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Respect Life

Organizations serving women share ‘wish list’ for Christmas

Looking to have a local impact with your giving this Christmas? Consider the great organizations that work in the pro-life area. Over the next two weeks, Metro Voice will publish the needs ...

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Wichita abortion clinic challenges Kansas telemedicine law

Back in late April, Kansans for Life stood tall in a battle over a bill to expand “telemedicine” so as to reinforce the state law that requires that a doctor be physically ...

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My name is Megan. This is my story of finding help and hope


Being nineteen, I thought, “it wouldn’t happen to me.” Well it did. I got pregnant and became a single mother as soon as we found out. Living in my mom’s basement, I ...

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Chelsea Clinton says it’s “un-Christian” to oppose abortion

“It’s un-Christian” to oppose the abortion of unborn children, former First Daughter Chelsea Clinton declared this week at a SiriusXM Town Hall. Discussing the threat to the Roe v. Wadedecision legalizing abortion ...

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Faith leaders offer ‘blessing’ for new abortion clinic

Billed as an “interfaith gathering,” the Ohio Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice dedicated a new abortion clinic in Cleveland, Ohio Monday by having a United Church of Christ minister on hand give ...

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Some parents won’t be told when hospital kills children

For years the pro-life community has warned that euthanasia was a slippery slope that would eventually lead to the forced euthanasia–including of children. Now, doctors from a Toronto children’s hospital have published ...

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‘Gosnell’ is a movie you must not miss


Anita and I went with friends to see the new movie “Gosnell” last night. It was sold out at the AMC in Leawood so we googled another showtime and drove to south ...

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Missouri Right to Life–Western Region


The mission of Missouri Right to Life – Western Region is to achieve societal and legal recognition of and respect for the sanctity of human life through all its stages, from the ...

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Trump stops FDA purchases of baby parts for research

The Trump administration has heard the concerns of pro-life organizations and pro-life Americans upset by the news that the FDA had purchased the body parts of aborted babies for research. In August, ...

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Argentina Senate rejects abortion bill in historic vote

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — In a reversal of fortunes for the pro-abortion movement that has pushed for abortion around the world, Argentina’s Senate on Thursday rejected a bill to legalize elective abortion. ...

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“Me Again!” pro-life bus ads banned in Indiana


A pro-life group in Indiana is fighting back after a government-run public transit company rejected its bus ad aimed at educating the public about the humanity of unborn children. The incident unfolded ...

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Federal Judge slaps down Planned Parenthood lawsuit

WASHINGTON — A federal judge appointed to the bench by President Donald Trump has dismissed a lawsuit filed by Planned Parenthood challenging the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) for altering its Title ...

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Missouri Democrats battle over admitting pro-life voters

After a publicly painful battle, the Missouri Democrat Party narrowly approved a new platform — one including a last-minute amendment welcoming “a diversity of views” on abortion. “We respect the conscience of ...

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Supreme Court nominee to be announced Monday


The most lasting legacy of any president is the choice of a nominee for the Supreme Court. President Donald Trump is finalizing his own decision–which will undoubtedly be the most important of ...

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Republican Senator opposes any pro-life Supreme Court nominee


U.S. Sen. Susan Collins, a key swing vote for the next U.S. Supreme Court nominee, said she will not support a judge who opposes Roe v. Wade and abortion. Collins, a pro-abortion Republican from ...

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Supreme Court justice announces retirement giving President Trump his second pick

WASHINGTON — Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement Wednesday, giving President Donald Trump and Senate Republicans yet another opportunity to pick a conservative to sit on the high court for a ...

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Thousands from across nation will gather for the National Right to Life Convention in Overland Park

For the first time in its history, the National Right to Life Convention comes to Kansas this week. The convention begins Thursday, June 28, at the Sheraton Hotel in Overland Park. The ...

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Pro-life pregnancy centers win big at Supreme Court

WASHINGTON – Pro-life Californians scored a big win in the Supreme Court Tuesday. In a 5-4 ruling, justices decided a California law that forces pro-life pregnancy centers to advertise information about abortion ...

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Does the Kansas Constitution guarantee the right to life or the right to abortion?

A state court has ruled that the Kansas ban of dismemberment abortion of a living unborn child violates our State constitution. In response, the legislature will consider putting a proposed constitutional amendment ...

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At pro-life gala Trump says ‘every life has meaning’

Pro-life leaders have called President Trump the most pro-life president in history. But it has been a moniker he has earned through his policies, not just his talk. He was roundly applauded ...

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Lifeline announces big changes

The Lifeline Children’s Services Kansas team has announced some big news about how God is working. In the Fall of 2017 Lifeline was approached and asked by the Caring Pregnancy Options board ...

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City of Topeka and Shawnee County declare war on human trafficking

The Shawnee County Commission, at their meeting on April 5, voted to approve a resolution “declaring war” on human trafficking. The City of Topeka’s governing body had voted 9-0 on April 3 ...

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Missouri House passes protections for unborn babies after 20 weeks

The Missouri House gave final approval this week to a bill that will provide protection from abortion for unborn babies who are capable of feeling pain, beginning at 20 weeks fetal age. ...

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Judge rules taxpayers must pay for illegal immigrant abortions

A federal judge has ruled that American taxpayers must pay for the abortions of illegal immigrant minors and that the Trump administration must help them obtain the procedure. The ruling applies to ...

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Abandoned at birth because of skin deformities, woman gets makeover

Irina Pavlutskaya was abandoned as a baby after she was born with rare physical deformities, the Daily Mail reports. Children with even minor medical conditions or even easily treatable deformities are usually ...

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