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Celebrate Israel at 70


Israel is celebrating its 70th birthday and you’re invited to celebrate at a big block party in New York City’s Times Square Sunday night. The event sponsored by the Consulate General of ...

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South Koreans praying for reunification with North

The historic meeting between North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump is back on and will take place this month. The meeting, which will discuss reunification, denuclearization and possibly ...

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Extremists decapitate 10 people in Mozambique

The terror campaign by Muslim extremists continues its disgusting march across Africa as ten people, including women and children, were decapitated in the East African nation of Mozambique. The attack this week ...

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Israeli Kindergarten targeted with mortars by Hamas-controlled Gaza

An Israeli Kindergarten has come under attack from mortar shells fired by Hamas from the Palestinian-controlled Gaza strip. The latest incident of attacks on Israel was not widely reported in the media ...

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Russian hacking and The Brady Bunch


Sometimes, watching the media hyperventilate about Russian hacking, you might think you are watching an episode of The Brady Brunch. But instead of Jan annoyingly exclaiming, “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!” you hear the ...

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Where will God be in future coronation of Prince Charles?

A new report from a leading UK think tank argues that Christianity should be reduced or purged from Prince Charles’ future Coronation Ceremony. Prince Charles is next in line to the throne and will ...

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North Koreans bow to Trump, destroy nuclear test sites

In another foreign policy accomplishment for the Trump administration, North Korea has carried out today what it promised– the demolition of its nuclear test site by setting off a series of explosions ...

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Twenty Nazarene pastors and wives killed in plane crash

nazarene pastors

Christians in Eastern Cuba are mourning the loss of almost every Nazarene church pastor in their region after a passenger plane crashed Friday outside Havana, killing more than 100 people. The dead ...

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Only 1000 Christians remain in extremist controlled Gaza

In the past six years the number of Christians in the Gaza Strip has plummeted from 4,500 to just 1,000. Governed by Hamas, the internationally recognized terrorist organization, Christians have long been the ...

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China enacting a ‘purge against Christians’

A purge against Christians is taking place in Eastern China according to watchdog groups. All religious meetings, gatherings and worship has been banned in Zhejiang province and parents are being told to ...

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Christian rocker goes undercover to rescue child sex slaves


“No way!” said the wife of Christian musician and singer David Zach of the band Remedy Drive when he told her he wanted to help an organization rescue women and children from ...

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Oops. Hamas leader admits most killed were terrorists


If the public’s distrust of mainstream media reporting couldn’t get any worse, it just did after reports about Hamas in Gaza. Monday’s coverage of Israel’s 70th birthday as a nation and the ...

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Family of suicide bombers blows up multiple churches

An entire family of Muslims is responsible for multiple suicide attacks that struck Indonesia. On Monday, CCTV captured the moment when five suspected Islamic militants, including an 8-year-old child, riding two motorcycles ...

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Pray for Christian women being kidnapped in Egypt


A Coptic Christian woman who got married just two weeks ago has been kidnapped in Egypt. She becomes the eighth Christian woman to disappear since the beginning of April when she went ...

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1000 people held captive by jihadis freed in Nigeria

More than 1,000 people held captive in northeastern Nigeria by the jihadi group Boko Haram have been rescued, Nigeria’s military said Monday. The hostages, which consisted mainly of women and children, were ...

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Saudi Arabia may allow churches

An Egyptian news website reports that an agreement may have been hammered out between the Vatican and Saudi Arabia that will allow churches to operate in the Kingdom. The Egypt Independent reports ...

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Christian hostages may return home from N. Korea with President


Metro Voice regularly asks our readers to pray for those being persecuted for their faith. We have some good news! Three Americans detained in North Korea, have reportedly been moved from a labor ...

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Palestinian leader says Jews caused Holocaust

JERUSALEM, Israel – In a speech Monday evening in Ramallah at the opening of the Palestinian National Council meeting, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas rewrote the history of the Holocaust. The Holocaust, ...

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Iran busted: Preparing to develop nuclear weapons all along

JERUSALEM, Israel – In a powerful nationally televised address that has now reverberated around the world, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to his nation revealing evidence that Iran has been lying ...

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South Korean leader: Trump should receive the Nobel Peace Prize

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has suggested that U.S. President Donald Trump should receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in ending the 68 year state of war. Moon made the ...

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List of worst countries for religious freedom released

A new report lists the worst countries for religious persecution. The 2018 report was released this week and calls out 16 countries by name with the moniker “Countries of Particular Concern” and recommends they ...

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Nigerian muslim herdsmen open fire killing 19 church-goers

fulani herdsmen

Gunmen opened fire during a Nigerian church service Tuesday, killing at least 19, including two priests. State police told CNN the attackers were most likely Fulani herdsmen who continued their crusade by ...

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‘The Middle’ actress Patricia Heaton serves Sudanese kids

sudanese civil war

Actresses Patricia Heaton and Jen Ray have found themselves in the middle of a central African conflict, serving refugees whose lives have been torn apart by civil war. The stars of the ...

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American pastor in horrific danger after ‘disturbing’ Turkish trial

turkish pastor turkey trial injustice

American Pastor Andrew Brunson, who’s being held in a Turkish prison, is getting support from President Donald Trump and a petition for his release spreading across the nation. Brunson, who is on ...

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Illegal migrants head to U.S. border demanding end to all border security

A group of 1,500 illegal migrants are marching north through Mexico headed to a planned protest at the United States – Mexico border. Their written demands are that American citizens remove all ...

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