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Tag Archives: pope

John Piper stakes out New Testament position on same-sex relationships in church

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Pastor and author John Piper has weighed in on how churches should deal with same-sex relationships. He responded in podcast to comments by Pope Francis last December to allow priests to bless ...

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Pope praises U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade

Pope Francis earlier this week applauded the United States for revising its laws on abortion. The pontiff said he respected the court’s decision but did not yet know enough about the U.S. ...

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Ronald Reagan forgave, wanted to meet John Hinkley

President Ronald Reagan once wanted to meet with the deranged man who attempted to assassinate him but was talked out of the meeting by his advisors. The story about Reagan is resurfacing ...

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Pope appoints six women to previously all male financial council

Financial decisions in the Vatican will now be overseen by a group including six women appointed to the council by Pope Francis. The council was previously comprised of all men. The head ...

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Pope Francis considering adding ecological sin to Catholic catechism

Environmentalism has taken on theological overtones for many people. The head of the Catholic Church is considering elevating it to a sin, the Daily Wire reported. Speaking at the 20th World Congress ...

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Pope Francis praises President Trump for peace efforts

Putting past differences aside, Pope Francis has expressed his support for President Donald Trump. The comments came after Trump became the fist president to step foot in North Korea and announced diplomatic ...

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Vatican agrees with science: you cannot change your sex


Pope Francis has again gone on record rejecting the idea that people can choose or change their genders.  The Vatican is following accepted biological and medical science that human sex is determined ...

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‘Do not let’ replaces ‘Do not lead’ in Lord’s Prayer

Pope Francis has officially approved a change to the Lord’s Prayer that many theologians say was due. The change concerns Matthew 6:13 and replaces “lead us not into temptation” with “do not ...

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Pope donates $500,000 to help migrant caravans

Migrants making their way towards the US are getting help from the Vatican. Pope Francis has donated $500,000  to help migrant caravans as they make their way towards the US border. The ...

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Why it’s good when presidents question US intelligence

President Donald Trump’s occasional questioning of the U.S. intelligence community isn’t dangerous; it’s exactly the sort of responsible leadership that President Ronald Reagan practiced. Many of the president’s critics claim he doesn’t ...

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Billy Graham diaries, notes on famous people to be released

What did Billy Graham really think about Barack Obama and the Pope? We will know March 19 when archival collections are released by the Billy Graham Center Archives. The diaries and letters ...

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