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Persecuted Church

Sat-7 hosts ‘Week of Prayer’ for Christians in North Africa and Middle East

north africa

Are you ready to make a difference in the lives of millions of people persecuted for their faith? Christians across the world will “Dare to Dream” as they intercede for the Middle ...

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Beto O’Rourke’s plan to destroy churches

Has Francis “Beto” O’Rourke leaked his plan to force churches to accept gay marriage? With seven words—“It is going to be an issue”—the U.S. government signaled to orthodox Christians that if they ...

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Wives of pastors kidnapped, murdered by Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria


Muslim Fulani herdsmen have attacked a Baptist church, kidnapping another pastor’s wife along with three other members and killing a fifth church member. The wives of pastors are now targets for islamic ...

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World’s fastest growing church: No buildings, no central leadership, led by women

For the last few years, researchers have credited the underground church in Iran as the fastest growing Christian church in the world. It has unique characteristics that defy comparison with churches in ...

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President makes history talking about religious freedom at UN

President Donald Trump has made history becoming the first US President to ever host a meeting at the United Nations on religious freedom. “As President, protecting religious freedom is one of my ...

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Join a 40 day journey with martyrs of the faith


Are you ready to experience radical transformation in your walk with Christ? Do you want to inject hope into the dark corners of your life with spiritual truth? A  40-day devotional has ...

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President Trump to focus on religious freedom at UN

President Donald Trump is set to make the protection of religious freedom a key focus at next week’s United Nations meetings in New York. “The President will highlight American values and underscore that America is a positive ...

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Iranian official: mass conversions ‘are happening right under our eyes’


As persecution against Christians intensifies in Iran, the church is standing strong. In fact, it’s growing! In this Middle Eastern country where both conversion from Islam and sharing your faith are illegal, ...

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Pastor shared Jesus with thousands of North Koreans before he was assassinated


A pastor on the China-North Korea border shared the hope of the Gospel with at least 1,000 North Koreans before he was assassinated for his missionary work in 2016, a defector has ...

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In Cuba, homeschooling will land you in prison


After refusing to send their daughter to a communist school where she was bullied for her faith, a Christian couple is now serving a prison sentence. The husband and wife, both pastors ...

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Christian in Pakistan police custody tortured to death

tortured to death

A Christian man has been tortured to death, not by terrorists, but by Pakistani police while in their custody. The shocking incident came to light this week after news emerged from the ...

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Small girl beaten into coma after Christian parents refuse ancestor worship

ancestor worship

Vietnam is usually not on the radar of the top countries for persecution of Christians. But for believers in the communist country, they are paying a high price for their faith in ...

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Palestinian leader committed to terrorist pay for killers

The Palestinian Authority is doubling down on its commitment to terrorist pay for those who kill Jews or commit any other act of terrorism against Israeli civilians. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas ...

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Wycliffe Bible translator murdered, wife’s hand cut off by Muslim attackers


Cameroon continues to see an alarming increase in attacks on Christians by the hands of muslims. Now news comes that a Wycliffe Bible translator in the nation has been murdered in a ...

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Prayer Concern: The silent suppression of Christians in Turkey

ISTANBUL – A recent report published by the Middle East Forum noted that “There is an atmosphere in Turkey right now that anyone who isn’t Sunni (Muslim) is a threat to the ...

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Fulani terrorists targeting Nigerian clergy

Christian church leaders continue to be targeted in Nigeria with reports of more kidnappings and murder by Fulani terrorists. The latest is a priest who narrowly escaped a murder attempt two weeks ...

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Why Christian women are the most persecuted group in the world

“Christian women are the most persecuted group in the world.” The first time I heard that statement, I was sitting safely at church in Washington, D.C. David Curry, the president of Open ...

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United Nations acknowledges persecuted Christians

persecuted christians

For the first time since its inception, the United Nations is remembering persecuted Christians around the world. The commemoration is called the UN International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence ...

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Pastor shot dead, congregation takes down killer


Another Mexican pastor has been killed in his church after a gunman stormed into the middle of the service and shot him at point-blank range. According to persecution watchdog Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), ...

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Nigerians cry foul after policemen felled by Nigerian Army

Nigerians are recoiling in shock about the killing of three Nigerian cops last week at the hands of Nigerian army. This week U.S. critics of the Nigerian government and human rights advocates ...

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Islamists attack village, cut off ears of Christian women


Christians across Africa continue to suffer while, for the most part, American media remains silent. The barbarism of Boko Haram, an Islamist militant group, has reached new heights with verified reports emerging ...

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China removes word ‘bible’ from Robinson Crusoe


Authorities in China have continued to crack down on the Christian faith, this time by erasing faith-based words from children’s stories contained within school workbooks. According to persecution watchdog The Barnabus Fund, the ...

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The not-so golden silence of the Nigerian diaspora

In my comfy suburb of Washington, D.C. where I take care of my three beautiful girls, build my web-based media company and live my dream, there are no wild elephants as there ...

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Christian construction workers in Kenya saved by Muslim neighbors

A recent incident where Muslims helped Christians avoid being murdered by a jihadist group is finally being told. The Christians, who were working at a government hospital construction site in Kutulo, Kenya, escaped ...

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Fulani terrorists kill priest, kidnap pentecostal pastors

A priest in Southern Nigeria was killed Thursday by suspected Fulani terrorists while five pastors from a Pentecostal denomination were abducted in a separate incident just outside of Lagos. The Catholic Diocese ...

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