The announcement this week comes after nearly a year of mulling the ...

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Swedes vote opposition to generous immigration policy

As Europeans continue to struggle with the issue of immigration, add another country that has been rocked at the polls over the issue. Sweden has become the latest European nation where voters ...

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Soccer fans in Peru attack church members over parking lot


A brawl broke out Monday between soccer fans and members of a church in Lima, Peru over a parking lot. The dispute began when church members arrived early in the morning for ...

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ICBMs missing from North Korea parade

In an amazing reversal, North Korea’s largest parade in decades was subdued on Sunday. Some observers say it was another result of the historic and successful summit between President Trump and Kim ...

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Doctor fired for choice of pronoun for transgender patients

A doctor has been fired by the British government because he fails to identify transgender patients with their chosen pronouns. David Mackereth told The Sunday Telegraph that he will not be serving as a ...

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Europe’s leftists face losing power in grassroots revolt

Europe’s leftist policies, and the increasingly unpopular politicians who put them into place, are under siege as voters make their displeasure known across the continent in a grassroots revolt. While ignored by ...

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Brazil’s “Smithsonian” considered total loss in fire

Brazilians are mourning the total destruction of the nation’s “Smithsonian”. A massive fire tore through a an expansive 200-year-old museum in Rio de Janeiro late Sunday, lighting up the night and sending ...

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21 things good things young Saudi prince is doing

Amidst so much war and terrorism in the Middle East, there is actually remarkably good news coming out of Saudi Arabia. A reformer is rising, pursuing the most dramatic economic, social and ...

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US is cutting funding to UN for Palestinians

With increasing radicalism within the Palestinian government, the Trump administration will cut all US funding to the United Nation’s aid program for Palestinian refugees, according to a report from Foreign Policy. The newspaper ...

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China’s believers face new threat: camera’s in church


China’s independent churches are facing a new threat: forced to allow the government to spy on who worships in them or face the threat of being shut down. The Zion church in ...

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Archaeologists say they’ve found water-to-wine wedding site


British media today is reporting that archaeologists have solved a millennia-old mystery–where was the wedding at Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle?  The announcement again bolsters the case for the New ...

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Woman gets jail after complaining about noisy mosque

An Indonesian court has sentenced a woman who complained about a noisy mosque to 18 months in prison for blasphemy. The ethnic Chinese woman, Meiliana, burst into tears as presiding Judge Wagyu ...

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Muslim leader calls for conquest of “America, Britain, Russia, France, and Italy”

Recently a Muslim spokesman in Tunisia named Said Khecharem, who is affiliated with the international pro-Sharia, pro-caliphate organization Hizb ut-Tahrir, declared (to delighted screams of “Allahu akbar” from his audience), that the ...

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No U.S. concessions to turkey over imprisoned pastor

U.S. President Donald Trump has vowed to reject any conditions Turkey may ask for in securing the release of an American pastor detained by Ankara for almost two years. Turkey accuses Andrew ...

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Forget abstinence says Canada’s largest Christian University

Canada’s largest Christian university will no longer require students to sign a Community Covenant agreeing to abstain from same-sex and other relationships outside marriage between a man and a woman. Trinity Western University, ...

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China training pilots to target U.S.

For years, foreign policy and military experts have been warning that China, not Russia, is America’s biggest threat. That theory gained weight this week after a new report was released. China is ...

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Satanist burns down 250-year-old Russian church

A teenage ‘Satanist’ has been arrested after he confessed to setting fire to one of Russia’s most historic churches. The wooden church was built in 1774 by Catherine the Great and burned ...

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Latest London terrorist attack targets cyclists

In response to Europe’s latest terrorist attack, police in the United Kingdom have arrested a man who crashed a car into cyclists and pedestrians before slamming into barriers next to Parliament. They’re ...

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UN rushes through friend of dictators to lead human rights

The United Nations is being criticized by the United States after the General Assembly’s quick approval – without a vote – of Chilean former government official who has been a friend and ...

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Fired for sharing faith, nurse returns to work


A British nurse who was fired for talking to patients about her Christian faith has now been  allowed to return to work. Christian Concern, which backed Sarah Kuteh, the nurse, revealed that ...

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How a lesbian union president and Christian aid leader teamed up to get Puerto Rico clean water

In an era when those on the opposite side of the political or religious aisle tend to avoid each other, it’s nice when two polar opposites come together to bring desperate aid ...

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Argentina Senate rejects abortion bill in historic vote

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — In a reversal of fortunes for the pro-abortion movement that has pushed for abortion around the world, Argentina’s Senate on Thursday rejected a bill to legalize elective abortion. ...

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Nigerian activists run schools to counter Boko Haram violence


LASSA, NIGERIA — When Rebecca Gadzama meets with the teachers she oversees, they sometimes hold the meeting outdoors, under trees in open fields. It gives them a chance to spot danger and run ...

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New Iranian sanctions hit while Iranians march for freedom

US sanctions are hitting Iran’s economy this week, putting new pressure on the Islamic regime. President Trump signed an executive order to reimpose them, saying on Tuesday morning they’re “the most biting ...

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With closer ties, Egypt will now buy Israeli natural gas

JERUSALEM, Israel – Egypt is poised to begin importing natural gas from Israel early in 2019. The $1.5 billion deal signed last February will hopefully benefit both countries. Between 2011 and 2014, ...

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