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Trump ties Obama as most admired in nation

President Donald Trump has tied former President Barack Obama as most admired. The new Gallup poll has shocked many Democrats and media commentators after three years of 90% negative news coverage of ...

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Where does your state rank in Christmas spirit?           


In a recent study sponsored by CenturyLink, analysts used a number of statistics on Christmas cheer broken down into two categories — online activity and area culture. Under online activity, the study ...

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Pastors uncertain if U.S. economy is helping their congregations

The Christmas shopping season is in full swing, but pastors are divided on whether the economy is helping their congregations this year, according to a new survey from LifeWay Research. Forty-one percent ...

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Despite negative media coverage, Rasmussen poll shows President Trump at 51% approval

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday Dec. 6 shows that 51% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Donald Trump’s job performance. Forty-eight percent (48%) disapprove. This week, it was announced that ...

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Barna announces top 10 cities for generous Christians

A new survey finds which cities have the most generous Christians. The Barna Group, which has been tracking cultural trends related to values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors for 35 years, identified the ...

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Religious Freedom Index takes pulse of Americans on church-state issues

The proper role of faith in a pluralistic society has long been debated and always comes up in conversation as a presidential election approaches. The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty recently conducted ...

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Survey finds success for graduates of Adult and Teen Challenge addiction program

teen challenge

A landmark survey confirms the success of the faith-based Adult and Teen Challenge USA addiction recovery program.  The survey coordinated a measured the effectiveness of the Adult and Teen Challenge program by assessing the well-being ...

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Church affiliation proves to be reliable indicator of party affiliation

One of the best ways to predict if someone is a Republican or a Democrat is to ask if they regularly attend church – and what church. Almost every predominantly white Protestant ...

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Poll: majority believe federal officials broke the law to prevent Trump from winning in 2016

In a poll that might give Democrats pause, a majority of likely voters believe that high-level officials in government broke federal laws in their attempts to stop Donald Trump from becoming president. ...

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Christians continue to disagree about whether and how to celebrate Halloween


If the calendar says mid-October, it means that the long-running debate over whether Christians should celebrate Halloween is about to heat up again. Eighty-seven percent of Christians believe they should not celebrate ...

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Impeachment lands with a dud for American people

This week’s move towards impeachment of President Donald Trump seems to have landed with a dud for the American people. While no formal papers of impeachment have been drawn up, the nation’s ...

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Vast majority of Americans ‘troubled’ by news media

news media poll

The news media has an image problem and it’s not just with the President of the United States. A newly released poll finds that almost all Americans are “troubled” by the state ...

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Most protestant churchgoers say they think of God each day

American Protestant churchgoers say God is on their mind throughout their day in both intentional and impromptu moments. The 2019 Discipleship Pathway Assessment study from Nashville-based LifeWay Research identified seeking God as ...

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David Jeremiah warns against church as entertainment driven social organization


Many U.S. churches today have “forgotten” their purpose, becoming entertainment-driven social organizations eager to blend in with secular culture instead of focusing on biblical discipleship, Pastor David Jeremiah warned. “The Church is ...

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‘Serving others’ more difficult for church-goers

serving others

Everyone is busy. We seem to live in an age where “activities” fill our time. Like most people, Christians often admit having a hard time serving others. This despite it being a ...

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Gallup: Church membership plunging across nation

Results of a 20-year study by Gallup reveals a startling trend in church membership. The percentage of U.S. adults who belong to a church or other religious institution has plunged by 20 ...

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Poll finds ‘free time’ a rare commodity for most people

Busy, busy, busy. That’s how most people would describe their life. But have they really figured out how much free time they get? Most people might even over-estimate it, thinking they’re catching ...

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President’s approval numbers rise as Democrats investigate

In spite of, or possibly in reaction to, announcements of new Democrat investigations into him, President Donald Trump’s approval rating grew to 53 percent. That’s according to a polling firm on April ...

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What freedoms do Americans value most?


A new study shows the vast majority of Americans do not understand their constitutional freedoms, and worse yet, cannot name many of them. Of the 2,000 adults who took part in the ...

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Only 1 in 4 Christians acting out their faith at home

Twenty-five percent of professing, practicing Christians live in households that regularly pray and practice Bible reading together and conduct outreach together to others, while 28 percent live in a home that does ...

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Push to expand abortion backfires, pro-life support grows

In 2019, Democratic politicians have doubled down on their push to expand abortion including late-term abortions up to the moment of birth. In January, New York governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation that ...

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Millennial Christians not fond of evangelism

If the future of spreading the Gospel is in the hands of millennial Christians, evangelism in America is at risk. Barna research reveals in a new study that about half of younger ...

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Trump’s approval rating at end of second year is 49%; same as Obama’s

Despite what many in the media are reporting, President Donald Trump is not an unpopular President. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday, February 7, shows that 49% of likely ...

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People who attend church lead happier lives

Those who identify with a religious group and regularly attend worship services tend to be happier and more civically engaged than those who do not, a new Pew Research Center survey has ...

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Poll: Americans doubt Democrats, fairness of Mueller investigation

Americans tend to think that Democratic legislators in the House of Representatives will go too far in investigating President Donald Trump, according to a Washington Post-ABC News poll. While 46 percent said they think ...

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