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Tag Archives: states

Accused rapist kills victim after release from jail over covid concerns

rapist relased

An accused rapist, released from prison because of the pandemic, has murdered the victim in her apartment. The horrific incident is being condemned across the nation by victims’s rights organizations and law ...

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Sen. Josh Hawley questions Covid-19 church restrictions while protests encouraged

Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley has asked U.S. Attorney General William Barr to investigate discrepancies between state regulations regarding religious services and ongoing protests during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hawley stated his position in ...

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Nobel Prize-winning scientist questions value of coronavirus lockdown


As local churches work to reopen, many people are questioning the value of the lockdown, which took a heavy toll on the economy. A Nobel Prize-winning scientist, who correctly predicted in the ...

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Covid-19 cases vary widely between red and blue states

covid-19 states

An analysis of red and blue states, and red and blue counties, indicates liberal areas were more affected by the Covid-19 virus than conservatives ones. The survey is an interesting insight into ...

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Senator Rand Paul tells Fauci: ‘You’re not the end-all’

paul fauci

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, was forced by Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) Tuesday to answer tough questions over Fauci’s often contradictory statements.  In regards to when to ...

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Facebook deletes pages protesting stay-at-home orders

Protests are erupting across the nation, questioning the erosion of Constitutional rights during state mandates for stay-at-home orders. Now, those groups are being targeted themselves with Facebook deleting their pages. Facebook is ...

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Here’s the reopening schedule with all 50 states as COVID-19 flattens

The debate whether the nation’s governors and mayors overstepped Constitutional boundaries will be debated for years. In fact, lawsuits charging unconstitutional restrictions of freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, have already ...

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President Trump announces 3-phase plan to reopen nation

Americans are ready to get their lives back to normal and the White House on Thursday outlined a 3-phase plan to make that happen. The pan will rely on governors to reopen ...

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Hobby Lobby responds to criticism for staying open during coronavirus crisis

The Christian-owned retailer Hobby Lobby is trusting God and taking necessary precautions during the coronavirus pandemic, CEO David Green wrote to the company’s employees. “While we do not know for certain what ...

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While elective surgeries banned, some states still prioritize abortion

A growing number of states have banned elective surgeries in order to focus all resources on fighting the coronavirus. Some abortion providers and states, however, have determined abortion to be an essential ...

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Missouri 23rd, Kansas 37th in rankings of most “sinful” states

Let the state that is without sin cast the first stone. Missouri is the 23rd most sinful state in the nation, according to a WalletHub survey, while Kansas comes in at No. ...

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States vary on respect for dignity of unborn children, Family Research Council finds

pro-life states

Despite high-profile setbacks in New York, Virginia and elsewhere, many states are recognizing the dignity of the unborn, according to a new study by the Family Research Council. “Fortunately, many states have ...

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‘Home Alone’ and ‘Diehard’ compete for most Googled Christmas movies

christmas movies

Forget about Christmas carols, Santa Claus and sleigh rides. When choosing Christmas movies, many Americans prefer to watch a film about a kid defending his home against burglars or a terrorist attack ...

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AOC now says electoral college is racist

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) has been criticized after she called for the elimination of the electoral college while claiming the system is a “scam” that undermines the “voters of color.” The freshman congresswoman made her comments in ...

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Analysis: The debate over Food Stamp reform

Conservatives are applauding the Trump administration for proposing new regulations that would save taxpayers $2.5 billion a year by ending food stamp benefits for an estimated 3 million people, by taking away ...

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Marco Rubio gets Senate to pass bill protecting Israel from boycotts

The United States Senate passed a measure Tuesday that would allow state and local governments to opt out of doing business with companies that advocate for boycotts, sanctions, and divestments (BDS) against Israel. ...

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Undocumented immigrants cost U.S. $113 Billion annually, averaging over 2 billion per state

The cost of illegal immigrants on the U.S. is severe, according to a new report which finds that illegal aliens cost us all $113 billion a year. The Federation for American Immigration ...

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‘Blue wave’ disappears as GOP voters surge

Early voting turnout data from six key battleground states suggest a surge for the Republican party as President Donald Trump ramps up campaign rally appearances across the country ahead of the Nov. ...

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