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Kansas’ 2nd District Congressional candidate exposed


In Kansas’ 2nd Congressional District race there is no Democrat primary since only Paul Davis is running for that office. The Republican race is a rather unique situation that deserves a brief ...

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Poll shows Hawley expanding lead over McCaskill

While democrats point to several recent victories in state-wide races across the nation as a coming wave in the fall, the news isn’t good for Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill. A poll shows ...

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Topeka native tapped to run Trump campaign

Brad who? President Trump has hired Topeka native Brad Parscale, the digital media director of his 2016 campaign, to run his re-election bid, the campaign announced. But who is Brad Parscale? He’s ...

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Election protesters on wrong side of reality

If you are like me, there’s relief that the election is over, if only for the lack of television commercials or robo calls. For some there was jubilation Wednesday morning, Nov. 9, ...

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Can a pastor speak out on the election? You’ll be surprised

Every election cycle, confusion abounds about how a church or pastor can be involved in the civic life of their community while not stepping across the lines outlined by the IRS and FEC. This ...

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Don’t miss these deadlines for the Nov. 8 election

Voter registration deadlines for election loom in Kansas and Missouri By ANITA WIDAMAN Voting is a rite of passage in our home. We have taken our girls to vote with us since ...

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