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Kansas City to reimburse expenses for employees seeking abortions

employees abortion city

Kansas City, Mo., employees will be reimbursed for traveling outside Missouri for an abortion under a resolution passed by the city council on Thursday. Women would be reimbursed only for the travel ...

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Local pro-life clinics step up security in wake of growing attacks

Pro-life organizations, including women’s clinics, are increasing security in response to violent attacks after Roe v. Wade was found unconstitutional. In Missouri and Kansas, pro-life groups are working with police and scheduling ...

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Criticism grows over FBI’s response to fire bombing of pro-life clinics

Over 50 attacks, including numerous fire bombings, have been waged against pro-life women’s clinics and churches since the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade. The FBI is investigating the attacks ...

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What is Missouri’s new pro-life ‘trigger law?’

missouri trigger missourians amendment

So-called “trigger laws” have gone into effect in several states with the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade.  They are called trigger laws because they were designed to go into effect ...

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Christian leaders, pro-life activists react to Roe ruling

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Reaction from the Christian and broader pro-life communities are pouring in after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, as well as the 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision. The ...

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Missouri ends most abortions moments after Supreme Court overturns Roe

missouri roe

Missouri became the latest state on Friday to end the killing of an unborn child with the activation of the state’s “trigger law.” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, a Republican, signed an opinion ...

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Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade in landmark ruling

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The Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, ruling 5-4 “returning authority to the people and their representatives,” saying the states and not the federal government, have the right to regulate and ...

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Florida synagogue sues state over new pro-life legislation

The state of Florida is being sued by a Jewish synagogue over a new pro-life law that outlaws abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor of Boynton Beach alleges that ...

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Amy Coney Barrett home target of pro-abortion protests

Pro-abortion protests have been popping up all over the country, disrupting Catholic churches, doctor offices and pro-life centers all in hopes of keeping their “right” to end the life of a pre-born baby. ...

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Appeals court backs free speech rights of pro-life counselors

A District of Columbia appeals court last week ordered a lawsuit against three pro-life counselors to be dismissed. The case involved a group of pro-lifers who protested on a sidewalk in front ...

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23 and counting: pro-life organizations firebombed, damaged ahead of court ruling

A rash of nationwide firebombings and vandalism of pro-life organizations in recent weeks has gone virtually unreported by the national media. The groups firebombed or otherwise attacked include pro-life educational non-profits and ...

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Kansas medical professionals support Aug. 2 passage of Value Them Both Amendment

kansas medical

Kansas medical and mental health professionals announced Friday their support for the pro-life Value Them Both constitutional amendment. The measure would overturn a controversial Kansas Supreme Court decision in 2019 that declared ...

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Pro-abortion demonstrators interrupt Joel Osteen’s church service

Pro-abortion activists are becoming bolder as the U.S. Supreme Court gets nearer to announcing its decision about the future of Roe v. Wade. On Sunday, they interrupted Pastor Joel Osteen’s church service ...

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‘Fashioned in His Image’ celebrates the beauty of women and motherhood

After the success of the last year’s event, Missouri Right to Life Western Region will hold its second pro-life Ladies’ event, “Fashioned in His Image” on Saturday, June 4. Director Linda Verhulst ...

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Walmart shareholders defeat abortion-friendly resolution

WalMart shareholders today voted down a resolution that sought to have the company spend money investigating how a Supreme Court ruling on abortion would affect employees. Pro-life leaders are warning pro-abortion shareholders ...

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Pro-life Democrat challenges her party to care for women in need

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Despite what often is reported by the national media, a number of Democrats oppose abortion, and they believe their voices are not being heard by the party. Connecticut state Rep. Trenee McGee, a ...

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Another poll finds majority want most or all abortions banned

abortions banned justice pro-life prayer & praise

More national polls are confirming that Americans want all or most abortions banned. The news may come as a shock to some who see the weekly protests of pro-choice activists reflecting that ...

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Pro-life faith leaders speak out as pro-abortion activists rally

Pro-life faith

Pro-life faith leaders shared their thoughts as pro-abortion protestors took to the streets across the nation over the weekend. The comments come as pro-life students were assaulted at a rally in Indianapolis ...

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House Democrats block bill to protect Supreme Court justices

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House Democrats are blocking a Senate-passed bill to provide security protection for members of the Supreme Court who are facing pro-abortion violence and intimidation. Since a leaked draft of a Supreme Court ...

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Franklin Graham among those commenting on leaked Roe v. Wade ruling

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Franklin Graham has joined thousands of Christian leaders and pro-life supporters voicing support for the apparent decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. Franklin wrote on Facebook: “Praise God! ...

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Supreme Court to overturn Roe v Wade, leaked opinion states

democrats court pack court cases foster law justices

The Supreme Court will overturn Roe v. Wade according to a leaked draft ruling published by the left-wing news outlet Politico. A document that Politico describes as an “initial draft majority opinion” ...

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Breaking: Leaked Report Shows SCOTUS Has Overturned Roe v. Wade

A majority of the Supreme Court is set to overturn the right to abortion established in the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973, according to an initial draft majority opinion obtained by Politico ...

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Foster child says he won life’s ‘lottery’ as he graduates high school


“Show-Me was like winning the lottery,” Tristian Wieboldt says. “Out of the hundreds of kids that apply [to Show-Me Christian Youth Home], only a few are lucky enough to be chosen. Most ...

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Pro-lifers rally in Jefferson City to support restrictions on abortion

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Pro-life Missourians filled the state Capitol in Jefferson City Wednesday to rally in support stronger pro-life policies. The Midwest March for Life drew Republican policymakers, including Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft, joined ...

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Biden to overturn Trump conscience clause on abortions

Bowing to pressure from pro-abortion groups, the Biden administration is ending the Trump administration’s religious conscience rule over the abortion issue. The rule, which had been heralded by religious liberty advocates and ...

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