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Federal judge in Kansas reprimanded for affair with convict, harassment

federal judge

A federal judge in Kansas was publicly reprimanded for judicial misconduct Monday, after admitting he sexually harassed female co-workers, and engaged in extramarital relations with a felon. U.S. District Court Judge Carlos Murguia, a ...

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Court: Artists can’t be forced to make LGBT wedding invitations


The Arizona Supreme Court ruled Sept. 16 that the city of Phoenix can’t use a criminal law to compel two artists to produce custom wedding invitations for LGBT couples because that would force them ...

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Court rules atheists can be banned from legislative opening prayer


A federal appeals court has ruled that a Pennsylvania House of Representative’s policy banning atheists from offering the legislative “opening prayer” does not violate the Constitution. A number of atheists and agnostics ...

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Chinese pastor from North Carolina sentenced to 7 years in Chinese prison

chinese pastor

A Chinese pastor who is a permanent resident of the United States, has received a seven year prison sentence after a ruling for court in China. The American Center for Law and ...

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Judge upholds Trump alternative to ObamaCare

The Trump administration is celebrating another legal victory after a federal judge upheld the administration’s expansion of cheaper short-term health insurance plans as an alternative to ObamaCare. Two years after its inception, ...

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Judge shuts down Kansas’ telemedicine abortions

A Kansas judge has reversed an earlier court ruling and now says that a clinic cannot provide telemedicine abortions.  The process takes place when a doctor guides a patient via video conference ...

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Trump wins court case that alleged he profited from office

A federal appeals court dismissed a case against President Donald Trump on July 10. The dismissal was a huge setback for Democrats who alleged Trump illegally profited personally from his time as ...

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Removed for homeschooling, German couple gets kids back

german couple

A german couple has regained custody of their children after a German court removed them from the home in 2013 because the kids were homeschooled. The victory in family court in Darmstadt ...

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Abortions will continue through August at Missouri Planned Parenthood

Missouri’s last abortion clinic will be allowed to operate until August after a decision today by the Administrative Hearing Commission.  The Planned Parenthood clinic has injured at least 74 women in botched ...

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College student in court to defend right to share Gospel


The Alliance Defending Freedom will go before the US 11th Circuit Court of Appeals Tuesday to defend a former college student who was silenced while trying to share the gospel with fellow students at ...

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Vietnam vet wins flag battle after 20 years

After a decades-long fight with his home owners association, a Vietnam veteran is proudly displaying an American flag at his home. Richard Oulton recently re-installed a flag pole that was at the center ...

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Planned Parenthood loses court case over new Missouri law

In a major setback for Planned Parenthood in Missouri, a judge has ruled that state restrictions were not “undue” burdens on women seeking abortions. Current Missouri law requires that abortionists have hospital admitting ...

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Judge sides with Christian campus groups: They can choose own leadership

Christian college campus organizations have the right to choose their own leaders. That’s the just released ruling form a federal judge who said the University of Iowa can’t selectively enforce its non-discrimination ...

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American sentenced to life in prison for selling his home to Jews

He broke the law but it wasn’t murder, rape or a terrorist act. Nevertheless, he is going to prison for life. A Palestinian-American man was given the severe punishment on New Year’s ...

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CBS News’ Major Garrett disagrees with CNN’s press conference incivility

On CBN’s Faith Nation last week, CBS White House Correspondent Major Garrett weighed in on the fight between CNN and the Trump Administration over the confiscation of reporter Jim Acosta’s White House press pass and the subsequent ...

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Prayers answered as Asia Bibi escapes death sentence

answered bibi canada

Christians around the world are celebrating answered prayers for the release this week of Asia Bibi. The Christian mother was just acquitted by a Pakistani court after eight years on death row ...

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Companies cite 1851 law in duck boat lawsuit

ban law

Two companies facing multiple lawsuits over a summer duck boat accident have invoked a 1851 law originally passed to protect paddle wheel steam boats plying the nation’s rivers. The law allows vessel ...

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Arkansas Supreme Court upholds revised voter ID law

Arkansas’ highest court has upheld 5-2 a voter ID law that is nearly identical to a restriction struck down by the court four years ago. The state Supreme Court on Thursday upheld ...

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