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Man who slipped abortifacient into girlfriend’s drink is sentenced to 22 years

As NRL News Today reports Manishkumar Patel was convicted of attempted first-degree intentional homicide of an unborn child. His girlfriend, Darshana Patel [no relation], was suspicious and did not drink the smoothie that was ...

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Hurricane Michael to hit Panama City, Destin area

Hurricane Michael is getting read to make history as the first CAT 4 storm in the panhandle of Florida since records began. The monster storm strengthened into a Category 4 storm early ...

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Trump’s personal message to the Kavanaugh daughters

During the Supreme Court swearing in ceremony Monday night in front of a nationwide televised audience, President Trump delivered a special message to Brett Kavanaugh’s daughters. The two girls, who had attended ...

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Limo crash kills 4 sisters, 18 others


A New York family is grieving unbelievable loss. Four sisters from one family, two newlywed couples and two brothers from another family were among the 20 people killed when a limousine taking passengers ...

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Anne Graham Lotz says cancer has spread

Anne Graham Lotz had opened up about complications with her breast cancer that she admits are not what she “prayed for,” and talked about the hardest thing she faces in the fight. ...

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Senators reviewing FBI files. “No Corroboration” of Ford’s claims

Senators are reviewing an FBI report into sexual misconduct allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. First reports from Senators that have looked at it say the FBI has found zero evidence that would ...

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If FBI can’t corroborate allegations, 60% want Kavanaugh confirmed; 69% say proceedings a “national disgrace”

A recent poll found that 60 percent of Americans want nominee Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) if the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) dismisses the sexual misconduct ...

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Congressman: Released transcripts will show no collusion

At a business meeting last Friday, the House intelligence committee voted to release transcripts of 53 interviews conducted as part of the Trump-Russia investigation, after they are reviewed by the intelligence community. ...

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Report of sex crimes prosecutor casts doubts on accuser’s testimony

In our continuing effort to bring you news and information unfiltered by the media, we are providing you with that report and results to Senate Republicans by Sex Crimes Prosecutor Rachel Mitchell. ...

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Senate committee votes to advance Kavanaugh to full Senate

On a partisan 11-10 vote, the Senate Judiciary Committee has voted to support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. All of the committee’s Republicans voted in favor of recommending Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination while ...

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Kavanaugh and Ford testimony grips nation

The nation was riveted by Thursday’s dramatic and historic testimony at a Senate hearing featuring Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christime Ford who accuses him of sexual assault 36 years ago ...

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Mistaken identity? Two men say they assaulted Ford

In a development that is rocking the attorneys representing Christine Ford and her allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh, mistaken identity could now be the culprit. The New York Post is reporting this ...

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‘I was a virgin’ Kavanaugh admission rocks allegations


Two personal admissions are rocking the allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The first broke Monday night as Kavanaugh, who received the highest rating ever for personal character from the American ...

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Judge Kavanaugh’s strongly-worded letter in his own defense

Below is the complete letter of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to Senators Grassley and Feinstein. Metro Voice, in an effort to bring you unfiltered news, makes the letter available in an effort to ...

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Second accuser not sure if Kavanaugh was even at party

With the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh hanging in the balance due to a sexual assault allegation while he was in high school, a second accuser has come out with ...

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Polling as a top concern, border wall finally going up

An extended news story on CBS Sunday Morning outlined the billions of dollars of fentanyl and heroin streaming across the nation’s southern border. So great is the profit to Mexican and other ...

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Pence: ‘America is back and we’re just getting started’

The biggest names both in and out of the administration and conservative politics, attended the Values Voters Summit over the weekend. They each weighed in on everything from the economy to religious ...

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Dems now vow to impeach Kavanaugh if confirmed

Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, has rejected Friday’s deadline and asked for one extra day to decide if she will testify in the Senate. The ...

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Native tribes to get more funding to address public safety


The Trump administration is doubling the funding the U.S. Justice Department gives tribes for public safety programs and crime victims. The effort will to tackle head-0n, the high rates of violence against ...

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Church invites ‘entrepreneurs’ and gets pot brownie sellers


What church doesn’t like a good ole bake sale? Sellers offered assorted baked goods a Georgia church last week — and at least some were intended to leave buyers baked themselves, according ...

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Meteorologists scoff at newspaper’s hurricane claims

A day or so before Hurricane Florence had even made landfall, The Washington Post editorial board took aim at President Donald Trump’s handling of the matter, suggesting he was somehow “complicit” in the ...

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Teens prefer texting vs. talking in person

Text messaging is now the most popular form of communication among teenagers, according to a survey conducted by Common Sense. Teenagers overwhelmingly preferred in-person communication six years ago, with almost 1 in 2 saying ...

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States brace for huge hurricane Florence

As Hurricane Florence approaches the East Coast of the nation it is rapidly getting stronger. Forecaster predictions are dire and the three states in its path are bracing for the worst including ...

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Remarks of President Trump on anniversary of 9-11

Remarks of President Trump on the anniversary of 9-11 given at the Pennsylvania crash sight of Flight 93. In our continuing effort to offer you unfiltered news and information, please see the ...

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Huge Russia probe trial ends in 14-day sentence. No collusion found.

After millions of dollars and a lot of talk on cable news networks, the much ballyhooed trial of George Papadopoulos has come to an end. The result: A two-week prison sentence for ...

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