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Tag Archives: democrats

Study of 100 British schools shows ‘very little evidence that the virus is transmitted in schools’

Imagine state governments announcing they plan to shut down schools until there is a cure for breast cancer. That is essentially the logic they are employing to shut schools because of a ...

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Black Seattle police chief resigns after Democrat city council defunding vote

After months of animosity from the Seattle City Council and mayor, the city’s police chief says she is stepping down. The announcement was made public the same day the City Council approved shrinking ...

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Condoleezza Rice calls out liberals for racial assumptions about black Americans

Liberals are wrong to assume they know how African Americans will think and act, said Condoleezza Rice, former secretary of state. Rice, the first black American to serve in that position, talked ...

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Missouri leaders outline true cost of proposed Medicaid expansion

Missourians will vote August 4 on expanding Medicaid in the state. Although the political ads make it sound appealing, it would come at a high cost to taxpayers, state leaders said. Medicaid, ...

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Our Church Votes initiative seeks participation in this year’s elections

A nonpartisan initiative called Our Church Votes hopes to motivate evangelical Christians to vote in this year’s elections. “We are trying to reach every church,” CEO Jason Yates stated. “We are trying ...

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New political ad attempts to use religion as weapon in 2020 election

religion weapon

Religion already is being used as a weapon in the presidential campaign, this time to encourage Christians to vote against President Donald Trump. A new commercial argues that the president’s rhetoric and ...

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New $1,200 stimulus checks to go out in August

Stimulus checks will once again be distributed to most Americans in August, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told reporters on Saturday. The Treasury announced they will again be $1,200. The new payments will ...

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Rioters attempt to burn down Portland Federal Courthouse

Rioters tried breaking into a U.S. courthouse in Portland overnight as they and federal forces clashed with rioters for a third night. Several areas of the building were set ablaze. Video footage ...

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New Republican-led stimulus focuses on ‘kids and jobs’

Discussions on the next stimulus relief effort will bring Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and White House chief of staff Mark Meadows to Capitol Hill on Tuesday. Mnuchin said the next round of ...

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Trump criticized for Stone commutation while Obama had 1,712

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) suggested on Saturday that the House may introduce a bill to limit presidential pardon power following President Donald Trump’s decision to commute the sentence of his longtime associate and former ...

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Forget the polls as political science professor says Trump headed for a landslide

Four years ago national polls showed Hillary Clinton 12 points ahead of then candidate Donald Trump. On election day, Trump won in an electoral college landslide. Fast forward to 2020 and polls ...

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Supreme Court protects religious freedom from Obamacare contraceptive mandate

court contraceptive

In another win for the Trump administration and religious liberty advocates, the Supreme Court today ruled 7-2 that the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause exempts religious organizations from employment discrimination lawsuits. It also ...

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Weekend shootings shock nation, including Missouri

shooting violent crime minneapolis effect

It was a virtual blood bath in many cities across the U.S. as Fourth of July weekend shootings shocked the public. That was the case in Kansas City, Kansas City and Columbia, ...

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Media outlets ignore death threats to black GOP Senator Scott


News networks ABC, CBS, and NBC have all turned a blind eye to a New York Times report detailing recent death threats and racial slurs being left on the office voicemail of ...

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‘Getting away with murder’ Pelosi says of reform bill written by African-American GOP Senator

Senate Democrats blocked a police reform bill Wednesday, calling on the African-American Senator who wrote it to start over. Democrat House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi has refused to apologize for stating “So ...

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Herschel Walker offers to fly ‘defund the police’ supporters to countries without law enforcement

Georgia Bulldogs football legend Herschel Walker is weighing in on the “defund the police” movement. The Heisman Trophy winner is offering to work with airlines to send people who want to defund ...

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Jesus statues, paintings are new target for removal by protesters

Black Lives Matter activist and Democrat Shaun King called Monday for the removal of statues, murals and stained glass windows that depict Jesus as a “white European,” which he claimed “are a ...

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Violent Protesters fail to set up ‘autonomous zone’ outside White House

Police clashed with protesters outside the White House on Monday night as they attempted to build a “Black House Autonomous Zone,” in an apparent reference to Seattle’s “occupied” protest zone that was established ...

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Sen. Tim Scott discusses how his faith shapes his views on race relations and police reform

Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina, one of three black members of the U.S. Senate, recently discussed faith and race relations with Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest Crusades. The interview, recorded ...

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House Democrats push for $1.5 trillion infrastructure spending in Democrat strongholds

WASHINGTON—House Democrats introduced on June 18 an extensive plan to rebuild American infrastructure, calling for more than $1.5 trillion in spending in roads, bridges, public transportation, housing, the “Green New Deal”, proposed ...

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Failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams calls on Missouri Democrats to “take back your power”

Stacey Abrams, the Democrat candidate who still has not conceded her 2018 race for Georgia governor, told Missouri Democrats at their convention to “take your power back.” She was the keynote speaker ...

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Lawmakers demand records from states that forced nursing homes to accept Covid-19 patients

nursing homes

Five states that mandated that nursing homes take in COVID-19 patients despite federal pandemic warnings against the deadly practice, are being investigated by Congressional lawmakers. The governors are being blamed for causing ...

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Antifa to be designated officially as terrorist organization

President Donald Trump on Sunday said his administration would designate Antifa as a terrorist organization. The move comes after nearly a week of widespread looting and riots following the death of an ...

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Trump to sign Executive Order over Twitter, big tech censorship

After years of Congressional testimony and user complaints of bias and censorship by Twitter and other social media platforms, President Donald Trump is set to sign an executive order on Thursday aimed ...

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As Democrats push for mail-in ballots, postal carrier charged with election fraud

main-in ballots pennsylvania election lawsuit

Federal prosecutors announced on May 26 that a West Virginia postal carrier has been charged with attempted election fraud after the party affiliations of several mail-in requests for absentee ballots were altered. The ...

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