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Tag Archives: democrats

Congressman Cleaver hopes President’s speech inspires unity

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver, who represents Missouri’s 5th Congressional District, has some advice for the President’s State of Union speech…be inspiring. President Donald Trump will give his State of the Union address February ...

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Poll: Americans doubt Democrats, fairness of Mueller investigation

Americans tend to think that Democratic legislators in the House of Representatives will go too far in investigating President Donald Trump, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. While 46 percent said they think ...

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New York legalizes abortion up until birth

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed into law a measure that allows mothers to abort their unborn child up until birth. He then celebrated the signing by directing the spire of ...

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Coalition forms to force Democrats to fund border wall

On a cold January morning outside the Capitol, a coalition of groups that support Trump had an even colder message for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) over ...

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NPR: The case for expanded “Border Barrier”

NPR has issued a report on what the experts at the Border Patrol are requesting for the border. The request made through the President for border security includes more than just additional physical barriers: ...

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Liberal and conservative lawmakers: the unlikely group ‘holding hands in prayer’ each week in DC

In this deeply partisan political climate, it may come as a surprise to many that a group of Senate Democrats and Republicans come together each week to pray. “It is literally the ...

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Unedited Democrat response to Trump Oval Office address

In our continuing effort to bring you news that is unfiltered by the national media, below is the transcript of the Democrat response to President Trump by Senator Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman ...

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As government shutdown continues, Kansas Republicans blame Democrats

On what threatens to become the longest government shutdown in history, Kansas Republican representatives tend to agree — Democrats are to blame. It’s the third week of the shutdown, which came after ...

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Video: college students stunned after learning immigration quotes were not Trump’s


Campus Reform visited a college and read quotes about, and against, illegal immigration. They were told the quotes were by Trump which immediately elicited a negative response and scolding of the current ...

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Trump sends letter and copy of info that Democrats refused to read in White House meeting

This morning, President Donald J. Trump sent a letter to all members of Congress on the need to secure our borders. He attached a presentation that Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen was ...

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Democrats ‘didn’t want to hear’ expert testimony on border security

Democrats and other top lawmakers showed up to meet with President Donald Trump at the White House for a border security briefing on Jan. 2. But when the experts and security officials ...

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New Trump policy hopes to revitalize America’s rural areas

Studies have shown that the economic gap between urban and rural areas of the country widen when Democrats hold the White House. Urban areas, typically Democrat strongholds, are rewarded with the vast ...

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Kansas Senator leaves Republican party over transgender rights

parties, gun, confiscation

Senator Barbara Bollier, a 10-year Republican lawmaker in Kansas, has announced she is becoming a Democrat. Bollier−a physician from Mission Hills−cited disagreements with the Republican Party over LGBT issues, specifically transgender rights ...

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New Muslim Congresswoman won’t apologize for mocking Pence in tweet

A recently elected female congresswoman is facing backlash for mocking Vice President Mike Pence on Twitter. Ilan Omar (D-Minn.), who  posted a photo of Pence in the Oval Office with his eyes ...

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Liberals exhibit racist condescension when addressing minorities

White liberals present themselves as less competent when addressing minorities, while conservatives use the same vocabulary no matter what the race of their audience, according to a newly released study. Yale and ...

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Miss. win means Republicans increase Senate majority

Republican have picked up another Senate seat after U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith won a divisive Mississippi runoff to remain in office. The incumbent, 59-year-old Hyde-Smith, defeated Democrat Mike Espy, a former U.S. ...

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Elected officials flip-flop on religious freedom

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act is under fire from the very same Senators and Congressional Reps that previously voted for it it. The act, known as RFRA, was introduced in 1993 by ...

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Federal prosecutors reviewing altered election documents tied to Florida Democrats

TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Department of State last week asked federal prosecutors to investigate dates that were changed on official state election documents, the first voting “irregularities” it has flagged in the ...

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Missouri Republican legislators keep supermajorities


Perhaps the biggest story of Tuesday’s election in Missouri politics, apart from Republican Josh Hawley’s defeat of incumbent Claire McCaskill, was the strong showing by Missouri House Republicans. Democrats expected a blue ...

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George Soros racks up two victories in Missouri


The influence of George Soros was just too strong for Air Force Veteran Saundra McDowell, a political newcomer and first time candidate. The Republican mom and Christian mounted a very strong grassroots ...

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Blue wave disappears as Republicans gain in Senate, oust incumbents

In what could still be considered a stunning defeat, Democrats took control of the House without the “blue wave” that was projected to sweep Republicans from power in state governorships, the Senate ...

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Man arrested in Synagogue trashing was a Obama campaign worker

The media and civil rights organizations were quick to finger Republicans and Trump supporters for the anti-Semitic messages found in a synagogue in Brooklyn, New York. Turns out, the man arrested is ...

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Kavanaugh rape accuser now admits she lied, says it was a ploy

A women who accused Judge Brett Kavanaugh of raping her, and sent her allegations to Democrats touching off a lengthy investigation has admitted she lied. Judy Munro-Leighton’s admissions came during questioning by ...

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Poll: Americans blame media for divided country

A new poll from Morning Consult shows that more voters blame the media for a divided country than voters the political parties or President Trump: 64 percent of registered voters said the ...

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How the Kansas City Star helped Sharice Davids in Kansas politics

One of the beauties of being involved in politics in smaller media markets is that a wider variety of people can become involved on relatively small budgets. Other benefits are obvious. Candidates ...

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