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Tag Archives: democrats

‘Blue wave’ disappears as GOP voters surge

Early voting turnout data from six key battleground states suggest a surge for the Republican party as President Donald Trump ramps up campaign rally appearances across the country ahead of the Nov. ...

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Prison inmates run their election campaigns from behind bars

Two lawmakers, currently in jail, are hoping to be elected while in prison. For one, it is likely he will begin his term in office from behind bars. Texas lawmaker Ron Reynolds, ...

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Has the Kavanaugh Battle Vindicated Trump Voters?

Democrats’ willingness to go low demonstrates why so many Republicans believed they needed someone who would fight dirty. There were many points of contention that divided Donald Trump voters from other Republicans ...

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Witches are ‘wiccan out’ over Kavanaugh


We’re not sure if it’s as easy as wrinkling your nose (aka Bewitched from the 1960s) but a throng of real-life witches are doing their part for the Democrat Party and Nov. ...

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Senators reviewing FBI files. “No Corroboration” of Ford’s claims

Senators are reviewing an FBI report into sexual misconduct allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. First reports from Senators that have looked at it say the FBI has found zero evidence that would ...

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Kavanaugh and Ford testimony grips nation

The nation was riveted by Thursday’s dramatic and historic testimony at a Senate hearing featuring Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christime Ford who accuses him of sexual assault 36 years ago ...

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New Gallup poll refutes media hopes of November bloodbath


A Gallup poll shows forty-five percent of Americans now have a favorable view of the Republican Party, a nine-point gain from last September’s 36%. It is the party’s most positive image since ...

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Second accuser not sure if Kavanaugh was even at party

With the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh hanging in the balance due to a sexual assault allegation while he was in high school, a second accuser has come out with ...

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Democrats look at Kavanaugh’s high school days

In a last ditch effort to derail what is seen as the likely confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Democrats are saying they have the goods in an  “anonymous” letter. ...

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Swedes vote opposition to generous immigration policy

As Europeans continue to struggle with the issue of immigration, add another country that has been rocked at the polls over the issue. Sweden has become the latest European nation where voters ...

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Democrats team with protesters to disrupt hearings

As Senate Supreme Court confirmation hearings entered their second day, there was no lack of theatrics by those seeking to disrupt hearings over nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The fireworks again erupted Wednesday at ...

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Failed challenge to Orman shows Dem concern for “disenfranchised” to be hypocritical

If memory serves it was a just a few months back that the media and the Democratic Party shed many a tear over the fate of the voters allegedly “disenfranchised” by a ...

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Republicans tackle extreme candidate who won MO primary


First it was socialists and Marxists winning Democrat primaries over the summer and again this week. Now, Missouri Republican leaders are condemning an extreme candidate that came from no where to win ...

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Black Christian leaders call for censure of Maxine Waters over her dangerous call for harassment

A group of black Christian conservative leaders are calling on House Speaker Paul Ryan to censure Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters of California for comments she made last month urging harassment of administration ...

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Missouri Democrats battle over admitting pro-life voters

After a publicly painful battle, the Missouri Democrat Party narrowly approved a new platform — one including a last-minute amendment welcoming “a diversity of views” on abortion. “We respect the conscience of ...

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GOP wins in Arizona but how will Republican exodus affect the issues?

After a string of Democrat victories in early special elections across the country received wide coverage, last night’s GOP victory in Arizona is being downplayed by liberal news pundits today. Former Arizona ...

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