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Tag Archives: protests

Lebanese protesters gain strength, call for gov’t to resign

Lebanese citizens continue to protest in the street against a government that they say cannot run the nation. Lebanese police fired water cannons, rubber bullets and tear gas in response on Sunday ...

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Iranian female Olympic medalist Alizadeh defects over regime’s lies about airliner

Iran’s downing of a passenger jet is having fallout in the sports world. Taekwondo fighter Kimia Alizadeh, Iran’s only female Olympic medalist, has defected. The athlete, who has rock star status in ...

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Rockets again fired at Iraq military base

As Iranian protests against the Ayatollah and their president spread, the Islamic regime may be trying to divert attention with more rockets fired in Iraq. On Sunday rocket rained down on the ...

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Furious Iranians protest their government over jetliner downing

As Iranians continue to pour into the streets to protest their government downing of a Ukrainian jetliner, the United States has expressed its support for them. President Donald Trump and American diplomats ...

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While Democrats protest death of Soleimani, Pompeo shows videos of Iraqis celebrating

On Saturday thousands protested across the United States against the killing of Iranian Revolutionary Guard leader General Qassim Soleimani. Democrat Presidential Primary candidates denounced President Trump and the killing while Hollywood actors tweeted ...

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Protests at University of Missouri in 2015 helped foster rise of conservative organizations

Physics teaches that every action causes an opposite reaction. That may be the case with the protests that roiled the University of Missouri campus in 2015. Reaction to the protests is one ...

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Austin school district to teach sodomy to 8-year-olds, use gender-neutral names for parents

Children as young as 8-years-old will learn how to engage in sodomy, after the Austin, Texas school district voted to approve a new sex education program. The instructions will include how to ...

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Senator Hawley compares Berlin and Hong Kong protests for democracy

While the NBA is being criticized for cozying up to Chinese Communists who are battling pro-democracy protesters in China, U.S. Senator Josh Hawley, R-Missouri, says China is trying to censor Americans from ...

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News Briefs: Pompeo subpoenaed; Hong Kong protester shot; Whistleblower form mysteriously changed;

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Here’s today’s news briefs: Pompeo to testify before Congress Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was among the officials who listened in on the July 25 phone call between President Trump and Ukraine’s ...

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UPDATE: Norway takes permanent custody of three American children from parents

Norway’s infamous child welfare agency known as Barnevernet has taken permanent custody of three American children from their American mother and Lithuanian father. Natalya Shutakova, a US citizen who last year moved to Norway ...

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What’s really happening in Hong Kong?

While the images may be mesmerizing, most media consumers don’t fully understand what is happening in Hong Kong – a battle for freedom against encroaching despotic communist rule. For citizens of the ...

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News Briefs: Youtube blocks Communists; Sex offenders in libraries; Russian missiles off Alaska; Autism over-diagnosed

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Convicted child sex offenders holding drag queen story times Over the past year, the Austin Public Library in Texas has allowed a sex offender to read to children during “Drag Queen Story Time,” a pro-family ...

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News Briefs: Robocalls, Afghan wedding massacre, Hong Kong and trade, China and drugs

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Here’s today’s news briefs: US authorities struggle in dealing with robocalls The billions of illegal robocalls inundating Americans are being facilitated largely by small telecom carriers that transmit calls over the internet, but authorities ...

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China warns Hong Kong: troops can arrive in 10 minutes

Chinese military have posted a social media message containing that Chinese troops are at the ready at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center, and warns they can arrive in Hong Kong within 10 minutes. The warning was widely viewed ...

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Movie ‘The Hunt’ plans to show Trump voters being murdered


“The Hunt,” a movie that shows “liberal elites” hunting down “deplorables,” is still planned for a September release despite a major backlash regarding the film’s violent premise. “The Hunt” is slated to ...

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‘Hallelujah to the Lord,’ sing students to Chinese police

An extradition bill that would have sent criminal suspects to communist China for prosecution seems to be dead for now, but Hong Kong’s students keep pushing back against the heavy-handed rule of ...

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Former Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader Morsi dies at trial

Egypt’s former president, Mohammed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood leader who vowed to remove all Jews from Israel and replace them with Palestinians, collapsed in court Monday during a trial and died. Morsi came ...

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Iran closes 547 eateries for breaking Islamic principles

TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian police have shut down 547 restaurants and cafes in Tehran for not observing “Islamic principles,” the capital’s police chief said Saturday. “The owners of restaurants and cafes in ...

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30 years after Tiananmen, China still a world threat

This week is the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square massacre. The event capped weeks of protest in 1989 as Chinese students protested for democratic principles. Thousands were killed in a brutal, and ...

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‘Higher calling’: Chick-fil-A CEO’s gracious response to activists

Chick-fil-A is taking the high road when it comes to those critical of the beloved quick-service eatery and its CEO, Dan Cathy, who many years ago expressed his personal support of the ...

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Protesters upstage New York mayor’s ‘Green New Deal’ event

Many New Yorkers have had enough of ultra liberal mayor Bill de Blasio. Under the mayor’s leadership the city has passed ultra-leftist regulations on everything from the size of soft drinks to ...

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Asia Bibi escapes Pakistan to join family in Canada

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Persecuted Christian mother Asia Bibi has joined her husband and children in Canada, months after her acquittal of false blasphemy charges and her release from Pakistan’s death row. After the acquittal, Bibi ...

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Pompeo says US military may intervene in Venezuela

As Venezuela’s dictator Nicolas Maduro directs his military to kill pro-democracy protesters, violence continues to escalate with the possibility of US troops intervening at some future point. The country’s leading politician trying ...

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Venezuelan military finally sides with pro-democracy leaders

As millions began filling the streets Tuesday in the latest protest against the socialist dictator of the country, marchers saw something they did not expect. The Venezuelan military was siding with them ...

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Sudanese churches unite in call for democracy


The call for democracy in Sudan is uniting churches across the nation as protests continue after a military coup ousted the abusive government. In a sign of  national unity among many faiths, on ...

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