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New film shares story of recent Asbury Revival

People who were not able to travel to Kentucky for the recent Asbury Revival will be able to experience it through a new film.

Redeem TV will show the documentary “Asbury Revival: Desperate for More,” which tells the story of the spontaneous event with behind-the-scenes moments and interviews with students, staff, university administrators and participants. Redeem TV is a donor-supported Christian streaming platform with movies and television series and more than 250,000 subscribers. It is a subsidiary of the Christian History Institute and Vision Video, each of which produces content about the 2,000-year history of the church.

The revival and outpouring broke out at Asbury University in Wilmore, Ky., during a regularly scheduled chapel service in February and continued 24 hours a day for the next 16 days. It spread elsewhere, including to other college campuses such as Lee University, Samford University and Cedarville University.

“Being in Wilmore, Ky., at Asbury in the middle of the outpouring was one of the highlights of my life and filmmaking career,” film producer Chris Rogers said, according to “Christian Headlines.” “I prayed to be involved with revival for years, and suddenly I found myself in the middle of a great work with the Holy Spirit all around me. It’s hard to give it words, but I knew that God was present in a way I never felt before.”

Executive producer Bill Curtis said he hopes viewers will be moved as they watch the film. The goal, he said, is that it will “create a hunger in them for revival in their life, in their community. Our prayer is that as people see what happened in Asbury that it just sparks a hunger and may continue to poke the coals.”

Redeem TV was able to make a documentary so quickly on Asbury, he said because a documentary about revivals was already in the works. Rogers headed up the effort on-site at Asbury.

–Dwight Widaman

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