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Here’s the reopening schedule with all 50 states as COVID-19 flattens

The debate whether the nation’s governors and mayors overstepped Constitutional boundaries will be debated for years. In fact, lawsuits charging unconstitutional restrictions of freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, have already ...

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The amazing story of the Trump family Bible and its revival connection

trump bible

Could a Bible sitting in the Oval Office be America’s connection to a coming revival? The same Bible used during the inauguration ceremony of Donald Trump? The president and founder of Crown ...

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President Trump redirects part of WHO funding to Samaritan’s Purse

Samaritan’s Purse will receive part of the money originally earmarked for the World Health Organization. President Donald Trump halted funding to the WHO earlier this month after arguing that the U.N. body ...

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First US state sues Communist Chinese government over coronavirus

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt on Tuesday sued the Chinese government over the way it has handled the coronavirus pandemic. It is the first state to file such a suit, according to ...

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Family Research Council documents erosion of religious freedom as pandemic continues

religious freedom pandemic

Several Christian organizations are expressing concern about how government health policies are encroaching on religious freedom guaranteed in the Constitution. In a newly released issue brief, “Restrictions on Religious Freedom During the ...

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President Trump to suspend immigration to slow spread of COVID-19

President Donald Trump has announced he’ll sign an executive order temporarily suspending immigration into the United States in an effort to slow COVID-19. The administration is working out details on the suspension ...

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Pro-life groups meet resistance as governments enforce stay-at-home orders

pro-life stay-at-home

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic is exposing how tenuous First Amendment freedoms are as police enforce social distancing rules across the nation. A pro-life group in Greensboro, N.C., is suing the city after ...

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World leaders join Trump in saying China will pay a price

Will China pay a price on the world stage for its actions concerning the spread of COVID-19 and its secrecy? That looks more likely as President Donald Trump suggested on Saturday that ...

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Americans rank mental health higher than physical health during pandemic

Amid the ongoing discussion of people’s physical health during the pandemic, a Gallup poll found it also is important to consider their mental health. Majorities in the United States say they can ...

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President Trump announces 3-phase plan to reopen nation

Americans are ready to get their lives back to normal and the White House on Thursday outlined a 3-phase plan to make that happen. The pan will rely on governors to reopen ...

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Poll: Americans feeling more optimistic about coronavirus situation

Americans are not as depressed over the coronavirus as the media might have us think. The latest Gallup poll says 34 percent of Americans surveyed this past weekend view the coronavirus situation ...

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President Trump thanks nation’s truck drivers

President Donald Trump hosted truck drivers today from the south lawn of the White House where he thanked them for their work on behalf of all Americans. The President went on to ...

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Google subpoenaed over mystery Gmail account tied to Hillary Clinton

Judicial Watch served a court-authorized subpoena to Google on April 15 requesting emails from a controversial Gmail account tied to Hillary Clinton. The subpoena is part of a yearslong Freedom of Information ...

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White House will give guidelines on reopening the nation on Thursday

Americans are ready for the nation to open back up, according to polls and President Donald Trump is planning to begin making that happen Thursday afternoon when it will announce guidelines. He ...

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Attorney General Barr: State unconstitutionally harassing drive-in church

In Mississippi, tickets to attend a drive-in church service were expensive — as much as $500 at Temple Baptist Church. That’s how much police were fining people for pulling into the parking ...

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Trump Justice Department sides with churches after public outcry over tickets for people in their cars

The Justice Department (DOJ) has weighed in on a dispute between the right to exercise one’s religious freedom with local and state official’s over-zealous efforts to contain the spread of the coronavirus by ...

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Apple’s Tim Cook, others to join task force to restart economy

Now that the nation’s coronavirus hotspots have seemingly hit their peak, attention is turning to getting the economy roaring back to life. President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that is now a ...

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Trump and Pence speak to 10,000 religious leaders

As Christians adjust to a dramatically different type of worship, President Trump and Vice President Pence are finding reason for hope and sharing it with the nation’s religious leaders. The faith of ...

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World Vision activating distribution network to help needy families

world vision network

World Vision is activating its widespread network of existing partners to distribute food and supply kits to needy families during the coronavirus pandemic. The ministry is working from 13 strategic locations across ...

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Seeking Comfort in the storm

The USNS Comfort arrived March 30 at the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak in the United States, bringing a message of hope and comfort to New Yorkers and all Americans in the midst of ...

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Free online course on the Constitution available

Hillsdale College is offering a free study session for their most popular online course, “Constitution 101: The Meaning and History of the Constitution.” Hillsdale is a private college in southern Michigan with ...

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Trump campaign donates meals to hardest-hit areas

trump meals

President Trump’s election campaign is anonymously donating meals to hospitals in areas that are the hardest hit by the coronavirus outbreak. It has been placing orders with local restaurants in New York, ...

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Trump wants to open economy with a ‘big bang’ as Americans become restless

As backlash against the lockdown grows across the nation, civil rights experts are now being joined by economists in saying it needs to end sooner than later. President Donald Trump said Wednesday ...

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Mike Lindell converting My Pillow factories to make masks for health-care workers

lindell my pillow bank

Mike Lindell may be one of the most recognizable faces in the United States, thanks to his commercials for My Pillow. Now the Christian businessman is pitching in to help health-care workers ...

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Survey looks at financial impact of coronavirus pandemic

With unemployment numbers rising because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans feel the effects of the virus hitting their wallets hard and with no clear end in sight. MoneyGeek surveyed 1,257 people across ...

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