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Persecuted Church

Ex-Muslim mom beaten, raped, threatened with death for converting to Christianity

A former Muslim and mother of four was recently beaten, raped, and threatened with death for her conversion to Christianity. The Somali native moved to Kenya’s Ifo refugee camp after being sent ...

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China uses dynamite to destroy well-known megachurch

china dynamite

Chinese authorities have blown up with dynanmite a well-known Christian megachurch, inflaming . Witnesses and overseas activists said the paramilitary People’s Armed Police used dynamite and excavators to destroy the Golden Lampstand ...

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President and Congress join to target China over religious persecution

china persecution

For the first time, persecuted faith groups in China and human rights organizations are forming a coalition to advance religious freedom in China, with the backing of the Trump administration and members ...

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40 years after the birth of Islamic Iran

islamic iran

This month marks the 4oth anniversary of the Islamic Republic of Iran. In late February and March 1979, a recently returned-from-exile Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini led an uprising that eventually ousted the Shah of ...

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Video catches London police arresting preacher, taking his Bible

A street preacher has been arrested in London, sparking outrage online. In a video of the incident posted to Twitter, officers can be seen forcefully asking the African man to stop, before ...

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North Korean survivor shares horrific testimony of torture

christian survivor

A Christian survivor of a North Korean prison camp has escaped and now describes the horrific torture she endured for her faith and how God stayed with her through the brutality. In ...

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Judge sides with Christian campus groups: They can choose own leadership

Christian college campus organizations have the right to choose their own leaders. That’s the just released ruling form a federal judge who said the University of Iowa can’t selectively enforce its non-discrimination ...

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The amazing ways North Koreans secretly share the Gospel

A pastor and two North Korean Christians who defected from the hermit kingdom without being captured have revealed the creative ways they continue to share the Gospel with those back home. Peter ...

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Imprisoned Iranian Christians refuse to renounce faith

Two Iranian Christians at their final appeal hearing were ordered by a court to renounce their Christian faith to gain their freedom but they refused to do so. Christian Solidarity Worldwide said the ...

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Country that persecuted Christians makes dramatic turnaround

persecuted christians

A list released each year by Open Doors USA ranks persecution of Christians by country around the world. It has had a profound impact on one Middle East Country. The organization has ...

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Christians under attack by Communist Vietnam


Vietnam’s communist government is continuing its assault on Christians as  more are arrested for refusing to renounce their faith in Christ. This according to the persecution watchdog group, International Christian Concern (ICC). ...

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10 Commandments altered by Chinese Communist authorities

Chinese communist authorities forced a church in China’s Henan Province to take down the first of the Ten Commandments given to Moses, as it was deemed offensive. The move comes as China’s ...

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Egypt opens largest Coptic church in Middle East

CAIRO – Christians in Egypt are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ.  Christmas 2019 is particularly special because it will be remembered for the dedication of the Middle East’s largest church for ...

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Libyans discover mass grave of Christians murdered by ISIS

Last month Libyan officials uncovered dozens of bodies from a mass grave used by the Islamic State, Catholic News Agency reported. The bodies of 34 Ethiopian Christians killed by the terrorist group in 2015 ...

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Iraq Christians face bias in school curriculum

After $1 trillion spent and thousands of lost American service members, is anything really changing in Iraq? Archbishop Louis Raphael Sako, leader of Iraq’s Chaldean ancient Christian community, has asked the Ministry ...

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China creates quota for police to arrest Christians

Chinese authorities are setting quotas on the number of Christians that must be arrested and are threatening police officers with dismissal if they don’t meet the minimum standards, according to a magazine ...

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Religion only thing blocking total totalitarianism in China


It was 40 years ago this week that China opened its doors to the world and launched a series of ambitious reforms that would create one of the world’s largest economic engines. ...

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North Korea uses kids to catch and arrest their Christian parents

People often ask me, “Why do you send Bibles to North Korea when they could get people arrested or even killed?” The answer is simple: We send them because our persecuted brothers and sisters ...

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China arrests pastor and his 100 church members

China is tightening its grip on the country’s Christians through repeated efforts to persecute and silence the Church including arrests and imprisonment. The latest example happened Sunday when Communist party officials detained ...

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Indonesian Christian governor to leave prison


Jakarta’s former governor, known as “Ahok”, who was sentenced last year to two years in jail for blasphemy against Islam, is to be released from prison next month, four months ahead of schedule. The ...

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Asia Bibi’s safe house being attacked by gunmen


Despite several failed requests for asylum, Asia Bibi still remains in Pakistan following the quashing of her conviction on blasphemy charges. Though Bibi is being held at an undisclosed location in Islamabad for ...

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UK’s prime minister refused entry for Christian Asia Bibi

answered bibi canada

As angry mobs go door-to-door searching for Asia Bibi, the United Kingdom has so far refused to offer asylum to the Pakistani Christian woman. Bibi was recently freed after serving eight years ...

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350 Iraqi Christian homes seized

An investigation by an Iraqi media source, al-Sumaria, revealed that at least 350 Christian owned properties have illegally been seized. The government has stopped only 50 of these properties from being sold. ...

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Algeria warns parents about ‘happy’ children being secret Christians


In Algeria, about 95 percent of the population follows Islam and less than two percent are Christians. The government bans conversion from Islam to Christianity, regulates non-Muslim worship, and enforces blasphemy laws, ...

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