“Never Again?,” a feature-length documentary produced by Christians United for Israel, will be shown in theaters on October 13 and 15. The goal of the movie is to expose and combat increasing violence and bigotry toward the Jewish people.
“As theaters reopen across the country, we want this ‘must-see’ documentary to be among the first films available,” said John Hagee, founder and chairman of the organization. “In the face of violent anti-Semitism rising across the country, if we are to stem the tide, we inoculate the next generation against the world’s oldest hatred by empowering them with knowledge and reaching them with the message of unity in ‘Never Again?’ If we are to fulfill the promise of Never Again, we cannot allow the memory of the Holocaust to fade.”
Viewers will travel with a Holocaust survivor into the depths of darkness and surface in the light. Viewers also travel down the deep, dark path once taken by a formerly radicalized anti-Semite as he describes his life journey, which culminates with him now defending Israel on the world’s stage.
“The film explores the history of anti-Semitism as viewers are guided by a Holocaust survivor and a former radical Islamist,” producer Rick Eldredge of ReelWorks Studios said. “We explain the vital necessity of understanding why all of us, regardless of faith or political persuasion, have a responsibility to keep the promise of Never Again.”
Shari Dollinger, co-executive director of Christians United, said, “We must ensure the next generation learns the lessons of the past so that this history never repeats itself.”
“This is not your parents’ documentary,” said Dollinger. “It meets the audience where they are, engaging them in a modern and cutting-edge manner. If we’re not to see history repeat itself, we must ensure the next generation learns the lessons of the past.”
With more than 8.5 million members, Christians United for Israel is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States and one of the leading Christian grassroots movements in the world. It spans all 50 states and reaches millions with its educational message.
–Dwight Widaman | Metro Voice