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The Great Recital: Seven people will recite entire New Testament from memory this week

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Seven people are teaming up to recite the entire New Testament from memory, beginning on Tuesday. Tom Meyer, a professor of Bible studies from northern Kentucky, had the idea of bringing people ...

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Dallas Jenkins says Jesus would have used social media

jesus social

Jesus would have used social media to spread his message, the creator of “The Chosen” claims. “I do believe that Jesus would’ve used tools of the day to communicate,” Dallas Jenkins stated ...

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Survey: Generosity more common among church-going Christians

Christians who attend church regularly are more likely to be taught and experience generosity in their own lives than non-Christians, according to a new Barna survey. The poll conducted of 2,016 adults ...

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Prayer effort to stop 110 million girls being forced into child marriage

International aid agency, World Vision is calling for urgent action to prevent 110 million girls from being forced into child marriage by 2035. Its new report ‘Fighting for a Future’ has tracked ...

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Prophecies about 2020 election should be wake-up call, Christian author says

christian prophecies

As the midterm elections approach, Christian author Michael Brown says false prophecies about Donald Trump’s reelection should serve as a “wake-up call to the charismatic church.” Brown, whose columns often appear in ...

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FCA’s Oct. 12 Fields of Faith unites students

fields faith

Fields of Faith, an annual event sponsored by the Kansas City-based Fellowship of Christian Athletes, will be held on October 12. The event is led by students. Peers invite their own classmates ...

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Why did early Christianity rise so rapidly?

christianity rise

New religions appear all the time — nowhere more than in the United States — but very few ever achieve prominence and permanence. Christianity is a rare and dramatic case of a ...

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Former Christians report condition dubbed “rapture anxiety”


As if people don’t have enough to worry about in today’s culture, a growing number of former Christians and others are struggling with what mental health professionals have called “rapture anxiety,” a ...

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This week in history: Tyndale burned at stake for printing Bibles


William Tyndale, “Father of the English Bible,” was burned at the state in October 1536. How many Bibles do you have in your house? For most of us, Bibles are easily accessible, ...

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Majority of evangelicals believe everyone is born innocent: survey

The overwhelming majority of U.S. evangelicals have accepted a view of human identity that aligns more with American society than the teaching of the Bible. The results are from a new survey ...

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Where are Missouri and Kansas in religious liberty state rankings?

religious freedom

Missouri and Kansas do a fairly good job of protecting religious liberty, a new report finds. A survey by the Center for Religion, Culture and Democracy rated all 50 states on 11 ...

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PrayerFest Oct. 1 at Missouri State Capitol

The Missouri State Capitol will be bathed in prayer Saturday during Missouri PrayerFest 2022. The event begins at 10am with a prayer walk inside the Capitol leading up to a prayer gathering ...

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“God’s Smuggler,” Brother Andrew dies at 94

Brother Andrew, famously known as “God’s Smuggler,” has died at the age of 94 at his home in the Netherlands, according to a family spokesperson. Born Anne Van der Bijl, the defender ...

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Shanah tovah, or happy New Year! The importance of the lunar calendar

L’shanah Tovah to all! That’s Happy New Year! This week is Rosh Hashanah, or New Year, for the Jewish community. Marking the passage of a time and a new year is important. ...

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Extraordinary new documentary on Mother Teresa in theaters Oct. 3

Mother Teresa — one of the most famous figures to emerge from the 20th century for her work helping the poor in India — is the focus of a new documentary that ...

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Gospel message at Queen’s funeral most heard and seen in history

Billions of people around the world heard about the faith of the late Queen Elizabeth during her funeral on Monday. That means that more people heard the Gospel Monday than at any ...

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Prayer notes left at Western Wall collected for burial today

western prayer

Today the prayer notes left at the Western Wall in Jerusalem are being collected. They do this twice a year. Each little note, including those left by people on our yearly tours ...

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More revealing quotes from the Queen on Jesus, faith

As Queen Elizabeth is laid to rest, more quotes and stories from her life are being remembered. Not only did she serve her nation as Queen but she also held the title ...

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One of Wahlberg brothers found his faith while locked in prison

While Mark and Donnie Wahlberg achieved great success in music and film, their brother Jim took a darker path that led to prison. “I lived a rough-and-tumble life,” he said. “I was ...

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The private and public faith of Queen Elizabeth II

Before wearing the Imperial State Crown, Queen Elizabeth II knelt at the Westminster Abbey altar for a moment of silent, private prayer. The three-hour coronation in 1953 contained myriad oaths and symbols, ...

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Even on 9/11, God’s faithfulness endures for ever

As I reflect on the anniversary of 9/11, many thoughts and feelings come to mind as if it was just yesterday. Thinking about all of the death, destruction, pain and suffering on that ...

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Bless Your Pastor campaign kicks off with national tour

Many pastors are discouraged, with 43 percent saying they have given serious consideration to leaving vocational ministry, according to national research by the Barna Group. The National Association of Evangelicals created the Bless ...

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Questions of faith haunted the life of Gorbachev


There’s an interesting story about former Soviet leader Mikhael Gorbachev and how faith intersected his life. It isn’t every day that one of the creators of a political thriller gets to ask ...

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Does Jesus support student loan forgiveness as some say?

jesus loans

Two authors of a recent Time magazine commentary want you to believe that Jesus Christ supports the Biden administration’s plan to cancel $500 billion in student loans. According to William J. Barber II and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, ...

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400 Baptist churches among thousands lost in Russian war on Ukraine

baptist ukraine

Over 400 Ukrainian Baptist congregations have been lost in Russia’s war on Ukraine, says Ukrainian Baptist Theological Seminary President Yaroslav Pyzh. The number is striking, considering that Ukraine’s protestant population is already ...

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