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Christian hostages may return home from N. Korea with President


Metro Voice regularly asks our readers to pray for those being persecuted for their faith. We have some good news! Three Americans detained in North Korea, have reportedly been moved from a labor ...

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Palestinian leader says Jews caused Holocaust

JERUSALEM, Israel – In a speech Monday evening in Ramallah at the opening of the Palestinian National Council meeting, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas rewrote the history of the Holocaust. The Holocaust, ...

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Iran busted: Preparing to develop nuclear weapons all along

JERUSALEM, Israel – In a powerful nationally televised address that has now reverberated around the world, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to his nation revealing evidence that Iran has been lying ...

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South Korean leader: Trump should receive the Nobel Peace Prize

South Korean President Moon Jae-in has suggested that U.S. President Donald Trump should receive the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in ending the 68 year state of war. Moon made the ...

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List of worst countries for religious freedom released

A new report lists the worst countries for religious persecution. The 2018 report was released this week and calls out 16 countries by name with the moniker “Countries of Particular Concern” and recommends they ...

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Nigerian muslim herdsmen open fire killing 19 church-goers

fulani herdsmen

Gunmen opened fire during a Nigerian church service Tuesday, killing at least 19, including two priests. State police told CNN the attackers were most likely Fulani herdsmen who continued their crusade by ...

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‘The Middle’ actress Patricia Heaton serves Sudanese kids

sudanese civil war

Actresses Patricia Heaton and Jen Ray have found themselves in the middle of a central African conflict, serving refugees whose lives have been torn apart by civil war. The stars of the ...

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American pastor in horrific danger after ‘disturbing’ Turkish trial

turkish pastor turkey trial injustice

American Pastor Andrew Brunson, who’s being held in a Turkish prison, is getting support from President Donald Trump and a petition for his release spreading across the nation. Brunson, who is on ...

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Illegal migrants head to U.S. border demanding end to all border security

A group of 1,500 illegal migrants are marching north through Mexico headed to a planned protest at the United States – Mexico border. Their written demands are that American citizens remove all ...

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Teacher who saved 600 Jewish children dies at age 107

A Dutch school teacher who saved more than 600 Jewish children from death at the hands of Nazis has died at the age of 107. Johan van Hulst served as principal of ...

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Iraqi Christians celebrate Easter free of ISIS

As we celebrate Easter today, thousands of our brothers and sisters in Christ are celebrating in areas freed from ISIS. For the first time since the Islamic State terrorist group drove thousands ...

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Holocaust survivor stabbed and burned in anti-Semitic attack

French authorities say the killing of an elderly Jewish woman in Paris is being investigated as an anti-Semitic murder.  The woman, identified in French media as Mireille Knoll, was stabbed at least 11 ...

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Abandoned at birth because of skin deformities, woman gets makeover

Irina Pavlutskaya was abandoned as a baby after she was born with rare physical deformities, the Daily Mail reports. Children with even minor medical conditions or even easily treatable deformities are usually ...

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No justice for Pakistani Christians burned alive in kiln


They were burned alive with hundreds of witnesses. Four years later, after two court cases, there is no justice for a young Pakistani couple. A Pakistani court has now acquitted 20 people ...

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Mom pleads with Islamic captors to return only daughter

The mother of a kidnapped Christian girl is pleading with her Islamic captors to release her daughter. “I have nothing to say other than they should have pity on my only daughter ...

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Will new tariffs on China create more fair trade?

It’s no secret that each year, China floods the U.S. market with cheap goods–with many of these products made in conditions that would be illegal in most of the world. Add to ...

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American pastor could spend rest of life in Turkish prison

An American man could spend the rest of his life in a Turkish prison. His crime? He’s a Christian pastor. Pastor Andrew Brunson has been held without charges for almost two years, ...

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Rwanda closes hundreds of churches and arrests pastors

A move by Rwanda to shut down more than 700 churches in its capital city, allegedly for building safety, hygiene and noise violations, is prompting accusations that the government of President Paul ...

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Jerusalem wants to tax church-owned businesses

In the United States, houses of worship do not pay tax on their facility. But when that institution crosses the line and purchases property like an office building, water park, coffee shop ...

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Iranian Christian woman faces Swedish deportation and death

After watching a banned video of Muslims stoning a woman to death, an Iranian woman had a strange dream. A man named Isa appeared to her. That woman was Aideen Strandsson. The ...

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What did Stephen Hawking really believe about creation?

Renowned scientist Stephen Hawking has died and now has met God. Hawking has often given contradicting statements if God actually exists but lately has had to defend his changing beliefs to atheists. ...

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Iranian women protesting the hijab

In the U.S. women’s marches protesting for women’s rights, the poster symbolizing the movement shows a Muslim woman wearing a hijab–or head covering. On the American political left, it’s seen as an ...

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Young missionaries open business to serve people

Going to the nations so that the nations will come to you. That’s the mission behind the newly owned Zion Hostel and Cafe. It’s located in the heart of Chiang Mai, Thailand, ...

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Children’s games get Indonesian Christians flogged

Can playing games at a children’s carnival get you flogged in Muslim Indonesia? Apparently so, after two Indonesian Christians were publicly flogged in conservative Aceh province. The punishment took place in front ...

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Irish Catholics upset World Meeting of Families features LGBT couples

Catholics from around the world will gather in Dublin, Ireland this August for the Catholic Families conference to promote the church’s constant and unchanging teaching on marriage and family life. It coincides ...

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