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Tag Archives: trump

Pence’s surprising admission: Trump opening meetings in prayer

In an interview Friday with a Christian cable network, Vice President Pence made a startling revelation. The president is the one who encourages each meeting begin with prayer. Pence, who has previously ...

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Christian hostages may return home from N. Korea with President


Metro Voice regularly asks our readers to pray for those being persecuted for their faith. We have some good news! Three Americans detained in North Korea, have reportedly been moved from a labor ...

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Christian leaders praise historic move by Trump to protect religious freedoms

Christian leaders are reacting positively to news that President Donald Trump is unveiling a new White House plan to protect religious freedom and to work more closely with the faith community. The ...

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Women smuggled across Mexican border rescued in Higginsville

smuggling border wall

Two illegal alien women, smuggled across the U.S.–Mexican border and held for ransom, have been rescued from a motel in Higginsvile, Mo. The incident again puts a spotlight on the nation’s border ...

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Iran busted: Preparing to develop nuclear weapons all along

JERUSALEM, Israel – In a powerful nationally televised address that has now reverberated around the world, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to his nation revealing evidence that Iran has been lying ...

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South Korean leader: Trump should receive the Nobel Peace Prize

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has suggested that U.S. President Donald Trump should receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in ending the 68 year state of war. Moon made the ...

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Church shooting survivors invited to White House prayer service

texas church shooting prayer white house

Members of the Texas church where 26 people lost their lives in November have been personally invited to visit the White House this week. President Donald Trump personally invited the survivors to the ...

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Trump may attend opening of U.S. Jerusalem embassy

The grand opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem may have a special guest: President Donald Trump–the man who made it possible in December. Trump was asked during a joint press conference ...

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Economy booms as unemployment filings lowest since 1969

The American economy is expanding at a record rate and workers are the beneficiaries. The Commerce Department today released a report showing the number of Americans filing unemployment benefits dropped to the ...

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Price of gas rises as economy booms

A perfect storm has converged to raise the price of gasoline to levels not seen since 2015. In both Missouri and Kansas, drivers are paying an average of $2.47 per gallon. The ...

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President Trump issues video & proclamation on 50th anniversary of King assassination

luther niece mlk devotional unity

President Donald J. Trump on Wednesday released a video message honoring Martin Luther King Jr. on the 50th anniversary of his assassination, declaring that “the promise he fought for could never be ...

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Trump is trouncing who in the polls? Just about every major world leader

The national media continues to be fascinated with the approval rating of President Trump. The most recent Pew poll finds the president’s approval at 47%. Others show it from 42–45%. The media ...

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Will new tariffs on China create more fair trade?

It’s no secret that each year, China floods the U.S. market with cheap goods–with many of these products made in conditions that would be illegal in most of the world. Add to ...

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MEDIA FACT CHECK: Tillerson length of service

The replacement of US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson this week has been met with breathless reporting by the national news media as evidence of “chaos” in the Trump administration. “Unprecedented,” read ...

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Breaking News: Trump to meet N. Korea dictator Kim Jong Un

USA Today is reporting that President Trump will meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un by May for high-level talks toward creating a nuclear-free Korean peninsula. The news was announced by ...

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Topeka native tapped to run Trump campaign

Brad who? President Trump has hired Topeka native Brad Parscale, the digital media director of his 2016 campaign, to run his re-election bid, the campaign announced. But who is Brad Parscale? He’s ...

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Democrats smear Josh Hawley over Greitens allegations

As incumbent U.S. Senator Clarie McCaskill fights for her political life, her campaign and state democrats have found a new weapon. A Democratic group, funded with $1 million from George Soros, is flooding ...

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America’s Jerusalem Embassy will open May 18

Making good on a promise that three former presidents made but refused to honor, President Trump has ensured the new US embassy in Jerusalem will now open in 10 weeks. The opening ...

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Trump makes impassioned plea at National Prayer Breakfast

In his second appearance at the annual National Prayer Breakfast, President Trump steered clear of partisan politics and instead made an impassioned plea that the nation rely on God. “America’s a nation ...

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Polls: Trump more popular than Obama?

Polls come ad go but unless you have some historical perspective, you might not understand them fully. The daily Presidential Tracking Poll by Rasmussen shows that 48% of likely U.S. voters approve ...

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Heritage Foundation says Trump’s first year better than Reagan

Some of his most ardent admirers compare President Donald Trump to Ronald Reagan. Others compare him to Richard Nixon. But where do the two presidents compare in action? The New York Times is reporting ...

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Embassy move to Jerusalem set for 2019

Following through on a campaign promise that has eluded several presidents, Vice President Mike Pence announced that the U.S. embassy in Israel will move from Tel Aviv to Israel’s capitol of Jerusalem ...

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Busy year for improved U.S., Israel relations

U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is proving to be a powerhouse on the diplomatic front. She has emerged as the most vociferous supporter of Israel in the last 50 years. 2017 saw many ...

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Were there any achievements in first year of Trump?

The Washington Examiner newspaper has investigated if there were any achievements in the first year under President Trump. Because of media attention on the Russia investigation, many of the milestones have gone ...

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Surprise! Congress agrees with Trump on Jerusalem move

Below is a list of statements from members of Congress following the administration’s Dec. 6 announcement that the United States will now officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel: U.S. Senate: ...

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