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Persecuted Church

Chinese Christians memorizing scripture: ‘Can’t take away what’s hidden’


Wayne Cordeiro, pastor of New Hope Christian Fellowship in Honolulu, Hawaii, is praying that American Christians become more like Chinese Christians, including memorizing the Bible. METRO VOICE: China Continues Religious Persecution of ...

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Hear in person, the stories of persecuted Christians

Metro Voice publishes stories almost daily of persecuted Christians around the world. For many, it is a top concern and the news is most often disheartening and discouraging. But with persecution comes ...

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‘No Christian anymore,’ as 19 killed in Burkina Faso villages

burkini faso

At least 19 Christians were killed in an attack June 9 on the village of Arbinda in Africa’s northern Burkina Faso causing a mass migration of Christians from their villages, the AFP reports. ...

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California SWAT type raid on Christian school alarms community

river view

A Christian school in California is facing a huge battle with the state over sexual exploration for students among other issues. Pacific Justice Institute (PJI) is representing River View Christian Academy in ...

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Muslim leader prevents terrorist attack on Coptic church

Every now and then, good news emerges from an area of the world where attacks of Christians is frequent.  In an incredible act of compassion and unity, a Muslim leader foiled a ...

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Large family target of attacks in Uganda

“Fire!” came the yells from outside the eastern Uganda home Yusuf Tulo as he and his sizeable family. Neighbors continued to shout, “Fire!” until Yusuf came to the door. When they went ...

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4 things to know about Indian elections, persecution

The Indian elections last week saw a landslide victory for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu nationalist party. It has Indian Christians and other minority faiths fearing increased persecution. Since ...

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Advocates for Nigerian Christians fear a Rwanda-type genocide

The populous nation of Nigeria has been a hotbed for violence against Christians. Those who defend religious freedom in countries like Nigeria fear another genocide along the lines of Rwanda is a ...

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Christian teenager raped, forced to marry Muslim attacker

A Christian teenager in Pakistan is sharing a horrific story of rape, beatings and her forced marriage to a 45-year-old man. Neha Pervaiz, a 15-year-old who lives in the Ittehad Town neighborhood ...

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Asia Bibi faces death threats in Canada


After facing mobs of thousands who hunted her like an animal, Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian who sought asylum in Canada, is facing a new threat. According to the British Pakistani Christian ...

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Syrian rebels kill Christian kids with targeted rockets

Children playing outside in a Syrian town have been murdered by a deplorable targeted rocket attack. Observers are calling the Sunday attack on the town of al-Suqaylabiyah  a targeted terror act against ...

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Basic services denied to Indian moms who refuse Hinduism


Five Christian moms in India are celebrating Mothers Day wondering if their land will be confiscated for their refusal to convert to Hinduism. The families, belonging to the Believers Eastern Church in ...

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Asia Bibi escapes Pakistan to join family in Canada

answered bibi canada

Persecuted Christian mother Asia Bibi has joined her husband and children in Canada, months after her acquittal of false blasphemy charges and her release from Pakistan’s death row. After the acquittal, Bibi ...

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‘Hindu Extremists’ launch brutal attack on Indian Christians during prayer meeting

A group of Indian Christians was brutally attacked while gathering during a prayer gathering earlier this month. The savage beatings, perpetrated by six violent Hindu nationalists, took place at Praise the Lord ...

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Nigeria on fire: A day in the life of their Christians

Nigeria is on fire. Not that you would know that from the news coverage of the Western press, which rarely mentions the deadly killing sprees in this wealthiest nation of Africa. In ...

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Muslim Imam warns Christians, ‘wake up’ before it’s too late


Mohammad Tawhidi calls himself an “Imam of peace” and is urging fellow-Muslims to support Christians and other people of faith who routinely suffer for their beliefs. “We are all brothers in humanity ...

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Muslim Fulani herdsmen massacre Christians after baby dedication in Nigeria

Muslim Fulani herdsmen killed 17 Christians who had gathered after a baby dedication at a church in central Nigeria, including the mother of the child, sources said. Safaratu John Kabiru Ali, the ...

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Every child in Sunday school said they would die for Christ, minutes later half did

It was a children’s Sunday school much like that in churches around the world. On this Easter Sunday, in the children’s class at Zion Church in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka, the kids were ...

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Video shows bomber entering church, death toll approaches 400


The death toll from suicide bomber attacks against Christians in Sri Lanka has risen to 359 with more victims dying each day. Police say that dozens of suspects have been arrested and ...

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Extremists launch Easter attack on hotels, churches in Sri Lanka

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Two more explosions claiming at least two lives have been reported in Sri Lanka, bringing the Easter Day attack tally to eight blasts and at least 207 dead. Police told Reuters that ...

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Churches raided by police in rebel held areas of Ukraine


Reports have emerged that officials of the unrecognized Luhansk People’s Republic raided at least two Protestant worship meetings on March 24. Courts chose not to punish the two pastors. On April 4 ...

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Whole Christian villages wiped out, media silent

Another week. Hundreds more dead and wounded Christians lay in villages in Nigeria while the world sleeps. Brothers and sisters in Christ were the target of yet more bloody attacks in the ...

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300 Nigerian Christians killed, world silent


The news regarding Nigerian Christians is getting progressively worse as it is being reported that more than 300 believers were killed in at least seven predominantly Christian villages across Nigeria from mid ...

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Christianity in Europe is strongest where it was banned; survey shows differences between countries

Research over the past couple of years reveals that Christianity in Europe is the strongest where it was banned. “The Iron Curtain that once divided Europe may be long gone, but the ...

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Nigerian Muslim militants kill 120 Christians in three weeks – where is the outrage?

While the media is focused on the New Zealand shootings, the recent death toll of Christians in Nigeria has reached 120 with this week’s slaughter of more than 50 by Fulani Muslim ...

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