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Tag Archives: pandemic

Good neighbor: U.S. sending Russia 200 ventilators

It’s never a bad thing to be a “good neighbor.” That’s true for two houses separated by a picket fence as well as two nations. Living up to that mantra this week ...

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Abundant Life among many churches open for worship Sunday while lawsuit proceeds

A Lee’s Summit church that took on what many consider unfair county reopening regulations held services Sunday. The faithful at Abundant Life Church, and hundreds of other churches across the metro, gathered ...

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Sunday school revamps online to ease Coronavirus fear in kids

The coronavirus pandemic can be tough on young children, but creative ways to share Sunday School lessons are making it easier. Brian Kaylor didn’t realize how the pandemic was emotionally impacting his ...

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Globalist movement may be a casualty of worldwide pandemic

Virus-related disruption to supply chains and China’s threat to withhold medications from Americans has exposed the vulnerability of the United State’s reliance on sources in foreign countries. That’s the growing consensus among ...

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Local energy efficiency firm converts production to service during pandemic

Tim Truesdale is committed to Christ’s admonition to let your light shine before men. He not only is a ministry leader but also an executive with Ecologix, which helps businesses convert to ...

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While Covid-19 grabs headlines, Malaria kills over 400,000 per year

Gospel for Asia has issued a Special Report on how the alarming increase of mosquito-blamed cases in the U.S. may awaken Westerners to the “deadly scourge” of malaria that still claims thousands ...

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INMED offers virtual health conference for ‘forgotten of this world’


The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the fragility of much of the world’s healthcare system. With large metropolitan areas like Rome, New York, Seattle and London struggling, you can imagine how tenuous the ...

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COVID-19 has greater impact on African American community

Traditionally African American churches may face greater challenges in helping members address the coronavirus threat. The virus is affecting the black community at a disproportionately higher rate than the general population across ...

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Senator Rand Paul tells Fauci: ‘You’re not the end-all’

paul fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, was forced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) Tuesday to answer tough questions over Fauci’s often contradictory statements.  In regards to when to ...

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Wisconsin Supreme Court strikes down stay-at-home order


Millions of Americans who believe restrictions on business and churches are unconstitutional were boosted late Wednesday night when the Wisconsin Supreme Court blocked an order to extend the state’s lockdown. Democrat Gov. ...

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Groups organize to force widespread mail-in ballots in Missouri, raising concerns over voting fraud by others 


The way in which Missouri voters cast their ballots this November will change if a growing group of Jewish leaders and other clergy have their way. Not so fast, say others who ...

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County may reduce church restrictions as KC backtracks on businesses, restaurants

Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas and Jackson County Executive Frank White Jr. have faced strong push back against their policies for reopening churches and businesses during the coronavirus pandemic. As reported in ...

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How Missouri will handle taxes on stimulus checks

Missouri residents who received a stimulus check from the federal government because of COVID-19 will not have to pay state income tax under a bill passed by the state senate. The payments ...

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Podcasting shows surprising trends during pandemic

At the beginning of this year, podcasting was projected to be one of the hottest new media. After experiencing a half dozen years of 20% annual growth, this was going to be ...

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Demand soars for special communion cups

The coronavirus outbreak is changing numerous things about how church services are held, right down to communion. Blessed Communion in Chicago, the world’s leading provider of individually sealed, prefilled communion cups, is ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley calls for investigation of meatpacking industry

The coronavirus pandemic is exposing many flaws in the nation’s supply chain for essential items such as food. Sen Josh Hawley, R-Mo., is calling on the Federal Trade Commission to begin an ...

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VIEWPOINTS: What others are saying about reopening

news media poll

Last week, as areas of the country began reopening, United States Attorney General William Barr ordered federal prosecutors across the U.S. to identify coronavirus-related restrictions from state and local governments “that could ...

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Digital evangelism explodes in popularity during coronavirus outbreak

Christian Vision, a ministry that has focused on online digital evangelism for the past 10 years, has seen explosive growth in the use of its digital media. The organization is supporting churches ...

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Poll: Evangelical support for President Trump remains high

White evangelical Christians continue to be among the biggest supporters of President Trump, according to a poll conducted last week. Overall, approval ratings have returned to previous levels before the coronavirus outbreak. ...

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More than $400,000 raised to assist small churches during pandemic

Many small churches have been hit hard by reduced giving during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. However, more than $400,000 already has been raised to help them, and more than 1,000 churches already ...

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University of Missouri announces plans to reopen campus for fall semester

The University of Missouri announced that it plans to reopen for the fall semester. “We had a ton of people asking us, ‘Are you going to reopen campus in the fall?’ The ...

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God. Our only answer to the coronavirus

Sunday, March 14, is when the coronavirus pandemic flipped upside down the religious world. Tens of thousands of churches suddenly closed their doors to worship services and moved to online platforms. For the first ...

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Retirees encouraged to get involved during pandemic

Retirees are getting a bad rap during the pandemic when they often are the ones best-suited to helping others, according to a Christian leader. “Seniors are often portrayed in the media as ...

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And stay out! Councilman says Samaritan’s Purse must leave New York City

leave new york

In his farewell address to the city at his Flushing Meadows crusade in 2005, the Rev. Billy Graham said, “I will be praying for New York every day when I leave here ...

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One-quarter of Americans say their faith has grown during pandemic

Many Americans say their faith is growing stronger despite challenging times during the pandemic, according to a new survey by Pew Research Center. One-quarter of U.S. adults overall (24 percent) say their ...

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