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Despite the left’s attempts, you can’t rewrite the words of Columbus

columbus rewrite

Despite the best efforts of history revisionists, almost everyone still agrees that Christopher Columbus arrived in the “New World” in 1492, a fact that is difficult to rewrite. That he was a ...

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Civil liberties group tells Biden commission to reject court packing

court packing

A civil liberties group delivered a letter and petition telling the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States (PCSCUS) that it should reject court packing. The effort comes amid ...

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Missouri won’t comply with Democrat’s bank snooping plan

missouri bank

If the Democrat-controlled Congress enacts invasive new bank financial reporting rules, Missouri Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick will not comply. The proposal being pushed by the Biden administration requires financial institutions to report information ...

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Judge blocks Texas Heartbeat Bill saying not every pregnant person is “a woman”

judge heartbeat

A temporary injunction against the Texas pro-life Heartbeat Law has been issued by a federal judge on behalf of the Biden administration. Obama appointee U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman contends “a person’s ...

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Covid tests recalled after giving false positive results

An Australian company is the latest to recall at-home Covid testing kits that are being used in the United States. Medical manufacturer Ellume made the emergency move saying the 200,000 tests produce ...

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Virgninia candidate for governor to school parents: butt out

Virginia parents are still fuming about one candidate’s views on public education and who has the right to decide what students are taught. In a Virginia gubernatorial debate, Democratic candidate Terry McAuliffe ...

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U.S. Supreme Court will consider pro-life and other key issues as new term begins

democrats court pack court cases foster law justices

The U.S. Supreme Court will open its new term on Monday with several cases of importance to Christians on the docket. Among the 34 it so far has agreed to hear are ...

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Whopping majority of Americans oppose Biden spending bill

New polling shows the Biden/Harris/Pelosi spending bill is one of the most unpopular Democrat schemes in modern history. The  Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018 and 2020—is releasing ...

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Dollar Tree not exactly a dollar in response to inflation crisis

dollar tree

Dollar Tree is the latest retailer to change its business practices in response to what’s becoming known as the “Biden Inflation Crisis”. The popular store, which until now only sold $1 items, ...

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Manchin describes Democrat spending bill as ‘fiscal insanity’

“Fiscal insanity” is how Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), describes the Democrat’s $3.5 trillion spending bill as it comes up for a vote today. Manchin, who is pro-life but typically votes in line ...

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Apple issues apology after researcher leaks security bugs

apple software security

Apple has been forced to apologize to users after a security researcher leaded bugs that put users at risk in the iOS operating system. Apple is also being criticized for mishandling security ...

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Christian school threatened with closure over mask mandate

A private Christian school has imposed a mask mandate after it was threatened with closure by the city of Loveland, Colorado. Now the school is filing a lawsuit against the local health ...

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“Things happen through God,” Donald Trump says in interview

Former President Donald Trump has indicated that he will run for the office again in 2024. Last weekend, he told CBN News that God could play a part. “I guess a bad ...

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Sen. Hawley: Military was flying Pride flag while Taliban took over Afghanistan

The Biden administration’s political agenda cost lives in Afghanistan, Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley said. “Joe Biden and his team were more interested in advancing their phony culture war than they were protecting ...

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What do leaked Facebook documents reveal about its response to sex trafficking?

facebook trafficking

Does Facebook allow sex trafficking organizations to use the site while banning Christians? It does says media critic Ted Baehr in an interview on CBN News. Baehr laid out the social media ...

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“People need to be outraged”: trafficking now rising across United States

Human trafficking continues to be a silent epidemic across the nation, said Kevin Malone, president and co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking, whose organization runs the nation’s sole accredited ...

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Trump takes huge lead in 2024 matchups

Former President Donald Trump would be the frontrunner for the Republican nomination if he chooses to enter the 2024 race, according to a Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to “The Hill.” ...

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Defying the experts and media, percentage of Americans identifying as ‘Evangelical’ rises

As sociologists and pollsters continue to study the interaction of faith and politics, a new poll is turning heads. More white Americans identified as born again or evangelical during the Trump administration, ...

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Biden administration overrides vaccine advisory panel

vaccine panel

President Joe Biden’s political appointment heading the CDC has overridden its vaccine advisory panel on who should receive the booster shot.  Early Friday, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said people as young ...

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Christian Native Americans seek formal U.S. apology, reconciliation

native apology

Christian Native Americans are leading an effort of reconciliation and forgiveness over the U.S. Government’s 230-year treatment of native peoples. “The Apology,” as the movement is called, doesn’t ask for the destruction ...

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Vaccination mandate is “massive threat” to religious freedom says commentator

vaccination mandate

President Biden’s vaccination mandate threatens religious freedom in the United States, conservative commentator Dave Rubin states. “It’s a massive threat, and it’s an absolute assault on the Constitution of the United States ...

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FAA bans drones filming 11,000 illegal Haitian immigrants at U.S. border

After Fox News broadcast images of 12,000 Haitians and others packed under a Texas-Mexico border bridge, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration has imposed a no-fly zone. Fox was filming the mind-boggling images ...

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The government wants banks to share how you spend your money

In May, the Treasury Department released the Biden administration’s revenue proposals for fiscal year 2022. One aspect of this document that has gone under-reported is the administration’s new plan for reporting requirements for ...

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Nonprofits may be on track for best fundraising year ever, new survey finds

fundraising year

A new report on charitable giving suggests America’s nonprofit organizations are on track for possibly their best fundraising year ever, even in the midst of the continued government mandates and a bad ...

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New York governor wants Facebook to censor pro-life views

New York’s new governor Kathy Hochul (D) is calling on Facebook to censor the pro-life movement and take steps to combat “misinformation” regarding abortion in the wake of Texas’ “heartbeat” abortion ban, S.B. ...

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