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Tag Archives: border wall

One million illegal migrants by summer, warns Congressman

Illegal border crossings will hit one million by summer. That’s the assessment of the Biden border crisis given by Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) to ABC News on Sunday morning. “It’s going to ...

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Oregon official admits faking racist letter

racist letter

In yet another example of a faked hate crime, an Oregon politician has admitted he fabricated the entire thing.  Oregon Democrat Jonathan Lopez confessed to penning a racist letter to himself after ...

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Supreme Court sides with Trump on Pentagon funding border wall

In a major defeat for Democrats blocking construction of a border wall, the Supreme Court on Friday sided with the Trump administration’s attempts to use Pentagon funding. The Supreme Court said it ...

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Poll: Only 7 percent of Americans think illegal immigration is not a problem

If you listen to the establishment media, one narrative becomes painfully clear: Enforcing the border is evil, illegal immigration is absolutely great and you’re a terrible person if you say otherwise. The ...

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NPR: The case for expanded “Border Barrier”

NPR has issued a report on what the experts at the Border Patrol are requesting for the border. The request made through the President for border security includes more than just additional physical barriers: ...

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Unedited Democrat response to Trump Oval Office address

In our continuing effort to bring you news that is unfiltered by the national media, below is the transcript of the Democrat response to President Trump by Senator Chuck Schumer and Congresswoman ...

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Trump may declare national emergency in address on TV tonight

WASHINGTON—President Donald Trump could declare a national emergency when he addresses the nation in a broadcast at 9 p.m. EST on Tuesday, Jan. 8. It will be the President’s first such TV ...

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Democrats ‘didn’t want to hear’ expert testimony on border security

Democrats and other top lawmakers showed up to meet with President Donald Trump at the White House for a border security briefing on Jan. 2. But when the experts and security officials ...

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Few notice as shutdown really begins this week

Though the media has provided around-the-clock coverage–including tickers counting down the hours at the bottom of the TV screen since last Friday, Dec. 26 actually marked the first full business day of ...

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Trump stands ground; House approves spending bill with $5.7B for border wall

The Republican-led House has approved funding for President Donald Trump’s border wall in legislation that pushes the government closer to the possibility of a partial government shutdown. The House voted 217-185, largely along ...

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Supreme Court rejects legal challenge to border wall

The Supreme Court summarily rejected a legal challenge from activists who claim that the Trump administration’s southern border wall runs afoul of environmental laws. The ruling clears an effort by Democrat and environmental ...

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