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Tag Archives: democracy

News show questions efforts to decide what is ‘real’ news


If you have not had a chance to watch “Full Measure” with veteran reporter and host Sharyl Attkisson, you are missing some of the best investigative news on television. And the best ...

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Liberal states move to circumvent Constitution in next election

Democrats across the country are pushing legislation to grant the presidency to the popular vote winner in a move that would undermine the Electoral College system as outlined in the Constitution. That ...

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China is fast losing the trade war

NEWS ANALYSIS: Two years ago, Beijing was flying high. Well on its way to dominating the world. Or so it thought. Sure, the newly elected American president had talked tough on trade, ...

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Iranian regime hits back at new sanctions

After new U.S. sanctions took effect last week, Iranian leaders are predicting they’ll fail. But while Islamic leaders often talk big, much of it is bluster and some outright fabrication. Iranian President ...

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Christians in Kurdistan hope democracy will prevail

The Christian minority in Iraqi Kurdistan is hoping for its “real” representatives to be voted into the Kurdish regional parliament September 30, reports Kurdish news service Rudaw. The presidential and parliamentary elections ...

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New Iranian sanctions hit while Iranians march for freedom

US sanctions are hitting Iran’s economy this week, putting new pressure on the Islamic regime. President Trump signed an executive order to reimpose them, saying on Tuesday morning they’re “the most biting ...

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Protests strand church groups in Haiti

Volunteer groups from several U.S. states were stranded in Haiti over the weekend after violent protests over fuel prices canceled flights and made roads unsafe. Church groups in the Midwest, Florida, Georgia ...

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Iranians fill streets to protest Islamic regime


As tens of thousands of Iranians take part a second day to protest against the Islamic regime, government officials sought to accuse the United States instead of Iran’s economic woes. In a ...

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