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Persecuted Church

Prayer network lets you personally connect with African believers under persecution

A new effort connecting American church congregations with African believers in Christ and their churches is underway. Prayer News Network was launched by Douglas Burton and Magna Faith Krimi, both advisory board ...

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How Islamic extremists use social media as a weapon against Christians

The ministry Open Doors USA reports a trend of hackers, working with Islamic extremists, taking over Christian Facebook pages and posting anti-Islamic messages. The fake posts then generate outrage against the Christians ...

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Chinese pastor from North Carolina sentenced to 7 years in Chinese prison

chinese pastor

A Chinese pastor who is a permanent resident of the United States, has received a seven year prison sentence after a ruling for court in China. The American Center for Law and ...

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65 Christian Nigerians slaughtered after funeral


Over 65 Christians returning from a funeral in Nigeria have been slaughtered by Muslim extremists over the weekend. Nigerian state television is reporting it is one of the deadliest attacks on civilians ...

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‘His cemetery was full of victims’: group helps Americans ‘adopt’ Nigerian Christians

Leaders with “Save the Persecuted Christians” are on a mission to help Americans “adopt” persecuted Christians in war-torn Nigeria – by praying for them and bringing awareness to their struggles. STPC is ...

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U.S. to bar entry of Chinese officials involved in persecution

The State Department is planning block Chinese officials from entering the U.S. in an effort to punish the communist regime for persecution of Christians and other religious minorities. U.S. Customs and Immigration ...

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Pregnant mom of two killed by jihadists in Nigeria

A pregnant mother-of-two was among the Christians murdered by Muslim Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria as attacks targeting followers of Christ continue to escalate. Margaret Wakili, a 27-year-old member of the Baptist Church ...

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Christian woman in Syria raped, tortured and killed by jihadists

News has emerged of more violence targeting Christians in Syria after an Armenian Christian woman volunteering there was tortured and repeatedly raped by jihadists before being stoned to death outside of her ...

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In Sri Lanka, Christians told convert or leave

Many Tamil Christians and Hindus in Sri Lanka are being ordered by new Muslim residents to convert to Islam or leave the villages where their families have lived for generations. BarnabasAid reports ...

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Iranian intelligence agents arrest 8 Christians


News has emerged from Iran that Eight Iranian converts to Christianity, including five from one family, were arrested at their homes. The coordinated operation was carried out by Ministry of Intelligence agents ...

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Moving moments as President Trump hears stories of religious persecution

Victims of religious persecution are rarely heard, but Wednesday dozens of them met with the most powerful leader in the world, inside the White House to share their stories. It was an ...

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Syrian Christians plead for protection

President Donald Trump is expected to intercede on behalf of Syrian Christians pleading for protection. The US-backed Syriac Military Council (MFS) is calling on the United States to defend thousands of Christians ...

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Cuba ramps up crackdown on evangelical pastors


Authorities in Cuba on Sunday (July 14) refused to allow the national presidents of two Christian denominations to board their flight to Washington, D.C., for a religious freedom event, sources said, according ...

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Pakistan acquits Christian preacher of blasphemy

A court in Lahore, Pakistan has acquitted a Christian preacher two years after his arrest for alleged desecration of Islam’s holy book, the Quran, and insulting the Prophet Muhammad. Judge Zafar Iqbal ...

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Average of 10 Nigerian Christians killed each day

What’s persecution like in the rest of the world and especially for Nigerian believers? David Curry, CEO of Open Doors USA, wants American Christians to understand their Christian brothers around the globe ...

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Largest gathering ever on religious freedom this week


What is described as history’s largest officially sponsored gathering to support religious liberty will take place in Washington, D.C. next week. The historic “Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom” meeting will be convened ...

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At Asbury Seminary, Nigerian pastor warns against passivity

Pastor Samuel Odubena recently gave a sermon at Asbury Seminary Chapel in which he spoke about how Christians in the West ought to react to persecution. Odubena is an Anglican priest from ...

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National rallies July 10 on behalf of persecuted Christians

A dozen religious freedom rallies are being organized nationwide Wednesday, July 10, to bring awareness to the suffering of persecuted Christians worldwide. The effort is being spearheaded by Save the Persecuted Christians (STPC) ...

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Mind control camps in China exposed by BBC

In a scene reminiscent of a Hollywood movie on mind control, a video has emerged in a disturbing documentary from the BBC revealing re-education camps. The film shows Christians, Muslims and other religious minorities ...

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Egypt legalizes 127 churches in positive move

A sweeping move by Egyptian authorities is being celebrated by religious rights activists. A government committee has approved 127 churches which were previously being run in an illegal capacity under the country’s ...

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Jihadists attack Mali villages killing 100 Christians

As Metro Voice has reported, much of Africa is burning. That is, Christian communities are burning at the hands of Islamic jihadists who have instituted a campaign of genocide against them. News ...

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Nigerian women testify on Facebook Live today about genocide as VP Pence gets involved

Two Nigerian women will become truth-tellers to the world in a live Facebook event Wednesday as they testify to the horrific genocide against Christians in their country. Their testimonies will be Live-streamed ...

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Nigerian Christians fear they will be ‘extinct’ as more villages burn


The Nigerian genocide against Christians continued this week as Fulani Muslim herdsmen burned hundreds of homes. The attack killed 13 people on Monday, including three children, and destroyed four Christian villages in ...

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Nigerian girl refused to renounce Jesus, became slave for life


Until this week, Rebecca Sharibu never set foot outside of her Nigerian village. Helpless and heartbroken, she boarded a plane for the very first time and traveled 9,000 miles to the United ...

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Christian ministry responds to Fulani Muslim violence with a school

Christian villages across Nigeria and other African nations are burning, usually at the hands of Fulani Muslim herdsmen. The conflict between Muslims and Christians is hundreds of years old and a quick ...

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