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Tag Archives: 2020

John Piper cautions against “political flag waving” in election year

Liberty piper east political relationships

As the election season heats up, author and pastor John Piper cautions Christians against what he calls “political flag waving.” In a recent episode of the “Ask Pastor John” podcast, Piper, who ...

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Attacks on churches increasing, Family Research Council study finds

council research

Criminal acts of vandalism and destruction of church property are on the rise, according to a new report from the Family Research Council. “Americans appear increasingly comfortable lashing out against church buildings, ...

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Judicial Watch lawsuit battles states extending election day by two weeks

main-in ballots pennsylvania election lawsuit

A federal court rejected a motion by the Democratic Party of Illinois to intervene as a defendant in our lawsuit challenging an Illinois election law permitting mail-in ballots to be received as long as ...

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Maryland voters finally get their 2020 ballots in the mail

main-in ballots pennsylvania election lawsuit

Maryland residents are getting a blast from the past. They’ve finally received their 2020 election ballots in the mail. The blank ballots were found in a tray and were delivered over the ...

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St. Louis jury convicts man who killed police captain in 2020 race riots

louis jury

David Dorn, a veteran St. Louis police captain, was killed during the race riots that swept the nation in the summer of 2020. On Wednesday, a jury convicted his murderer. The jury ...

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Pro-life Democrat challenges her party to care for women in need

pro-life party

Despite what often is reported by the national media, a number of Democrats oppose abortion, and they believe their voices are not being heard by the party. Connecticut state Rep. Trenee McGee, a ...

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Study reveals Census undercount affects blue, red states differently

The 2020 Census may have missed more than a million people, according to a new study by the Urban Institute. While the report (pdf) revealed the undercount was “not as severe as ...

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Rural areas, small towns still have almost half of all churches

Church congregations are shrinking in the United States, and it may be felt most in rural areas. The latest Faith Communities Today survey also found a median attendance decline of 7 percent. ...

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U.S. Supreme Court will consider pro-life and other key issues as new term begins

democrats court pack court cases foster law justices

The U.S. Supreme Court will open its new term on Monday with several cases of importance to Christians on the docket. Among the 34 it so far has agreed to hear are ...

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Football star Herschel Walker announces candidacy for U.S. Senate from Georgia

Georgia will be a key battleground as Republicans attempt to retake the U.S. Senate in 2022. They picked up a high-profile candidate this week when former football star Herschel Walker announced his ...

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Kansas City, Mo., population tops 500,000 in census

The population of Kansas City, Mo., has climbed to more than a half-million for the first time, according to newly released census numbers. Mayor Quinton Lucas said the latest Census numbers exceeded ...

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Number of homeschooling families expected to skyrocket this fall

Back-to-school sales are a sure sign that summer vacation is winding down. Many parents, however, will not be sending their kids back to traditional schools this fall. They’ll be homeschooling. “In Virginia ...

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Life Expectancy Saw Biggest Drop Since World War II in 2020

We just got some bad, if not very surprising, news. Newly released Centers for Disease Control data show that life expectancy fell significantly in 2020. And, no, not just because of COVID-19. ...

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A look at the housing supply and what it means for you

One of the hottest topics of conversation in today’s real estate market is the shortage of available homes. Simply put, the current housing supply reveals there are many more potential buyers than there ...

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Census shakes up Missouri town population rankings

The 2020 Census has big winners and losers in Missouri’s municipal population rankings. St. Louis is again the biggest loser, dropping below the population it counted just after the Civil War in ...

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Recounts uncover discrepancy in official Maricopa County ballot count

Ballots in Maricopa County, Arizona will be counted a third time after it was revealed Tuesday the first two audits do not match official numbers reported from the 2020 election. Arizona Senate President ...

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Poll: Nearly 70% believe moral values getting worse

moral poll

The country is sliding down a slippery slope of moral values according to a new poll. The Gallup polling finds that 67 percent of Americans believe the state of moral values is ...

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Arizona election audit nears end while more states send observers

Arizona officials say that the audit of the 2020 election in Maricopa County is nearing the finish line as legislators from numerous states visit to observe the process. In addition to having ...

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Arizona begins recount of 2 million 2020 election ballots

Maricopa County, Arizona is recounting ballots for the 2020 election. The hand audit of more than 2 million was scheduled to have begun Friday. Materials and equipment, including 385 tabulators, were delivered ...

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CNN employee admits to propaganda during election, says climate change is next

cnn propaganda

A CNN employee admitted to the network’s tactics of ‘propaganda’ in hidden camera footage released by Project Veritas. What’s worse, having seen it succeed spectacularly, he admits that pushing a climate change ...

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Congress gets bodyguards paid for by campaigns

After hours of often contentious debate, members of Congress can now use campaign money to pay for bodyguards. The decision came down from Federal Election Commission (FEC) on Thursday. Under the new ...

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Christian woman wins Louisiana congressional seat left open by late husband

woman congress

Yet another Christian woman will join the U.S. House of Representatives. Republican Julia Letlow won a special election in Louisiana on Saturday to fill the seat of her late husband, Luke Letlow, ...

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Senator Herschel Walker? Respected football star encouraged to run

Herschel Walker is one of the most respected athletes of all time. Now, he may be able to add “Senator” to his resume. The legendary running back for the Georgia Bulldogs is ...

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Survey finds that many Americans support possibility of secession


President Joe Biden came into office saying he wanted to unify the nation but a new poll shows polarization growing. Three in 10 Americans now support the concept of dissolving the country ...

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‘Evangelicals for Biden’ having buyers remorse over abortion

A group that billed itself as “Evangelicals for Biden” is having buyer’s remorse. In spite of President Biden’s long history of support for abortion, the group had supported his candidacy. They now ...

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