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Tag Archives: iran

Living in hostile environments, people share how Sat-7 satellite programs bring hope

Christian satellite television ministries like SAT-7 have grown significantly over the years. Some may ask themselves, “Do they make a difference?” The broadcast and online media ministry of SAT-7 offers current event ...

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Israel News Briefs

James Bond composer, American views toward Israel, Biden on nukes, and Ukrainian Aid make up today’s Israel News Briefs. Poll: Younger Americans more negative towards Israel A new Pew report found that 56% of ...

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Biden arrives in Israel after creating controversy over Jerusalem visit

As President Joe Biden arrived in Israel today, that nation is moving forward with a series of  “confidence-building” measures between the Palestinian Authority, says Defense Minister Benny Gantz Biden’s diplomatic trip will ...

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Iranian Christian explains the plight of women

iranian women

Iranians have recently been shocked by the news of two “honor killings” of women, including one woman believed to have been killed for her faith in Christ. Iranian Christian Omeed Jouyandé discusses ...

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Voice of America accused of pro-Islamist bias in reporting

voice of america

The Voice of America has a pro-Islamic bias, according to a watchdog group that has filed Freedom of Information Act request. The American Accountability Foundation is investigating allegations that VOA was amplifying ...

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Despite Democrat opposition, most Americans support Israel over Palestinians

More than half of Americans support Israel over the Palestinians, a new Gallup poll finds. About one-quarter said their sympathies are with Palestinians, and the rest said both, neither or that they ...

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Twitter rebuffed by courts in its lawsuit against Texas over Trump ban

Twitter has lost another round in court over its ban of Donald Trump from the social media platform. A federal appeals court has dismissed Twitter’s lawsuit against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. ...

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House Republicans demand answers from Biden on Israel, Iran policy

More than 30 House Republicans this week signed letters to President Biden and U.N. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield demanding answers about U.S. policy toward Israel and Iran. “The American people expect this administration ...

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The Presbyterian Church lies about MLK and Israel in the same breath

The Presbyterian Church has an antisemitism problem. In their statement published on the annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s life, Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, clerk of the General ...

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Israel has successful test of space missile defense system

As the Biden administration inches closer to a nuclear deal that many say will allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons, Israel has announced a major breakthrough in its defense. Israel Defense Forces ...

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Lebanon faces grim future as Hezbollah holds the country hostage

As the masses across Lebanon deal with a collapsing economy and a paralyzed government, murmurings of dissatisfaction with Hezbollah, Iran’s terror proxy in Beirut, have begun to surface. But experts say it ...

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Israel considers airstrike on Iranian nuclear facilities

Israel takes the threat of a nuclear Iran seriously and is considering an attack on the nation’s nuclear facilities. Aviv Kohavi, Israel Defense Forces chief of staff, on Tuesday told the Knesset’s ...

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As threat of nuclear Iran grows, Israel prepares defense

Israel is stepping up its defense strategy as Iran moves closer to developing a nuclear weapon. An Israeli security official, speaking to media outlets, says that Iranians today “are closer to creating ...

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Iran continues to violate agreements, could be 10 weeks from nuclear weapon

The Islamic Republic of Iran already is violating an agreement it made with the International Atomic Energy Agency just a few weeks ago. The deal reached between the two sides would allow ...

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Afghanistan is the new inspiration and staging ground for Islamic terrorism

The fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban has implications far beyond the borders of that nation. That’s because the Taliban takeover provides fresh inspiration for Islamic radicals worldwide while at the same ...

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World powers give Israel OK to retaliate against Iran after drone attack

After a deadly attack on an Israeli ship, three world powers have given Israel the green light to attack Iran. The unusual unified response by the U.S., Russia and Britain comes days ...

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In turnaround, Biden administration will appoint Ambassador of Religious Freedom

After President Joe Biden disbanded the Commission of Unalienable Rights, many believed it was a sign that religious freedom was no longer a priority. Instituted by President Donald Trump, the commission had ...

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First Christians in Iran sentenced under brutal new law

Morning Star News reports the first Christians to be punished under a newly amended law in Iran aimed at halting the growth of Christianity and other religious groups were sentenced to five years ...

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Jerusalem librarian sentenced for role as Hezbollah spy

librarian hezbollah

A former Jerusalem librarian has been sentenced to prison after being outed as a spy for the Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah. The group is the world’s most well-funded terrorist organization and operates ...

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Salvations skyrocket in Iran as young people oppose government

Iran Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei rigged the recent elections to install Ebrahim Raisi as president for one major purpose: to warn citizens who are disgruntled with the regime and angry about their ...

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Netanyahu challenges new leader to stand up to Biden

Although Benjamin Netanyahu no longer is prime minister of Israel, he will keep a wary eye on the policies of the Biden administration. Netanyahu’s term as prime minister ended Sunday after Israel’s ...

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Netanyahu ends 12 years of service as Bennett becomes prime minister

A record twelve years straight of Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister came to an end Sunday night as Naftali Bennett was sworn in. The new government, which at least temporarily, ends a roadblock ...

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Everything you need to know about Israel and Hamas and how it started

Israel is a country that everyone seems to have an opinion about. What’s unfortunate is that most form their opinions based on a headline, social media post or Facebook news feed that ...

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Study: Christianity grows fastest without governmental support

As governmental support for Christianity increases, the number of Christians declines significantly, according to a new study. The research was published this month in the journal Sociology of Religion. This relationship holds even when accounting ...

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John Kerry asked to resign after leaked Iranian audio

After John Kerry leaked classified information to the terrorist regime of Iran, calls are being made for his resignation. Kerry, who currently serves as U.S. Special Climate Envoy, disclosed the number of ...

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