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Tag Archives: hope

Billy Graham book ‘Til Armageddon’ being rereleased

Although Billy Graham died before the tumultuous year of 2020, his words about suffering and armageddon are as timely as ever. He examined the topic of suffering in his 1981 (see below) ...

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Clemson Coach Swinney gives teenager biblical advice for life


Dabo Swinney, who coaches one of the top college football programs in the nation at Clemson University, has always been bold about sharing his faith. On a radio show earlier this week, ...

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Encouraging words from 18th century missionary David Brainerd


While reading the missions classic The Life and Diary of David Brainerd (see info below), I was struck by David Brainerd’s perseverance through great hardships. He endured them all to accomplish one transcendent ...

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How to have hope for a difficult Christmas season

Christmas carols fill the air; smiles and laughter are everywhere. A drive through town reveals glistening windows boasting of tasty holiday treats and shiny red ribbon. Twinkling lights dance in unexpected places ...

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There’s no law against doing good

What is “doing good”? In January this year the world watched as China became the epicenter for Covid-19. It began spreading country to country eventually reaching the United States impacting tens of ...

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Where you can find hope during coronavirus pandemic


The title of a USA Today story read, “Holding on to hope in the coronavirus pandemic . . .”  The Wall Street Journal wrote in one article, the “world’s best hope is ...

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Baseball’s Darryl Strawberry and his homerun for eternity

The most significant home run for Darryl Strawberry didn’t happen on a baseball field. It happened when he ran home into the arms of Jesus. The coldest place in the world on ...

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Tenn. Gov. points to Christ at drive-in church service: ‘We know where our hope comes from’

drive-in church

While some government leaders have discouraged drive-in church services, on a recent Sunday in Tennessee, the state’s governor attended a drive-in church service – and even delivered a word of inspiration from ...

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Retirees encouraged to get involved during pandemic

Retirees are getting a bad rap during the pandemic when they often are the ones best-suited to helping others, according to a Christian leader. “Seniors are often portrayed in the media as ...

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One-quarter of Americans say their faith has grown during pandemic

Many Americans say their faith is growing stronger despite challenging times during the pandemic, according to a new survey by Pew Research Center. One-quarter of U.S. adults overall (24 percent) say their ...

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Billy Graham chaplains minister during pandemic and tornadoes

billy graham tornadoes

Samaritan’s Purse, the disaster relief arm of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, is being stretched by pandemic response and the tornadoes that raged across Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana overnight last week. Teams ...

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Luis Palau presents Easter message as he battles Cancer

palau easter cancer

Evangelist Luis Palau is set to go big this Easter with a special digital experience sharing a powerful and heartfelt message of hope, love, and joy in the midst of his cancer ...

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Here’s some good news: God still cares

good news pandemic

It’s easy to focus on what is wrong right now. Yet, God is not sitting on the sidelines. He is at work, as He always is, showing mercy and granting help. So, ...

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Christians around world asked to join in prayer Sunday

Global prayer ministry leaders and church networks have called for worldwide prayer Sunday, March 22, in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic has affected millions of people around the world ...

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Providing young girls in India an alternative to prostitution

india girls

For 500 years, one tribal group in northern India has relied on the prostitution of its oldest daughters as a key source of income. This tribe, known as the Banchara, is part ...

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When we make men into gods

What happens when we make men into gods? When I was a teenager, I loved playing basketball.  Dr. J and Michael Jordan were my favorite NBA players.  While living in Colorado, I ...

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Grace in the New Year

As 2020 begins, let me offer up something for all — show more grace. I can offer grace and hope you can do the same. Remember too that you don’t know what ...

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Multiracial churches present challenges for pastors of color

worship song

For four hours at a megachurch outside of Dallas, pastors of color shared their personal stories of leading a multiracial church. One, a lead pastor of a Southern Baptist congregation in Salt ...

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Blue Christmas Services to be held for those experiencing loss

It may be a “Blue Christmas” for many of those who have experienced loss in their lives or who are needing support during the holidays. Blue Christmas, a service of hope and ...

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Bible stories – What happens when we refuse to thank God?

The Bible is my favorite book.  I love to read it and hear it read.  It is filled with compelling stories.  One in particular is about a man who had been born ...

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HOPE blend coffee pays tribute to Pastor Jarrid Wilson

The tragic suicide of Pastor Jarrid Wilson of Harvest Christian Fellowship in Riverside, Calif., has triggered a wide-ranging discussion about stress, depression and mental health. Now the coffee company he helped found ...

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Topeka Rescue Mission facing possible closure due to financial shortfall

Topeka Rescue Mission memorial park

In a news release today, Topeka Rescue Mission (TRM), says it is facing possible closure after over 65 years of serving homeless and impoverished men, women and children in the Topeka area. ...

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Last month I wrote about a little boy who maintained a countenance of joy and hope, even when met with constant defeat along the way. A boy who aspires to be a ...

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The Church is divided – is there hope?

I have a fellow minister friend who has an effective and growing ministry to teens and college students.  One of his challenges to them is to stop yelling at each other on ...

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Choosing to love and forgive

This is not a February valentine column about a love between a man and woman.  Rather, it is about a complex love between a father and son. Recently, my wife and I ...

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