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Tag Archives: democrat

Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard introduces bill to protect infants who survive abortion

Although the Democratic party is overwhelmingly pro-abortion, one representative is stepping up to protect the unborn. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) introduced a bill to rework the U.S. criminal code “to ensure a ...

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Tony Dungy questions faith of pro-abortion pastor running for Senate

Former NFL coach Tony Dungy has questioned if f Atlanta pastor and U.S. Senate candidate Raphael Warnock is a Christian because of his pro-choice views. Dungy, now a television analyst, was reacting ...

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Someone attempts to register dozens of dead people in Florida

Dead people in Florida are registering as Democrats ahead of the Nov. 3 election. That was the outcome after a person tried to register dozens of dead people as new voters in ...

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VOTER GUIDE: Trump and Biden on the issues, plus Green & Libertarian candidates

Though polls show just 6 percent of voters say they are undecided concerning the presidential race, Metro Voice is making available this presidential voter guide comparison of the major candidates for the ...

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Amy Coney Barrett vote scheduled for Monday night

opening statement

No Democrats are expected to vote to confirm Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court Monday evening. The vote is expected 7:00 p.m. Central Time barring any further procedural blockades by Democrat ...

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I am a free black woman. Why I won’t vote Democrat this year

While growing up south of the Mason-Dixon Line during the 1970s, there were a few things I could count on seeing inside all of my family members’ homes: pictures of Jesus, Abraham ...

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Does Joe Biden really advocate sterilizing transgender children?

biden transgender

Based on presidential candidate Joe Biden’s answer to a townhall question on Thursday night, it is only fair to ask: “Mr. Biden, do you advocating sterilizing children who identify as transgender?” During ...

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VIDEO: Google admits work to censor, meddle in election

google censor

An undercover journalism nonprofit has released a video of a Google staffer speaking about the ability of the big tech giant to boost or censor political views. Adriano Amaduzzi, a technical account manager at Google Marketing, ...

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VOTER GUIDE: The truth about Barbara Bollier


Perhaps the most interesting aspect of Democrat Barbara Bollier’s campaign is the way it, like a commercial for a defective appliance, misleads people with regard to her every flaw and failing. As ...

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Associated Press adopts Democrat talking points on ‘court packing’

court packing

Newspapers and other media outlets are being criticized for using the talking points of Democrats in their reporting of the hearings for Amy Coney Barrett. They’re being led by the Associated Press, ...

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Democratic Senate candidate Barbara Bollier backs gun confiscation

parties, gun, confiscation

Gun confiscation suddenly has become a hot topic in the final days of the Kansas race for the U.S. Senate between Republican incumbent Roger Marshall and Democrat challenger Barbara Bollier. The Marshall ...

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Political conservatives and moderates more likely than liberals to pray

More than 160 million adult Americans pray each week, according to a new survey by the non-partisan Presidential Prayer team. In the general public, nearly half of all adults claims to pray ...

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Democrat, Republican Party platforms compared

A political party platform is the formal announcement of the policies, promises, and objectives that a political party wants to achieve. In the United States, political platforms go all the way back ...

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Michigan Supreme Court strikes down Governor’s ‘unconstitutional’ lockdown


In a ruling that could set a precedent for other states, the Supreme Court in Michigan has dealt a blow to the states Democrat governor and “emergency powers” law restricting businesses, churches ...

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Clergy of Color group slams Harris for praising Black Lives Matter organization

clergy of color

Not all African Americans support the Black Lives Matter agenda. Conservative Clergy of Color, a coalition of African-American pastors who say they were called to bring a new perspective to the nation’s ...

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Senate investigation: Hunter Biden connected to illegal Burisma dealings and prostitution ring

Hunter Biden, son of Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden, was involved in a number of illegal business dealings with foreign governments and Burisma, according to a report form a Senate Committee. The ...

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Bloomberg pays fines so 30,000 Florida felons can vote in Nov.

Billionaire Michael Bloomberg may come under investigation for paying off the fines of up to 30,000 convicted felons which would allow them to vote in November’s presidential election. The move is seen ...

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Louisville police officers shot as riots break out overnight

Riots spread to several cities across the nation overnight with two Louisville, Ky. police officers being shot. The riots were in response the jury verdict over the death of Breonna Taylor. The ...

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Limits on gatherings in Pennsylvania again lose in court

Pennsylvania’s governor has suffered another embarrassing defeat after a judge on Tuesday prevented him from reimposing limits on gatherings. The judge said limits were arbitrary and not based on science. Stickman, a ...

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Bar owner charged for shooting looter, commits suicide

The protests have taken another life after a Nebraska bar owner who shot an alleged looter who attacked him during rioting committed suicide on Sunday. Jake Gardner fatally shot James Scurlock, 22, ...

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Barbara Bollier is no moderate


Barbara Bollier’s entire campaign for U.S. Senate is built on a fiction that she hopes no one will challenge. As a member of the Johnson County delegation to the Kansas Legislature who ...

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Federal Court strikes down all Pennsylvania state covid restrictions

In a ruling that has far-reaching implications for the entire nation, a federal judge has ruled all state-imposed pandemic restrictions in Pennsylvania are unconstitutional. Thrown out are Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf’s closing ...

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Mike Pence shares he was once a Democrat but left over pro-life issues

The upcoming presidential election is critical for the pro-life movement, Vice President Mike Pence said. He said the pro-life cause is “winning in America” and that the nation is on the cusp ...

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Worldview of Americans correlates to biblical perspective, survey finds

Being a Christian has a profound impact on a person’s worldview, a new survey found. Ninety-eight percent of American adults who choose socialism over capitalism oppose a biblical worldview, according to the ...

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Don’t ‘advance abortions,’ Christian leaders tell voters

abortions voters

Protestant and Catholic leaders are unifying their message to Christian voters for the upcoming election. “Embrace the Gospel of Life,” Archbishop Samuel Aquila is urging Americans. He made the comments after the ...

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