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MEDIA FACT CHECK: Tillerson length of service

The replacement of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson this week has been met with breathless reporting by the national news media as evidence of “chaos” in the Trump administration. “Unprecedented,” read some headlines. “Trump is out of control,” they say. “Our foreign policy is rudderless,” chime in other reporters. There’s one problem: History. And, well, another problem: That history is easily accessible by any reader (or unbiased reporter) wanting to verify what the media is telling them.

By Dwight Widaman, Editor

A quick search of Wikipedia finds that a Secretary of State leaving the office just over a year into the job is not all that unusual. It has happened under both Democrat and Republican presidents. TiIlerson is no different. In fact, 25 percent of ALL Secretaries of State have served less time than Tillerson will have served by the time he leaves at the end of March. Did you catch that? That’s one in four. Have you heard that reported on the news?

Presidents who feel that thy would like someone new in the position or in some cases, the Secretary of State wants to move on has every right to leave the job. Until now, it has not been met with media skepticism or criticism. But this is the age of Trump where every action is met with scorn and derision. These professionals should try to put some of these actions in light of history–or at least report the facts. Can someone give them the web address of Wikipedia?

Here’s a nifty list that cannot be ignored: By the time Rex Tillerson leaves office at the end of March, 2018, He will have served approximately 418 days in office.

List of shortest-serving Secretaries of State

Here’s the office holders who will have served LESS time than President Trumps first Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson.

Chart: Rank at appointment, name, days served, rank of length served

35 John Sherman 417 52
12 Louis McLane 397 54
43 Bainbridge Colby 346 55
16 John C. Calhoun 343 56
4 John Marshall 264 57
58 Edmund Muskie 257 58
32 John W. Foster 239 59
15 Abel P. Upshur 219 60
48 Edward Stettinius Jr. 208 61
36 William R. Day 141 62
20 Edward Everett 117 63
23 Jeremiah S. Black 78 64
62 Lawrence Eagleburger 43 65
39 Robert Bacon 37 66
25 Elihu B. Washburne 11 67

Source: Wikipedia. US Secretaries of State